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in #writing7 years ago

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Valley of Decision

chapter sixteen

At the Franciscan Axle, Rosa, and Angela took their reserved seats without Red, at a great location, beside huge windows, over looking the bay. “He’s a busy man Angie,” not realizing she was speaking from an employee’s perspective at the moment? When she saw Angela looking over at Reds empty chair. “Please, don’t make excuses for him Rosa,” said Angela. “I don’t care if he’s in some kind of jam or war, its of his own making.” I’m pissed off at him regardless. Somethings wrong, I can feel it. I’m really starting to think my father is a strange man?” She added.

“Like what?” asked Axle. “Like him running out of the cottage with a loaded gun, for one!” Then coming back without it, spewing some lame excuse,” replied Angela. Much to loudly and covered her mouth. “All this acting weird crap lately, is getting old, I've seen all before?" He’s not himself, its like he’s some other guy pretending to be Red?”

“Ya, that was really weird,” replied Axle. “I have to admit.”

“He didn’t raise me to be stupid. And taught me to always ask questions, test everything! Added Angela.

“And de offal smell, I still can’t get that outta my mind?” Interjected Rosa.

“Yes Rosa, things like that, are happening much to much lately?” What really gets me is that it was such a special occasion we were celebrating. Stated Angela.

“Si si.”

“I’ve been thinking about mother ever since. She would never call Red on his personal phone? I don’t think she even knows his number anymore either? She always talks only to me, she always has. Yet, he said that she was in a bad mood?” Puzzled Angela. “You know what, I’m gonna call her?”

“Yes, that is very odd, now that you mention it. She’s never called, as long as I can remember? Interjected Rosa. Axle looked up and caught a news helicopter coverage on the big screen. First, he thought it was another car chase. But it was just a parked van on the 101. You could see Detective Swallwell, leaning against the van, at one point. “I recognize that place, that’s up in San Rafael, just up the road,” said Axle, having been through there many times.

The sound was turned down so Axle couldn’t hear what was going on. “Wasn’t that horrible,” said Rosa, it must be what I was hearing about. on the radio getting ready?”

“What’s going on?” asked Axle.

The waitress came, to take drink orders. Axle had to peer around her, to see the screen. “They stopped a van and found dead bodies.” Said Rosa.

They continued talking while giving the waitress their orders. Axle asked the waitress as she was leaving, what was happening on the big screen? She looked over, and shrugged her shoulders, “Don’t know, looks heavy though?” Rosa rolled her eyes, and nodded to Axle, to look at Angela. She was just sitting there staring straight across the huge dining room zombie like.

“Honey, what’s the matter?” asked Axle, worried looking, having never seen her look that way before. He reached over for her hands, but she quickly with drew them.

“Snapping out of it, she said, “Mother has never heard from him ever. And she certainly hasn’t called him in years? There was a long pause.

“He lied to us, you!” Said Rosa, shock written all over her face. “Why lie about something like that? Asked Axle. “Ya why? Something is very wrong?” replied Angela. Tears welling up into her eyes. “What did your mother say about the baby?” Axle asked her. Angela’s eyes opened wide. “I forgot to tell her!” She replied, covering her open and shocked mouth with her hands. Tears came pouring from her eyes, as she stood up and ran for the restrooms. She couldn’t find it right off and stood confused and crying. Before Rosa and Axle could get to her. Causing a bit of a scene?

“Its this way my treasure,” said Rosa, leading her to the bathroom, while consoling Axle at the same time. Whispering for him to wait there, and that they’d be right back.

Axle swung by the bar, after watching them head into the lady’s room, and asked the bartender if he knew anything about the news on highway 101. “Ya, wild uh!” The man replied.

“What happened?” “O sorry Sir, thought you knew? They found three dead dudes rolled up in carpets. Practically by accident! The drivers were arrested for being drunk. They were pulled over for weaving all over the highway. I just heard the latest report, that one was a little guy, you know, a midget.” “Thanks, did they show their faces, asked Axle?” His countenance began to fall.

“No, maybe they were two gruesome looking?”

Axle slowly walked to his table confused. ‘Should I tell them’ he thought?’ Their festive drinks were sitting untouched on the table waiting for them. Almost taunting him. A waitress appeared, as he sat. “Will you be ready to order Sir?” “No.’ replied Axle. The exchanges of voices sounded to him like they were speaking through a long tube. “Is everything all right Sir” she asked?”

Axle sat looking out over all the activities happening in the bay. Toying with his drink. “Can you come back?” he finally asked. After what was to him a long time they reappeared at the table, Angela looked shy, and weakly smiled over at him.

“O darling,” said Axle, “I’m so sorry, but there’s more!” Rosa interjected, having just settled her down. “No, no Senior!”

“I’m sorry Rosa, but I have to say this. Said Axle. “I asked about that news story on earlier, and one of the dead men was a midget. Its not 100% proven yet however.” Added Axle trying to leave some room for hope,” There was a moment of silence, then one of denial. Then Angela stood and left the restaurant. Rosa and Axle just looked at each other. Then Rosa whispered, “you think?”

Then stood and ran after Angela. Axle waved over the waitress and told her that there has been some sad family news and they needed to go. And that he’d like the bill.

“That’s fine sir, we were informed that the meal and drinks were all paid for.” “They were?” Then he remembered who Angela’s father was. “I hope everything’s is fine, have a good day Sir?”

It took him a while to find them huddled together on a city bench, deep in conversation. As he walked up to them, Angela screamed at him. Don’t look at me I’m so embarrassed! I’m so disgusting looking! How repulsed you must be of me, and my sick family.”

