Tips That Will Help You Escape Writers Trap

in #writing6 years ago (edited)

The writing task is a lot complicated than you think. So, check this article as I give you the tips in escaping writer's trap and ditch the unreliable paraphrasing help. Read this today!

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A writer’s trap is one of the impediments faced by a writer aside from the demands of having excellent time management, research skills and among other things. Have you ever experienced being trapped from the same style, flow and genre that you seemed not to move forward to completing your work? Well, that is how paraphrasing comes in the picture as it is the best way for you to get away from these traps and for the successful completion of your paper.

There are a number of traps that a writer may face. However, through the hundreds or thousands of rewording website and agencies, overcoming these traps have become doable and a lot easier. In addition, through this article, I will be providing you with the best tips for you to avoid these traps.

Unfortunately, if you are looking for the best paraphrase tool or paraphraser online, this is not the article for you as I will give you the best tips which you can do to improve your writing and avoid the most common writer’s trap. This is not your usual spoonfeed article as I will encourage you to improve yourself instead of relying on online paraphrase tools.

Read on as I give you the most detailed information which you will find most useful as you continue your venture in this field.

Online Paraphrase Tools vs Manual Paraphrasing

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Up until the recent time, a lot of writers and scholars are still in conflict when it comes to choosing the better one between automatic and online paraphrase tools and manual paraphrasing. Of course, the new writers prefer the easier way which does not require them to spend another sleepless nights.

Online paraphrase tools are convenient, accessible and easy. However, with all the glorious things that online paraphrase devices can offer, I still recommend that you manually check your work and paraphrase when needed. You can still use the modern way of checking your work but only after careful manual scrutiny.

You have to remember that the style, format and even the identification of each words are programmed in such a way that although you have provided the wrong word, the system will still accept them as they are valid words regardless of the error in grammar and usage. Thus, it is a lot safer to use your own ability in checking to ensure accuracy and excellence to your readers.

Escape Writer’s Trap Without the Aid of Rewording Website Online

First of all, it is very vital that you distinguished all the writers traps for you to know which one you are experiencing and for you to know how to resolve them. So, I will be discussing in this article the different types of writers trap and the tips to avoid them.

They are as follows:

The Perfect Trap

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We often think of ourselves as capable of doing just about everything in the writing field. Well, if you think that writing is as easy as sitting on a chair the whole day, you are wrong. There are a lot of things which you need to remember and learn. In addition, no matter how much effort you put in it, your first few works will not be your best output.

You have to forgive yourself for a couple of flops and rejected drafts. There are only few of those who succeeded in their first try. Let go of the need to be perfect and setting expectation of yourself that are too high to achieve especially when you are still beginning. Allow yourself to make few mistakes and experience failure.

There might be a big difference between submittable and publishable. However, it is best that you allow yourself to improve by determining your current state and use it as your inspiration not to stay at the same place. Challenge yourself. Ask for help. You have to remember that you are not alone. There are a number of editors who can help you polish your ideas.

The Endless Revision Trap

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It is always good to listen to other writers’ feedback and suggestion but if you allow such dictation to delay your progress, you might need to drop them and go on with your revision skills and rely on your instincts.

You have to remember that you cannot please everyone. Thus, if a colleague criticize your writing, respect their opinion but also allow yourself to be respected by them. Never go in circles waiting for a hero to scream “perfect” at your written works because it is impossible to happen and only delays your entire career.

New Ideas, Better Ideas and Awesome Ideas Trap

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You cannot submit your work since you want to be the first one to try the latest ideas. This is also considered one of the notorious traps that a writer may face. You will have a hard time moving forward as you are too focused waiting for new ideas to write about.

This is considered one of the many reasons why you are still not able to publish your artwork. When this happens, you have to remember that other readers and even your co-writers will not be able to gauge your capability if you do not publish your work.

The Fear Trap

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There are times when we do not want to hear a rejection response or anything that means failure. Thus, we have not submitted or published yet the finished article because we do not want to be turned down by our editors or publishing company or we are too afraid that no one will read them.

There are lot of ways for you to overcome your fear of failure and rejection.It may be a case to case basis but it will still help knowing yourself and what you are capable of doing.

The four kinds of traps mentioned above are only four of the many. I have only highlighted these four as they are the most common and very relatable for everyone.

Best Tips Over Best Paraphrase Tool

I have already highlighted earlier that this is not the article for you if you want to read about recommendations and suggestions to find the best paraphrasing tools. What I want to share here is the best tips for you to develop proper mindset in becoming an effective writer.

Check the following discussion as I bring you these juicy details.

Be a Wide-Reader

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This is one of the most important tips which a writer should know prior to establishing a writing career. A lot of us write because we think we have the talent and skills or we are inspired by a book which we have read in the past. Regardless of your reasons in writing, you should know that learning is an essential process in writing.

