One new wuhan coronavirus case in New York, 13th confirmed in the U.S.! Director-General of the WHO: Watch out for a global outbreak!
13th New Coronavirus Infection Confirmed in U.S.
On February 11, a new case of neonatal pneumonia was confirmed in San Diego , USA . So far, a total of 13 cases have been confirmed in the United States , of which 3 have been cured and discharged.
The Federal Center for Disease Control CDC said last week returned from Wuhan San Diego (San Diego) the evacuation charter on, seven people showed symptoms of pneumonia new crown to the UC San Diego Medical Center testing, the results released today, in which one person nucleic acid The test result is positive.
The patient became the first confirmed case in San Diego , the seventh in California, and the 13th in the United States with new coronary pneumonia.
Picture from dailymail, copyright belongs to original author
The diagnosis of this patient was quite dramatic, and she was almost mistaken for a false-negative test and turned positive.
According to CNN reports, the patient was a female who arrived in San Diego Miramar Naval Base for isolation on a special evacuation flight from Wuhan on February 5 .
The next day, the patient developed suspected symptoms and was taken to UC San Diego Health. At the same time, three other suspected patients were also taken to the same hospital in San Diego.
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The hospital sent samples of four people to CDC's laboratory in Atlanta for testing. However, the samples were mislabeled when they were sent to the laboratory and were not tested.
As a result, the CDC staff incorrectly gave the other four people a negative test report to the San Diego Hospital, and the hospital returned the 4 suspected patients to the naval isolation base.
Since then, the CDC laboratory has found a missing sample and the test has found the woman to be positive . On February 10, she was returned to the San Diego Hospital from the naval base.
Picture from dailymail, copyright belongs to original author
Health center staff said the patient " is in good condition with minimal symptoms ." The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not provide more details about the patient's gender and age.
Picture from dailymail, copyright belongs to original author
1 new suspected case in New York, first 5 suspected negative
On Saturday, the New York City Department of Health stated that the sixth suspected case of new crown pneumonia was found in New York . At present, they have completed sampling and sent them to the CDC to wait for test results. As early as Tuesday night, the CDC and other feedback test results.
However, the CDC declined to disclose the nationality and residential address of the sixth suspected patient .
( Picture from AMNY, copyright belongs to the original author)
Previously reported 5 new cases of suspected cases of pneumonia crown , test results were to be negative , CDC once again request residents not to panic , the possibility of the current outbreak in the United States is very low .
Earlier, New York City had applied to the CDC, hoping that the CDC would distribute the New Coronary Pneumonia Test Kit to medical laboratories in New York City, so that laboratories around the world can test samples by themselves and advance the diagnosis process.
(Picture from new york post, copyright belongs to the original author)
On the evening of February 4, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) passed an emergency authorization order to allow state- owned health laboratories to carry out the detection of new coronavirus , thereby changing the inconvenience of sending all samples to the CDC for testing. Starting on the 5th, CDC A total of 280,000 test kits have been distributed to laboratories across the United States , and are expected to be in place by next week, thereby accelerating the process of patient diagnosis and treatment .
As of now, 13 cases of new crown pneumonia infection have been confirmed in 6 states across the United States .
Of the 13 confirmed cases:
Arizona , 1 confirmed case, an imported case, the patient has a history of travel in Wuhan;
Massachusetts , 1 confirmed case, patient living in Boston, history of travel in Wuhan;
Illinois , 2 cases were confirmed . The patients were all living in Chicago. They were husband and wife, and women had a history of travel in Wuhan. Men had no history of travel in China . This was the first case of "human-to-human" infection in the United States .
Washington , confirmed 1 cases of imported cases, there Wuhan travel history, currently successfully treated, the United States is the first case of "cured" patients ;
Wisconsin State 1 cases of imported cases, there Wuhan travel history
There are 7 cases in California , 6 of which have travel history in Wuhan, and the sixth case is the "human-to-human case" in China.
WHO Director-General warns: "only tip of iceberg"
Recently, cases in the United Kingdom and France have attracted the attention of the WHO Director-General, Tan Desai .
On January 20, a British businessman attended a conference at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Singapore . The British man was unfortunately infected with new crown pneumonia due to representatives from Wuhan among the participants .
( Picture from DailyMail, copyright belongs to the original author)
After that, he went to a chalet in Les Contamines-Montjoie, France, where he stayed for 4 days. On January 28, he flew back to his home in Hove, England. On February 1, he went to a local tavern called The Grenadier.
He later felt unwell and was diagnosed after going to the local hospital. As a result, the man's trip has now infected 11 people .
(Picture from DailyMail, copyright belongs to the original author)
At present, hundreds of residents in the small town of Montjoie, France are being tested, and five staff members of The Grenadier Tavern in the UK are being isolated at home. The man returned to the United Kingdom on EasyJet with 183 passengers and 6 crew members and was also required to be separated from his home.
( Picture from DailyMail, copyright belongs to the original author)
World Health Organization Director-General Tan Desai said that based on this case, it can be seen that "some people without a history of travel in China can also become super communicators. The 40,000 people currently infected in China may be just the tip of the iceberg" ( tip of the iceberg), and it is likely to explode globally .
( Picture from twitter, copyright belongs to the original author)
Like all the other crisis in the past, this one will come and go. According to WHO, the cure will be available within 18 months. Lets have faith...