When is the background touched with addictions? Part II
Can addictions be reversed?
An addiction is a physical and psycho-emotional illness, which is related to the dependence of a substance, activity or codependent relationship. The search for well-being through stimuli or substances is a pathology that affects people by modifying their behavior. So much so that if you do not get the stimulus to which you are addicted, you may suffer from the withdrawal syndrome, which also includes difficulties in socializing. There are different addictions ... Do you have any? And, yes, it's like that ... do you know the causes?
What causes addictions?
There are several factors that can be the cause of any of the aforementioned addictions. Among them, genetics, the environment, health, mental or emotional problems.
In the case of genetics, although it is not possible to be addicted to a substance for genetic reasons, it is possible that a person has a greater chance of becoming addicted, with respect to another, according to his hereditary burden.
When a person is in contact with some of the addictions in the social environment where they operate, for example, a child who is surrounded by relatives who play online all day, may have a greater chance of developing addiction to this type of game.

Diseases that involve negative emotions, such as depression, influence behavior and the person seeks a stimulus that makes him feel better, becoming addicted to those emotions. It can also be the case of having problems or insomnia and that the doctor prescribes sleeping pills or anxiolytics. Over time, the person can develop dependence on it to be able to fall asleep.

In the same way, there is the addiction to chemical substances that is a type of addiction referred to the consumption of substances or compounds that provide satisfaction or well-being. The person who consumes substances receives a reward due to the chemical change that is generated in his brain. The problem is that this organ produces them and the stimulus alters it and begins to stop producing them.

But, when the individual stops consuming, they feel as a consequence different types of symptoms associated with the withdrawal syndrome.Among the types of chemical addiction, we can find legal and quite common products in society, such as alcohol, caffeine and nicotine; While it also includes a large amount of illegal drugs, such as marijuana, cocaine, opiates, among others.
Alcohol addiction

Alcohol is a beverage with a wide variety of uses. However, when used socially to interact with other people, it increases the likelihood of causing addiction since, practically from an early age, young people begin to use it. People addicted to alcohol usually consume it every day, as a way to feel good and avoid the problems that surround them. The problem, as with most substance addictions, is that more and more people need to ingest larger amounts to achieve the desired effect. This, in turn, will trigger serious consequences for health: liver or kidney disease and socially: violence, traffic accidents, family stress.
Caffeine addiction

Not all people know that this type of addiction exists as such .. But if you need to drink coffee when you get up, because otherwise you will have a bad day, then you should consider that it may not be just a routine. This addiction is usually present when two or three cups of coffee are consumed daily, which makes it one of the mild types of addiction. This addiction does not cause so many health or economic problems, the symptoms of abstinence are mild and socially there are no problems. However, if the consumption exceeds five daily cups, it is possible that more serious symptoms appear.
Nicotine addiction

Psychotropic drug addiction

Most of these drugs are considered illegal in most countries of the world. Among this group we can find marijuana, cocaine, heroin and opiates in general, methamphetamine, methadone, ketamine, steroids, medicines with recipes and without it, like some syrups.
This type of drug has much more serious addictions and each of them has its own symptoms and consequences. Being some milder as marijuana and others more serious as heroin.
Addiction to certain behaviors
This type of addiction occurs when one becomes addicted to some type of behavior that generates a feeling of well-being and, in spite of not using any substance, can present withdrawal symptoms very similar to those that use drugs. Among the most common are addiction to gambling, addiction to food, work, exercise, video games and shopping. However, there are so many addictions of this type that it would be difficult to name them all, but we will try to touch the most common ones.
Video game addiction

The technological advance has caused that more and more children have access to devices to play. These spend much of their childhood playing and often neglecting the tasks of school, socialization and outdoor play. Similarly, there are young people and adults who play a large part of the day, forgetting to live reality and face problems, becoming quite serious cases, where they are isolated and only spend the day playing video games. Affected people can even forget to eat, their hygiene and "live" reality with all their commitments.
Gambling addiction

The addiction to gambling has been around for quite some time and is a problem that has been addressed on many occasions. However, there are countries with quite alarming figures. People with this type of addiction have as their main problem the economic situation; since in most cases they lose the money they earn working, which causes them to sell their personal belongings, goods and ask for loans to continue playing.
Food addiction

Although the types of addiction have similar consequences, each one can have a factor that is more affected. In this case, it is about health, since food addicts suffer from diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Food addiction occurs when a person takes refuge in food to feel good. Affected people eat anything in their way, usually junk food and treats.
Shopping addiction

Also known as "compulsive buyers", the economic consequences are less or more serious depending on what the person buys, how he handles his money and how much he earns monthly. Therefore, there are those who can buy what they want and others that the small money they have spend it. However, most tend to present economic problems as the addiction progresses; since the person can not control the impulse to buy.
Work addiction

Addiction to new technologies

This is one of the types of addiction that has had a great growth in recent years, obviously due to technological advances. Among the addictions to new technologies we can find social networks, mobile phones and the internet, in general.
Social networks addiction

With this I identify myself, I am afraid of developing addiction to Steemit ... Have you not discovered thinking, acting and living for your creations and contacts with other Steemians?
This addiction refers to people who are all day long in one or more social networks. They can be writing with other people, viewing varied publications, commenting, uploading photos, among others.
Mobile addiction: when an individual can not be more than an hour without using his mobile phone and has notorious symptoms of withdrawal: anxiety, stress, among others, then he can be considered addicted to it. An interesting fact is that today most workaholics also have this addiction.