The only way which you can hone and grow your skills even more is by constant reading. Once you have developed this skill, you will be able to write just about everything. In fact, well-read writers are found out to be very effective writers as they are able to develop different styles of writing from various writers.

Aside from learning new ideas from these writers, you will also develop techniques in writing, word and sentence structure and even proper grammar as well as a wide range of vocabulary. Also, when you are confident with your work as you have exerted effort in researching and reading about your topic, you will no longer have to fear rejections and failures.

Again, do best with the things which you can control such as giving time for reading,researching and among others. Once you did your best, there is nothing to worry about. If you fail, then you might need to adjust your actions and or your goal.

Go Back to Your Goals and Objectives in Writing

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If you find yourself lost and not sure how to continue your writing, go back to the main reason why you have started writing in the first place. This will help you find the motivation that you need for you to continue writing and will let you find deeper reasons that will guide and encourage you to writer better output.

Recheck your objectives in writing the specific topic and evaluate your output if it is still in line with such objectives. Revise when needed and never stop verifying all the details if your objectives and your written text are still on the same page.

Writing is such a demanding task. It does not only require you to research and write properly but it also allows you to be aware of yourself and your inner desires when it comes to completing your tasks. So, it is best that you treat your writing objectives and purpose as your guiding compass throughout your entire writing task as it will keep you moving and will remind you that you have goals to achieve and whatever hitches you may face, you have to overcome them with ease.

Rest if You Must But Never Quit

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It has already been established earlier that writing is such an exhausting task, it is discouraging at times and most of all time-consuming. Thus, it is important to remind yourself to take the writing task easily. Never force yourself to finish a project quickly as your mind and body needs time.

Allow yourself to bring all its capabilities whenever it is ready. You have to keep in mind that a forced mind and body will only deliver a forced and half-hearted effort and eventually result to low quality output. At the end of the day, it will still be your work which will suffer from such rush.

If it comes to the time when your mind does not produce any impressive output, take a rest from writing. Take a time off away from any writing task. If you need a day at the spa or at the beach, allow yourself to enjoy. Your mind and body needs to feel that they are valued. So, treat them with a day off. With this, they will be more recharged once they come back to the loads of tasks awaiting for them.

Give them time to realize that they need to work hard to be able to play harder. With this being said, they will be more motivated in doing challenging tasks as they know that wonderful surprises is ahead of them.

Change Your Environment

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Most of the time, writers need to change their environment for them to continue writing. This is something that I recommend for you to do as it is one of the most strategic way you can do to overcome any type of writer’s trap. Changing your environment is very essential when writing as your writing ability and the quality of your written text will be greatly affected by your mood and your environment.

So, when you feel like you are stuck in one part of your work, try to change your environment. Look for a place that will allow you to relax and find new inspiration.

Find Inspiration

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Aside from changing your environment, it is important that you stay inspired and motivated while writing. So, for you to overcome any trap in writing, allow yourself to be always in the mood to write. Prepare your favorite coffee or chocolate bar, get your favorite ice cream flavor, listen to music or any other activities that will feed your soul with happiness.

What you are going through and feeling deep within will come out in your work. So, make sure that these are only the good things. A lot of experts even recommend to take a walk or display your favorite photo near your workplace. Do anything that will keep you inspired and happy writing.

The abovementioned tips are the most effective ways to overcome the traps in writing which makes the task challenging. I hope that these tips will favor you in the most unfavorable stage of your career. Apply all these tips and you will never going to fail in your writing venture.

Parting Thoughts

You will no longer need paraphrasing help as the tips I have shared in this article are guaranteed to help you ditch any kind of writer trap. All you have to do is to find the guts to apply all these tips and make sure that you take the actions indicated in this article. Never allow these tips to be just a passing learning experience for you.

Grab the chance to impress your editors and readers by producing excellent and speedy works. Forget your usual paraphrasing help agency, have a little faith in yourself by doing all the tasks without relying on other people’s help.

About the Author

If you want to know how Steemit influenced my life,you may check my previous post here.

You can also check this post including this link for more Steemit tips.I write fiction stories and poems too! I would really appreciate it if you would check them out.

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Oh, by the way, penny for my thoughts?

I am so busy these days but well... Steemit is life!

Enjoy the rest of your day. Thank you for reading!



Honesty, I even feel writers' trap when making comments! Lol!
It is quite difficult to write. I feel it all the time when I'm done making a comic and I'm doing the accompanying write up. Sometimes it's the reason why I couldn't put up a comic fast. You know how it is with steemit. You can't just put up an image and place a title and tags (well technically you could, but it doesn't usually go well). People want to see the story behind it.
The most difficult part is getting it started. But once you do, it just flows!

Thanks for sharing Val!

Goreeeeeeooo! Na miss kitaaa!!! Salamat po!

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