Christmas/Holiday Writing Contest - 10 Steem Dollars Plus 100% Post Steem/Steem Dollars

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

Ho Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum!

Merry Christmas, plus assorted other holiday greetings ;>

This contest is open to any holiday themed writing you care to share: you can write fiction, long or short, cookie recipes, or the perfect guide to wrapping presents. It's up to you! It does not have to be Christmas related, but must be related to the holiday season!

Post your entry here in the comments. Entries are ONLY the first order of comment, so make SURE you are replying to the main post, and not to someone else's comment to be considered!

Contest Rules

  • Prize- Ten Steem Dollars, plus 100% of the Steem and/or Steem Dollars generated (I will retain Steem Power)
  • Winner - Get the most votes on your comment. He who writes with the most votes wins!
  • Contest ends December 20, at 3PM CST
  • Ties will share the prize
  • All entries are valid regardless of Steem Rep
  • One entry only, please! [Edit 12/14]
  • You may write the story on your own blog, and link to it from here; I suggest that you ALSO post the story here as well as I think you'd get more votes!
  • If you do not see a reply from me as "entered" to your submission, bug me until you do ;>

The Nice List (Not required to win)

  • Resteem the contest so that others can compete
  • Read other folks' submissions
  • Tell other contestants how great their entry was
  • Early entries have a better shot at earning votes than late ones do
  • Don't forget to vote for yourself!

The Naughty List

  • You should already know how to behave here on Steemit. You want a lump of coal, or 10 Steem Bucks? Behave ;>

Enjoy The Contest!


This is a great contest thanks for doing it ! I did a blog recently on this !
Ok I would like to submit for my entry : My Special yet easy ☕

Image credit

☕🍵 In a pot add :

4 Tbsp. Of your favorite cocoa
1/3 Cup hot water
1/3 Cup white sugar
🍵mix and cook till boiling . Once boiled cook on low for a minute or 2 .

🍵Now Add :
4 Cups of milk . And continue cooking on low till hot again.

🍵 Remove from heat and add 1 or 3 York Peppermint Patty , or 1or 3 After 8 chocolate mint ! Or 2 tsp of crushed up candy canes ! And stir ! Of course you can add , at this point any kind of flavoring you want ! even Orange flavoring would be good ! You can also top it off with marshmellows or Whipped Cream ! AND ENJOY ! From my home to yours ! Happy Holidays ! Hope you try my recipe ! Mmmm, Delicous !

I want to come over to your house it looks absolutely delicious!

Jeff, you have some Christmas elf stories up, did you want to enter some of that?

I just added the first part and it has the lengths to the other six chapters Thanks!

Hahaha! Thanks , I love Hot Cocoa and so does Santa ! Merry Christmas! And keep steeming on ! 👍🎄☃

I love throwing milky ways into my hot cocoa, but I won't turn down a Peppermint Patty in it! That sounds delicious.

Mmmmm! Thanks , milky ways also sound delicous , haha😂Anything goes ! Lol ! 🍵☕

Nice recipe.....I wish MY presentation looked like that!! But no, mine usually has chocolate dribbles down the sides and more than likely the whipped cream has shifted....not to ruin your lovely entry :) lol...just sayin' - which is why I don't enter these things. I just like to comment and make funnies.

Yes the photo itself was obviouly made in a photo shoot to perfection , lol ! But the recipe is all mine and delicious ! And it also never looks that awesome ! Haha ! Enjoy and happy holidays! 👍😉🎄

Thanks Karen, you too!


Santa is very happy with this! Even after his teeth rot out, ;>

Haha! Poor Santa ! Dentures will keep him smileing ! Lol ! 🎄☃🎄🎋

true enough...he probably already has dentures after all those cookies!

Haha! 😂 No doubt ! 🎄👍🎄


Hi, Michelle!,

Just stopping by to say Thank You! for a remarkably entertaining story...

I have to say that I began reading it out of "duty" as a "good contest entrant," but I was not very far in when your story grabbed me. I then simply devoured it the rest of the way to the end.

Well done!😄😇😄


Well thank you very much!

You've guilted me, somewhat. I'm supposed to be cleaning my house in time for Christmas, but I now have to go and read all the other entries to the competition ;)

Any excuse ;)

Glad to be of service, friend! ;)

After all, what's more important in the grand scheme of things?😇😄😇

Quite right too!

