in #writing6 years ago (edited)


The Dictator

Episode 2: FREEDOM

I felt a chill down my spine as i could feel my heart seriously palipating against my ribs. I tuned my ears like a fox to the distant noise of the radio set blarring inaudibly at first. With much attentiveness and focus i began to decipher some words..#radio theme music playing #

It is with great dissatisfaction to some and joy to many that i announce to all the assassination of General Yakounde Lawansisi also known as The Dictator. His elder brother, the minister for oil and natural resources has long absconded and is still at large. Meanwhile members of the royal family have been arrested and placed within the palace with restrictions to the outside world. Till a time the Supreme Military Council engages in a successful transition of government, then will they be brought forward for trial. All serving military officers who were improperly detained or imprisoned are by this decree to be released and reinstated to their previous stations. The sea ports are to be opened by this decree and immediate trading commences. The Supreme Military Council pledges to surrender power to a duly elected government and hand over also all statements of account and corresponding funds. We do not want war or bloodshed. Let peace reign!!! .radio theme music playing #

I clearly understood now the general's excitement. Finally, the thought of freedom filled my lungs like air. It was a week later i saw heavily armoured vehicles drive through the prison gates while we laboured  hard cutting grass.

I finally got the chance to see the general in broad day light with his plump body bubbling under a starched shirt and neatly pressed khaki trousers. His light skin showed no evidence of torture. He received salutes from his soldiers who had highlighted from the vehicles and lined up neatly to the jeep that was to transport him. He didn't so happy to me for some one who was leaving hell to heaven but who cares. I dropped my cutlass and ran to edge of the field to get a better view of the spectacle.

I was still in awe when i felt a gentle tap on my shoulder and almost screamed out of fright when i turned to see a soldier behind me. He noticed my reaction and quickly smiled sheepishly letting go of his rifle butt as if to signify that he meant no harm. Oga say make you comes .. He managed to say while pointing at an open vehicle door. I could clearly see the general beckoning at me to come. 

Wait! Just hang on for a second here..I hope I'm not dreaming.. O hunger! Look what you've done..Now i can't tell a hallucination from reality..

The convoy had not moved. I had no more time to think as I walked briskly towards the vehicle. How did he know me? Am i going to be killed? I pondered as approached the door. It was to late to run. Here i stood inches away from the car, the general clearly visible and looking at me like a cat starring at juicy mouse. 

My able journalist!!  You no remember me ? Hop in lets get out of this place first.. he said and that was it. I jumped in before i had time to reason if it was a trap. My body yearned for freedom more than my rational thinking bartered by captivity. The voice sounded familiar but i couldn't recognize the general even from a close view.

We sped past the gates at top speed as i slowly drifted into sleep. The  car was chilly as the air compressors pumped in cool air. I looked through the tinted glass to see if i could recognize any building or street. Freedom came when i least expected. But could i say that i was free? In a car  beside a general with a convoy of armoured vehicles filled with soldiers driving to an unknown destination? be continued


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Till a time the Supreme Military Council engages in a succesful transition of government, then will they be brought forward for trial.
It should be successful instead of succesful.

When is the next part coming out

When is the next part coming out, very interesting

Soon @atikajayboy....#fingers crossed