Internet addiction: in the same way as those already mentioned, is when a person is on the internet all day. Therefore, addicts to social and mobile networks, also tend to be from the internet. Which is the majority of people who have technology nowadays. The biggest problem of these people is social relationship, since they spend it using social networks, the internet or mobile all day; thus achieving isolation from reality. Every time you spend more time in virtual reality and you can not talk normally with them because they are entertained on the mobile or stuck in the computer, for example.
Varied addictions
Addiction to thoughts: when an individual is addicted to obsessive or rigid thoughts, worry, fantasize or perfect.
Addiction to emotions: people who are addicted to feeling anger, guilt, fear, jealousy, hatred or envy.
Addiction to people: normally it is known as codependency, it is when we are dependent on another person to be able to feel at ease.
Reversing the process
How should this disease be treated?
Neurobiology has begun to clarify how the mechanisms that handle the alterations in decision-making and in the emotional balance shown by people with drug addiction work. Their advances have managed to provide information on the ways in which fundamental biological processes can alter the control of voluntary behavior, not only in drug addiction, but also in other disorders related to self-regulation: such as obesity, pathological gambling and behavioral addictions.
In agreement, Dr. J. Pineda Ortiz of the University of the Basque Country, based on his studies on addictions as disorders, arrived at the following results and conclusions:
Results: drug addiction is a chronic relapsing disease that is determined by alterations in the neurobiological mechanisms of brain function. The use of substances for recreational purposes is based on the fact that they cause reinforcing effects through mesolimbocortical dopaminergic routes. Chronic drug abuse, however, is associated with a series of adaptive changes in brain physiology. These alterations, which seem to be both intrinsic and extrinsic to the reward pathways, progressively lead to addictive disorder.
Conclusions: the individual vulnerability for the triggering of an addictive process depends on pharmacological factors and also on genetic and environmental elements.
It is clear to us that, in spite of recognizing that addiction is a disease, they are still very badly seen and most people do not realize that it is a disease and not just a "vice". On the other hand, public State policies in different countries do not assume this disease in its entirety. There is a lot of ignorance in the context of everything that implies suffering an addiction and, even more, of how it should be treated, where to look for and get help.
However, it must be understood that, when it becomes chronic, this disease completely changes the perspective of life of those affected, because it is not cured, it is controlled and, for this reason, life is reduced to "today" and, overcome each day without relapse, is an achievement. It requires a lot of commitment to one's own life and that of those in their environment, a lot of willpower, a cooperative life cycle, support in appropriate institutions and, above all, conscience and faith.

So ... Can addictions be reversed?
After investigating and collating with the information that throws the experiential framework, because in the current way of life, we all have to see up close or far, and even live with fragments of this scourge, it can be said that in the early stages, the addiction is totally reversible, provided that the affected party accepts what happens to him and tries to find defense mechanisms to withdraw, in the case of substances or control the dedication to what calls attention, in the case of behaviors.
However, when the addictive cycle becomes chronic, medical help is required, support from specific institutions, depending on the type of addiction, much effort and work of the affected person to avoid relapses and the disease does not become a vicious circle. There are addictions that take many lives. Touch awareness and awareness, it should not be taken lightly. Every addiction implies risks. Then, we must take seriously the accelerating rhythm, increasingly galloping, of the seductions that are in the environment. To return to the roots, to the simplicity of nature, to the enjoyment of disconnection and to restrain the compulsion of these times. We are walking by giant steps towards a massive technological addiction and the consequences are unpredictable.

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply, THANKS.
Types of addiction
Addictions as a disease
Addictive disorders
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July, 10 de 2018
This is a fine and educative write up. I will later come back and give my thoughts in detail. Meanwhile i recommend you edit your tags and include either or both 'science' and steemstem'...they curate such articles, and if this is good, which i think it is from the perusal i just did, then it will easily get rewarded.
However make sure your images are not copyrighted...in deed, even if they are free, it is advisable you indicate those 'free sources'......to increase your chance of being rewarded.
Thank you very much, @mirrors. I will follow your recommendations.
You are welcome. Thanks.
Indeed,I wish they were illegal, worst invention ever.
Addiction is a disease, I never realized that. Very interesting.
This technological addiction is serious, I suffer from this, to take a day without myself phone feels unreal, even an hour. I want to to find the perfect balance but everything in this life just feels so ruched at times. Especial with the tech at the center.
Very good right up!
A dangerous disease actually, because we are living times that stimulate it. There are more and more seductions, more forms of attachment, more stimuli that lead to addictive behaviors. Thanks for the visit, @dmilliz.
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