Writing exercise. Day 2. Theater official fired over inappropriate behavior.

in #writingexercise7 years ago (edited)

John Smith went to the movies every Friday night.

After a long week of backbreaking construction work going to the movies was the one thing he really looked forward to.

What he didn't expect was to be treated like a second class citizen.

"I got off work at 5:00 like I always do, put on my best jeans and t-shirt, and headed out to the local Cinemark"

Source: Giphy.com

"Sure I'd had a few beers on the way there but I weren't drunk. I didn't need no talking down to."

John showed up ready to see the latest comedy hit "Totally screwed" but he didn't have enough money to get in.

"I guess them beers costed more than they used to."

After arguing with the employee in the ticket window, John asked to see a manager.

"This guy comes out and he has on a clown mask with a big red nose, suspenders and a white shirt, and no pants on at all. He was just waving in the wind so to speak" a concerned onlooker reports.

John was taken aback.

"This guy thought he were better than me just he didn't got no pants on."

The two men fought for nearly 2 months outside behind the movie theater.

When it was all said and done John had to give up his pants and the two men became fast friends.

Unfortunately the theater official, who was also the clown in this instance, was fired for his inappropriate behavior.

Next time maybe he'll remember to wear pants to work, so that he can brawl with confidence.

I decided to go with a comedy sketch this time. I also wrote this piece as though it were an actual newspaper article. If you decide to participate in this task you can either write as a short fiction story or as a newspaper article as I did here.

Remember that this is a writing exercise and whatever you write will be good practice.


excellent story with outstanding writing

Great stoy and good writing.i like your post and upvoted.

I enjoyed reading your post. There is a lot of good stuff.

nice story