Coffee or Tea?

in #writing7 years ago

Or does it matter?!!!?!!!?!!!

Tell me in the comments below.

Just kidding.

In it’s concentrated, natural form, caffeine one of the most powerful and addictive substances on earth. Of all the chemicals and compounds we put in our bodies, both natural and synthetic, nothing is more widely used and more dutifully respected than caffeine. We literally dilute it in water and consume it at a ratio of 2500:1 (95mg of caffeine in an 8 fl oz cup of coffee.) But there are so many ways to do it that there is still conflict. Some cultures swear by the healing and restorative effects of drying the leaves and brewing them in hot water. Others, believe the best way to consume it is by roasting and grinding the beans that contain it, and then dripping hot water through them.

But who’s right? And also, if it’s so widely loved, why, instead of creating meth and distributing that to destabilize the inner cities, did they not just distribute vials of pure caffeine powder?

And do you use milk and sugar or drink it black?

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Well done .. beautiful
Hard question Haha, I think it's just important to wake up
Thanks for sharing

Tea in my book! Coffee make yo breath stank, except coffee ice cream and tiramisu.

I only prefer tea especially one that comes from India in a place called Darjeeling

I love the movie Darjeeling Limited so much that I assume the tea from the namesake place must be just as glorious : )

I love Matcha green tea

Una buena taza de café en la mañana, y Un buen te verde o Negro para después del almuerzo, eso son mis vicios diarios.
Asi que prefiero las dos opciones

A good cup of coffee in the morning, and A good green or black tea for after lunch, that's my vices.
So I prefer the two options

Coffee in the morning with cream. Tea in the evening with my iPad. Both are equally wonderful.

Interesting fun fact: Coffee is not only addicting because of the caffeine, but it is the only thing on earth that resembles the most essential food on earth, breast milk! No joke, it's fat to sugar ratio is almost as perfect as human breast milk. So there is something that happens in the brain that remembers that exact ratio! Add in the caffeine and it's almost irresistible. Great post Cheers! ☕

I like the sounds of this but it doesn't seem accurate. The fat content of breast milk is quite high. Unless a lot of creamer is added, coffee doesn't contain fat.

My mistake, you are right. I saw a Netflix special called Food the Delicious science where it talks about the cocoa bean and how chocolate most resembles the ratio to breast milk, not so much coffee, but it can get close to that ratio with added fats so you are absolutely correct.

I would have both if i can haha.

Я стараюсь пить кофе только по утрам, а в остальное время принимаю ароматный чай.images_7663.jpg

Well, I love them both, but I've learned that I have to drink my Coffee in the mornings and tea in the afternoon.

More than 1 cup of each.

Sugar? depends of the mood of the day, but mostly no sugar ( the eternal dilemma of women) you die for a little bit of sugar but try not to eat it.