Duty done and bathroom almost clean :)

I had pretty much the same reaction when I started into the story.
I think she lost votes, though, because of Steemit's posting nature; I will address that in the next contest.


Readers, vote on her comment with the pic above to register your vote for Michelle's entry!

Still readin, Michelle...I'll say something about the story when I'm done ;)


Great story! At first I liked the mixing in of the poem with her thoughts, but you promised a twist and delivered on it!

Had I ever had kids, I was going to help them fight monsters under the bed by giving them a "magic sword" ( a toy sword) that would kill monsters; giving them a tool to add to their bravery. This story put that into my head.

Well done

Thanks Steve :)

I'm glad you like the story, it's one of my favourites :)

My kids always liked me sing 'When A Knight Won His Spurs' at bedtime.

When a knight won his spurs, in the stories of old,
He was gentle and brave, he was gallant and bold
With a shield on his arm and a lance in his hand,
For God and for valour he rode through the land.

No charger have I, and no sword by my side,
Yet still to adventure and battle I ride,
Though back into storyland giants have fled,
And the knights are no more and the dragons are dead.

Let faith be my shield and let joy be my steed
'Gainst the dragons of anger, the ogres of greed;
And let me set free with the sword of my youth,
From the castle of darkness, the power of the truth.

That's the one!
Our granddaughter loves the song now, too :)


Snow-Storm + My Painting

White powder dust slowly sifts to the ground covering the dirty concrete with a thick crust of lemon gelato ice cream. Cool and tart to the taste, refreshing on a hot summer day.
On a Toronto December afternoon, the image only makes me shiver and screw up my face with its sourness.
From my choice window seat in Starbucks, holding a blank notebook on my lap, I see a parade of once-human bundles of clothing slowly weaving their way through mounds of snow, freshly laid out on sidewalks and street. A few brave cars inch their way from west to east along Queen Street. A dog leaps in and out of the snow banks created by industrious shovels, and when he returns, a trickle of yellow forms grooves in the clean gelato.
Aretha Franklin’s rich, mellow voice croons from the speakers, as I sip my frothy latte and wonder why it is such hard work to think about plots and dialogue. Inertia grabs at my brain whenever I attempt to proceed from casual, detached observer to writer-creator. The only snippet of human life to emerge is just what is in front of my eyes; my mind remains a perfect blank. I wonder if perhaps, the fault lies in my own life, which is more observation than truly living.
The sky turns to a silvery gray and soon will again change colour to indigo, then, finally black. Cursed with being a painter, my world instead of being a moving film, consists of a sequence of still visuals.
I avoid drama and dialogue as I bump up against other life forms in my daily encounters. The sight of landscape and animals arouses my passion more then people.
I remember as a young, teenager, being passionately interested by people, observing them intently to guess their personalities, professions, and raison d’etre.
When did this change? Now, I simply don’t want to know, lower my eyes and hide. My favourite hiding place is my studio, a truly sacred space, where I feel at home communing with forces in charge of colour, canvas and secrets yet unborn.
Am I lonely? No! Oddly, practically, never…
The stories buried in my gut, dying to emerge, won’t dance across a blank page guided by my pen. They can only be told with pictures. Poised with a brush and canvas, they hurry to unfold. Fickle, the paintings tell a different story to each viewer who happens upon it. One person exclaims..”That picture is so "sad”, whereas another is delighted by its farcical expression.


Interesting imagery. I do get a tinge of "loneliness" in the work, but a little more feeling of "observation"

Once in the new year
I dressed up as a bunny.
But some psycho
Jabbed a finger in my eye.)))

If you wake up at night,
In order to have a drink,
And herringbone stumbled,
Under that someone is sleeping.

If the next table covered:
Meat, fish, cake and wine.
Basin with Olivier covered -
Someone ate it long ago.

There champagne help
But no tea or water.
Continue to have fun,
Happy New Year, ladies and gentlemen.


a wee strange, but entered ;)

If you wake up at night,
In order to have a drink,
And herringbone stumbled,
Under that someone is sleeping.

If the next table covered:
Meat, fish, cake and wine.
Basin with Olivier covered -
Someone ate it long ago.

There champagne help
But no tea or water.
Continue to have fun,
Happy New Year, ladies and gentlemen.

great idea
love seeing the growing contests on steemit!

I thought I'd take another shot. I ran a few for Halloween that didn't really catch on, so I'm hoping for more participation this go around!