Axle stood, looking like a scolded puppy. Not knowing what to say or do, that would console her. But there was nothing that could be said at that moment? Rosa reached out for his hand and pulled him toward them, then removed her self form Angels clutching embraces. And directed him in to replace her. They just sat there for almost half an hour, with her crying into his shoulder. And Rosa sitting at the far end of the beach ringing her hands.

When he felt her tiring, he reached under and softly lifted her chin. She jerked away and buried her face. Axle was new at this, and had no idea what to do? He lifted her chin a little firmer, and she lifted her face to his. He was shocked to see her face, it was a major disaster! Almost divorce level disaster. She didn’t care anymore under the circumstances. He tried to hold a natural normal expression, but he guessed that he was doing a poor job of it? Because she turned from him and dug around in her bag. Rosa leaned in a handed her a tissue.

“He killed sweet little Mickey and those men, with that gun! He’s a pig! I hate him! She yelled, still digging around in her purse. “I hate, I hate, the disgusting pig! What kind of animal does those things? I’ve been living a rotten lie all my life!”

“Ya, it doesn’t look good, I agree. But maybe it’s all a big coincidence, and were all making a big deal of it?

“Seriously. You actually believe that?” She snapped angrily at him. Still avoiding any eye contact.

Rosa waited for a couple to pass by. “But all those smells, and the gun Senior.” She whispered. Now remembering the horrible experience and started to cry herself. “And we were right there,” added Rosa. Now full out crying.

Axle remembered all the guards disappearing, then suddenly back again at their posts? “Yes, it looks terrible for Red.” He said out loud. Now with two crying women on his hands. People walking by staring at them.

“Him driving…he hasn’t driven himself in years, that’s another weird thing,” added Angela! Red-eyed and balling. “And lying to us about mother? She added, coughing into her hanky.

“Nobody was there either, that’s what I found strange, beside the smells. People were there, then suddenly nobody? Added Rosa.

“He must have run up there with that horrible gun, and murdered them, and had his thugs try to clean up?” said Angela settling into some strange shock. “And all the while we were happily drinking and toasting the new baby? Suddenly a strange darkness fell over her. She looked up with a dark stoned heart and said. “He’ll never see the child! I’ll make dam sure of that!”

‘That’s harsh, thought Axle.’

“What are we going to do now?” Asked Axle. Should we call the cops, or something? “At the very least Red should be allowed to be scratched off any list of police suspects. He deserves that at least?”

“Listen to yourself, fuck Axle! He’s a crime boss, let’s not pretend he’s simply a businessman anymore? If he were a normal father I'd agree! He has to have killed somebody, or ordered it, over the years?” I’ve wondered about it all my life,” she said. “But I could never resolve it in my mind. Until now!”

“Well. I’m going to the hotel and confront him now! PIG!” Yelled Angela. Pulling out her phone.

“No, no, sweetie, Yes he’s your father, and he’s in a very bad spot right now. You never know what people in that frame of mind will do?” Yelled Rosa, stopping her from getting up. “This is probably the worse time to start discussing family matters, and pointing fingers?” Added Rosa.

“Then what?” She asked.

“Let’s wait and see,” Said Axle. Not knowing what else to do? He pretty much knew now that Red had played a major roll in this terrible business. And if it were up to him, he’d call the cops. “Can you pretend Angela; can you do that without attacking him?” Asked Axle. “Listen, why don’t you two go shopping, and I’ll wonder around and try to figure something out? Continued Axle. “That way we can chill out, and air out our brains. Yes?”

“I think he’s right, just for now? We do need to sort out our thoughts?” Added Rosa.

“What if he phones, or if we run into him?” Asked Angela.

“He’s going to phone, he’s still your father. He doesn’t know we suspect anything? Just try to act normal?” Reassured Axle. “If he does, call me! We’ll think of something?” He added as they parted. Axle tried to kiss her but she was having none of it. “He won’t be fooled,” replied Angela over her shoulder! 'You don't know him. He's suspisios of everything, any deviation from the norm?

Axle felt attracted to the waterfront area and checked his phone for somewhere nearby to go. He tried to hate and fear Red but couldn’t. The man had always been a gentleman to him, Yes, he was annoyed over his, and Angela’s deception in Seattle, with Draino, and the bikes. “Draino!” said Axle out loud, ‘he must be dead too’? Axle added Draino to his list of worries.

He decided to walk the pier, he needed to think. He eventually found the Crab House and walked up the stairs and asked for a table for one, with perhaps two more joining him later? He was directed to the bar if he didn’t mind waiting.

He ordered a Stella Artois and nursed his beer until a table opened. A cute middle aged woman in a bad blond wig, a few seats away began small talk with him. A table opened in a corner window, and his waitress carried his drink over for him.

The women’s eyes followed him from the bar to his table. “I guess I’d be remiss not to order the Crab?” He said to his server.

“I believe you'd be arrested if you didn’t? she replied laughing.

“She offed their special and left him to decide. His phoned rang and it was Rosa.

“Where are you she asked?”

“Is every thing alright Rosa?” Asked Axle.

“No Senior! We are at the hospital. I think Angela is having a nervous break down. I’m so worried for her and the baby Senior.”
“Where Rosa, what hospital?” Axle could here muffled sounds, then Rosa came back on. St. Francis, Hyde and Pine.

“Let me talk to her Rosa!”

“I can’t, they took her away?”

“OK I’ll be there shortly.” Said Axle, waving madly to get someone’s attention.

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