Find Me In Your Third Night

in #writing7 years ago (edited)


The empty valley in this heart no one has ever touched it. Where is the residents.

The late afternoon breeze reassured a meditated soul on the edge of the city park. I take a deep breath like oxygen deprivation. Dizzy it feels my head is thinking no one has picked me up with his white horse. It's better I go home.

"Assalamualaikum, bu I go home" I said.
"Waalaikumsalam, where are you boy?" Asked the mother.
"I'm from bu city park, refreshing mind hehehe" I replied.
"Yes, you have already prayed ashar or not?" Asked the mother again.
"Alhamdulillah already bu, was in the city park. I want to take a bath first "my goodbye while going to the room.

Oh ya introduce me Sisil, Sisil puspita. A woman who is 30 years old but has not been able to perfect her religion by getting married. I do not know how much longer I have to wait for God to send his soul mate to me, but behind it all I remain patient waiting. I am currently working in government offices in economics and banking. Alhamdulillah I can help finance the daily needs because I only live with my mother, father and mother have divorced since I was a child.
"Ahhh fresh out shower, feeling my tired lost instantly" I said.

I love reading novels because he distracts me from the saturation of work in the office.
Adzan magrib reverberate. I fulfill my duty to God.
Tonight is the same as the previous night can only chatting with my mother. I looked at his sincere face, clasped his hands, the hands that always hugged me, wiped my tears, I sang you mother.

Kringggg ... kringggg ....
My alarm clock rings. I turned off the alarm clock, it was 1 o'clock in the morning, I took my foot to the bathroom to get the ablution water. I performed my evening prayers solemnly. There was no sound other than my prayer movement. After I finished praying I prayed to God.
"O God, I have been a long-time servant, where is my soul mate. Seeing my friends are married and even have children, I am eager to perfect my religion. Gather us soon Oh God. Amen "

The sunlight broke into my room and hit my eyelids, I opened my eyes slowly. It's morning already, I thought.
I swung my legs into the bathroom. It did not take me long to get ready for work.
"Morning bu" my mother preparing breakfast, kiss her cheek and hug her.
"Ouch you are big still like a child, there is breakfast, later you are late to work" he said.
"Yes mother, I'm breakfast". I kuhabisakan breakfast soon. My mother's cooking was unbeatable.
"I went to work first bu, assalamualaikum" kucium mother's hand and rushed to the garage to take my favorite motorcycle.

The atmosphere of the city is always crowded when the morning, I have to be fast so as not to get caught in traffic. The rain last night added to the bad mood of the morning, the road was muddy and there were some waterlogged.
At the fork of my bike road bumped another motorcycle.
Brukkk. I fell and Ya Allah my dirty clothes all. How do I go to the office in this outfit?
He came up to me and took off his helmet. Gantengnya, astagfirullah keep your eyes, I said to myself.

"Forgive me, I accidentally mbak. Clothing dirty mbak, oh how this "he said look guilty face of him.
"It's okay, I can go home to change. Next time be careful when riding a motorcycle "I replied advised him.
"Yes it's mbak, how about if I go home to change clothes and as my responsibility because it made mbak fall from the motor earlier" he said again.
"No need mas, I can go home alone" I replied as he went away from him.

I rushed home at the speed of lightning, I was late. When I got home I went straight to my room and changed my clothes. My mom seems to be in the back. It's better not to say good-bye, and besides I'm too late.

I take my bike very quickly, the streets are already loose now. I got to the office. Huftt finally, I thought. I enter this big building, soon I can call.
"Mrs. Sisil please come to my room" said the chief. See what I say. Unlucky day.

Tok .. tok .. tok ..
"Come in, sit down" command the head pack. I obeyed his orders.
"You know why I call here?" He asked.
"Yes sir, I know" I replied.
"You are so late bu, your work intent is not" he snapped.
I just looked down.
"I'm sorry sir, I had a small accident on the road so I was late to the office" I said.
"Well bu Sisil, you still we forgive, but do not be late again. Now please work again "he said.
"Thank you sir, I excuse myself" I replied and walked out of the room.

I rushed to my workplace. Because of the guy I was hit with a reprimand. Where do you do a lot of work, Oh God.

I finished this job and it was time to get home from work. I rushed out of the office.
I'm sitting on this park bench again, every time I come home from work I come here for what else if not to reassure my mind. Again the same, the white horse prince never came when his presence I always invited in my evening prayer. I cover my face with my hands, it feels very tired.

"Hi mbak" greet someone.
I am still busy with my cloudy mind ignoring my surroundings.
"Mbak .. Hi" greet him again.
I look at who's been saying hello to me.
"Eh mas who was, we meet again, what is it? Sorry I can not call mas "I say kindly.
"Yeah okay, I can sit here" he said, pointing to the empty seat next to me. The bench in this park is indeed made to sit two people.
"Eh yes, please" I say let him sit down.

"Emmm who was I apologize yes" he said again.
"Oh no udah nah mas, I have forgiven kok" I replied.
"Hem if you can know the name of mbak anyone? My Son mbak "he said.
"I Sisil, call Sisil aja ya put" I replied.
"Yes deh sil, emm where do you work? Married yet? Stay where? "Cerocosnya.
"You are just like reporters aja haha ​​one-one dong nanyanya" I said.
"Hehe ya sorry deh" he replied.
"I work in a government office, I am single, unmarried, I live in a housing complex rahma jaya block B. If you put?" I asked.
"I am a teacher and also still single hehe, live in the front aisle of this city park" he said.
We spent a happy afternoon in the garden, exchanging stories and experiences, he was a humorous figure it turns out, I made him laugh and continue to explode.
We ended this lovely afternoon by exchanging hp numbers. I went home with my favorite motorcycle.

