Save the Trees!

in #writing7 years ago

Deforestation is an objectively bad thing. Trees are the planet’s filtration system, so the more the better. We need forests in order to stay alive. Of course, we need other things trees provide as well, so some deforestation is necessary. As a result, a delicate balance must be struck in order to preserve our forests while reaping all the treasures they have to offer.


Illegal deforestation disrupts that balance, up to 150,000 square kilometers per year, or roughly the size of the state of Louisiana. Nearly 90 percent of tropical deforestation is illegal. Something must be done!

Google to the rescue.

Using solar powered smartphones equipped with Google’s AI framework TensorFlow, forest rangers and law enforcement can listen to the sounds of the forest and filter out suspicious noises.

Think of the faces as sounds…

These devices, called “Guardians”, are left in remote areas of large forests, and can detect sounds caused by man-made activities, things like chainsaws cutting through dense tree trunks or large logging trucks rumbling over dirt roads, for example. A warning signal with the precise location of the offending sounds are then sent to the relevant agencies.

More like “Smokey the Badass”

TensorFlow technology is provided for free, but works best on Google’s own cloud platform (always a catch).

I imagine there are other uses for such technology, home security perhaps being the most obvious. There are of course other darker purposes one could devise. Less “Guardian” than “Eavesdropper”.

But who needs such worries in such paranoid times? For now, let us enjoy the fact that the good people at Google might be helping us breathe for a little longer.

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Well done this information .. We need a serious solution
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

Great news. Thank you for the info. We need more solutions like this. Hope someone comes up with a similar solution to garbage dumping.
Resteemed because I feel the word needs to seriously get around.

200 years ago maybe a technology like this would be useless and of no use but now this technology makes perfect sense because deforestation will probably be reduced by the quick response of the people involve

That's true and morral is also best just need to understand

Forests is our lungs ... The destruction of the forests means also the destruction of our lungs ...
Unfortunately, in many countries --including Indonesia -- deforestation or illegal-logging is still difficult to eradicate....

Anyway, thanks for sharing...😍

Even if we have the best technology, people will still find a way to do what they have in mind. At least the trees can be safe for the now with that technology, until people will realize what they are doing wrong.
Maybe we should reduce the usage of toilet papers and other things that are made of trees. There are always other alternatives. We need to be aware of the problems we are causing to our planet, before it is too late.

Excellent written congratulations is a great job greetings