Writing exercise - (past) Day 7: Dead Texans get $5.5M

in #writingexercise7 years ago

Liv-dead news.JPG

Texas. The mayor of Texas State will grant a bonus of $5.5M to dead Texans for the Peace Treaty. This document is based on the respect for the life and dead. On one side the Resistence, as the living used to call before the Peace Treaty, agree to stop the skull-smashing in dead’s neigbourhoods. And the zombies will not eat any brain in the streets, but those that provides the Fund of Social Action for the Preservation of the Apocalyptic Citizens (FSAPAC). This organization, recently created by Fitz Lowre the new zombie celebrity, aims to unite the living and dead by a tolerance-based relationship. They use the brains given for the state morgue for feeding the homeless zombies who roam the streets.

A few Texans are not agree with the measure taken by the mayor. Some living don’t think the zombies need the money and some of them don’t want the pity of life (how they see the offering). Thus a violent wave of protest has been unleashed; even the military was deployed. They contained satisfactorily the living who destroy public property and the dead who visited hospitals for eating functional and living brains. The Colonel Jhon Michell said the Army was able to control all threats but the people must stay in calm and ask a vote if they are in disagree.

Cristinne Wölf


This was going to be my entrance for a really nice exercise of @jeezzle, that I discovered today (this) but I noticed the day was past and already exist a winner. Anyway I enjoyed writting this tiny story so I wanted to shared with you. I hope you like it and comment :D


I luv the way you go true and out with your feeling ? How are you @aleli ?

HEEEEEEY! You were kind of disappeared! I'm a little sick, since New Year, but fine studying. And how are you, my dear @utfull?