Putting Together The Pieces of the Game

in #ww33 years ago

By Jake Halverson


The most deleterious extinction-level threat to all of humanity is the idea that all living humans within any geographic area should be reduced to subjects of the crime syndicate that claims a monopoly on force in that specific region. The borders of the said region are likely defined by either sublime formations of natural beauty or completely straight lines that madmen decided to press onto pieces of paper. The idea that every single person in a geographic area is an enemy is a horrendous crime against humanity in itself. When victims in a global conflict are dehumanized and written off as mere collateral damage it becomes apparent that we are inching further and further towards the likelihood of a severe global catastrophe.

Stalin has been misquoted as saying "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic" yet this is a very important observation nonetheless. Many in this nation may want to view the 100K+ civilian casualties of the Iraq War through the lens of pure and utter jingoism. Some may view them from a humanitarian perspective. At the end of the day, it does not change the reality of the events that have transpired in the middle east. These wars perpetuated in the name of the American People continue even though the American People have no real input on when the trigger is pulled. When a shadowy cabal and military-industrial complex decide there is another country that is not playing ball with the petrodollar so we must at all costs fabricate a false narrative to justify the annihilation of all of their people and in turn the lackluster rebuild efforts to rebuild the infrastructure that has been destroyed.

The true picture is much more complex than I can paint it. To simplify it though geopolitically the entire planet is akin to a game of "Risk" being played by young children. For nobody ever really grows up. The least mature of the people gravitate towards positions of power to act out their childish whims, or psychopathic plans. Can someone control the fact that they are a psychopath? It is likely they cannot, but that still does not change the severity of the situation we are in. There are many different theories on life, behavior, and consciousness, but those theories do not change the situation we are in. Perhaps they will effect it, but they are not going to change the reality of the situation.

When "Funny or Die" made the series "playground politics" I would argue that they were expressing the literal reality of the situation we are in. You see if the childish psychopathy of the ones with their hand on the button was ever evident that would be an understatement at this juncture. When the children lacking wisdom are allowed to play a game of "Risk" without understanding the full context of their actions they will still do all they can to win the game regardless. If they cannot win they may become upset and throw a tantrum sending the entire game and all of the pieces to the other side of the room. Sore losers don't lose. They throw the game. Is it against the rules? Sure. The child does not care. To create a synthetic sense of winning the final battle the child does not care that he has completely wrecked the entire board and shattered the fine china that was sitting on the dining room table. And that's where we are. That's where we live. On the board of a live-action game of "Risk." Certain players that control the game may very well throw the entire game. If their defeat seems imminent they do have the power to end the entire game. Sure a significant piece or two may fall back onto the board, but the game will no longer truly be playable after the full scope of the damage is realized.

Let me stop myself here though and just relay you a little information about me. I remember seeing the Gulf War on the television when I was a very young child, and for some reason, I could not help but think that every jet in the sky was out to get me. I did not make the separation between here and there. My mind had not registered that the war was on the other side of the planet. No one had really told me to fear as of yet, perhaps save the cathode ray tube. I am just trying to say that I am predisposed by my strange nature for some reason to this kind of thinking even from when I was a very young child. The unfortunate part of all of it is the unnecessary (but not unwarranted) fear. It's a tragedy when a child that young is afraid of something they cannot even really understand yet. I still remember seeing the jets in the sky and running. I remember years later in 6th grade when I had found out that the Clinton administration had been doing back door deals with China that involved equipping them with ICBM technology and nuclear secrets. I remember being the only kid in class that was like "we're all going to die China is going to kill us all." The level of fear I had as such a young child really haunts me, but I cannot say I have completely escaped it. I am just saying this is an opinion piece that is shaped by my experiences and possibly even "past lives." I do not think what I am writing here is merely an opinion, but it will involve my opinions and predispositions nonetheless. The only truly neutral writers are artificially intelligent, and even the robots are forming complex opinions at this point.

My father whom I love and respect more every day exacerbated the situation when I was maybe 8 or 9 years old by pulling out a map and pointing out nuclear targets the Soviets had. Maybe a little kid shouldn't be predisposed or exposed to so much fear, but at the same time, I feel it is an extreme disservice to lie to children as we had already been misled about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy. In a way, it is great that he showed me all of this and what it means. In a sense maybe it could have waited a couple of years. It is what it is.