Kujalani routine as usual when coming home and in my third night I still always pray the same prayer to Allah swt.
Me and son are getting closer, there is comfort veiled in my heart, thrilling soul and make rainbow in my heart. No doubt I'm such a crazy person he made, sometimes smiling himself remembering how he comforted me with his jokes. But behind it all I still keep it secret from mother.

We shared breakfast this morning. My mother's fried rice teased me with the aroma, delicious.
"I see lately you become different boy" said mother.
Uhukk .. uhukkkk I coughed to hear the mother's telling. I drink water first.
"Different how bu, only mother's feelings hehehe" I replied.
"Yes it's your breakfast" he said.
"Good bu" I continued.

The usual routine bore me, but now it's a little different from the son's presence. She sometimes calls me just to remind me not to forget to have lunch. I just said yes. There's a happy time when he cares about me. Sometimes I wonder if I like it?

It's been more than two months since I was close to her. This sense is becoming more real. But I'm not a woman anymore. My orientation is now just getting married, maybe with her.
Today we take a walk to the tour around here and end up in the restaurant, indeed my stomach is already hungry.
He holds my hand, looks me in the eye. I'm nervous.

"Sil, I've liked you from the beginning of our acquaintance, this feeling is really great to you, I want you to be a part of my life, be my wife sil" he said.
I am moved. Is he the white horse prince who picked me up? What is he that Allah sends to answer all my evening prayers? I was silent, did not know what to answer. In my heart happy.
"Emmm .. I'm not a teen girl anymore put, I want to get married soon. If you're serious with me let's see my mother. Truly God's blessing from the parent's blessing "I said.
He nodded affirmatively.
After dinner we went to my house to ask for blessings from my mother.

We've arrived at my house. I rush out of the car and into the house.
"Assalamualaikum bu" salamku.
"Waalaikumsalam. Eh who is this? "Asked the mother to point to the figure beside me.
"Sit back bu, later we explain" I say again.

"Look what bu ..." I said
"Let me explain. Introduce bu my son, I have long liked the daughter of mother and I want the mother's daughter to be my life companion and also I hope you give the blessing to us "he said aloud. There is no doubt in the words of the son.
My mother was silent for a moment.
"What work are you?" Asked the mother.
"I am a teacher bu" said the son again.
"Mother does not agree you married" said mother firmly.
"What the hell. But why bu? "I say open voice. I was surprised, son is also not less surprised with me.
"He's a teacher, his salary is not how, with a small salary like that what he can make you happy" said the mother is very piercing. I saw the gaze of the son very sad.
I can not help crying.
"Why bu? I'm an adult, I'm happy with him. I do not measure the happiness of the treasure, I've been waiting for someone to propose to me. He answers to all my prayers bu. Can not you change your mind? I want to build a happy little family with him bu. Restui us "I begged.
Mother tears in her eyes. I sobbed, as did the son.
"You think he answers in your prayers, but are you sure he's your soul mate? I just do not want you to have the same fate as a mother who fails to marry me, "she said, sobbing.
Mother passed us away in the living room. I'm confused as to how this is.

Son, go home. Assure your heart that I am the one who is in your one-third night. If you are convinced of the answer God has given here come with your parents, but if not we are not yet mate "I said strengthened it and strengthened me.
He left my house. I hurried to my room.

In the morning early morning I keep tahajudku. I think I want to seek guidance from God. I put it down with a sad heart. My cries broke in my prayer. I can not make a sound, just the clear droplets that always come out of my eyes.
Oh God if the son is the prince you sent to accompany me to the end of my life then smooth our relationship, open the heart of the mother so she accepts the son. But if the son is not my soul mate then keep away "cried my prayer in my heart.

It's been a week my son has no news, my heart says son will come back but in fact he disappeared. Could he really not be my soul mate.
Since the incident I'm more often in the room, it's more comfortable room atmosphere with my current feelings.

Tokk ... tokk ..
The knocking of the door interrupted my thoughts
"Just go bu, the door is not I key" I said.
Step in doubt the mother slowly approached me who was absorbed staring out the window of the room.
"Forgive my mom, it seems like the mother has been wrong, seeing you like this mother so sad, you are not happy because of mother, forgive mother who only selfish" said mother while crying.
I hugged my mother.
"No bu, do not apologize. I know mom so because my mom love me. He just disappeared bu, maybe it's not my soul mate "I replied.
"No son, mother sure he's your soul mate, mother bless you son" said mother.
I hugged my mother tightly, we cried each other.

Tokk tokk tokkk
The sound of knocking doors made our crying action cry. Me and mom came out to see who was coming.
I opened my door and he was there, son came with his family. Oh God your plan is amazing.
Let them all in.
I looked at her calm face, really I miss her so much.

"The purpose of our arrival here to apply for the daughter of mother for our son, son" said the father of the son.
"Forgive my mother's speech yesterday yes son. Mother mistaken. Now you leave it all to sisil, "my mother said.
I nodded in agreement "I'm ready" I said finally.
"Alhamdulillah" in unison all of us.
A smile shone on all of us. God's promised happiness has come. Alhamdulillah the path of your destiny is always shocking Oh God.

"Sil," said the son.
I raised my head to wait for him to finish his words.
"During this week I have been saying a prayer of guidance to God and the more here I am very confident that you are the matchmate outlined for me" he said.
I smiled happily. Allah indeed created his creatures in pairs and now I find my partner in the patience of prayer in my third night.