Anyway, I do still have irrational fears when I am driving that the sun is not the sun that it is an atomic blast that was lined up with the path of the sun. I don't think this way every single day, but when it happens it is somewhat beyond my control. Regardless that is not the point. I just felt I should share that for some sordid reason.

Back to reality though. I am going to tackle more than one topic at once so bear with me here. The American government initially had funded and trained the Mujahadeen to fight the Soviets in the 70's and the 80's.

The American government armed Saddam Hussein's regime for the sake of opposing Iran.

I don't need to fully examine the detailed history because it is apparent that the USA ultimately went to war with many of the groups that it had provided weapons and support for in the first place in previous battles.

I don't want to make this entire post about 9/11, but if that was the real reason for starting the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan it was an entirely illegitimate one. Even if one only believes the official narrative of the attacks it would seem that there is more evidence for the true culprits to have more connections to Saudi Arabia. Why can't the military-industrial complex take them to war? They are America's "allies." I must admit though initially, the propaganda was fierce and at the very beginning, I thought Afghanistan was the right decision. Boy was I wrong. However, I was against Iraq from day one. This was around the time I had a shift in my consciousness regarding war. I wasn't willing to go hold signs in protest (which I should have been), but I did finally realize that the Iraq war was illegitimate before it had even started simply because this continuation of "Daddy's war" was being waged on a nation that had absolutely no credible ties to the events that transpired in New York City in September of 2001. They were using WMD's as an excuse, but even to the layman, it was evident that Saddam posed no credible threat to the USA and had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.

"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses." - Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933, by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC.

And so it is.

Every day on the television we can see the horrendous bombing of Ukraine. The complete and utter destruction of their homeland was brought forth by the Russian invaders. The narrative of Vlad is that he had no choice. This narrative is not true, however many fail to realize that NATO has had its grimy little tentacles involved in fomenting this conflict. In 2014 NATO played a significant role in bringing a US-backed puppet to power in Ukraine. Putin feels severely threatened by the idea that an opposing force is likely trying to weaponize a neighboring nation to their own benefit. To really put it into perspective though perhaps people should look back to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Look how America reacted when the soviets moved nuclear weapons to Cuba. Yet Americans seem to see it unreasonable for him to be concerned about NATO forces knocking on their door.

Conversely, I just want to say that I do not condone this war. At all. I find it fascinating though how Americans are being bombarded with such accurate and up-to-date imagery regarding the volatile nature of the conflict. I guess it likely goes without saying, but we never ever had information that was that detailed about the operations America was engaged in in Iraq and Afghanistan. We would get bits and pieces, but only rarely would we see real images of the destruction of war like we are seeing right now from Ukraine. The Russian news outlet likely provided more accurate coverage of the kinetic actions of the American regime as all of the American media now has a magnifying glass on the conflict in Ukraine.

Americans are being encouraged to take sides and some are even calling for a conflict with Russia. I don't think such novices really understand the full implications of such a conflict, and I don't really think I have to spell that out for you either.

What is going to haunt me though is that before the invasion I was leaving comments on a Tiktok page purported to be Vladamir Putin. At the time I must admit I was thinking out of my ass and thinking "It's not really Putin. This is Tiktok." And it probably wasn't. But that does not mean the page was not made by a representative or associate of his. Who knows really if he had any connection to it? Before the conflict started around the time troops started building, but nobody was really sure if there was going to be a conflict I left an extremely embarrassing comment to an account purporting to be Putin himself. Some of the rhetoric I used was inaccurate or irresponsible. It was this whole rambling statement about how everything was getting late, and we had a good run, but that the NWO was going to try to stir up WWIII. The strange thing though is that I was addressing "Putin" as if he were a force outside of the NWO. I was saying things like "the hour is getting late, but we still have a chance to reverse this" or something along those lines. I said something about there still being a chance for us, but that the hour was getting late. Then I said something like "we had a good run." I don't remember exactly what I said, but looking back even to just a couple of months ago it seems pretty ignorant right now. In the back of my mind, there is a voice that won't shut up trying to convince me that I singlehandedly started WWIII with Putin on Tiktok because he used rhetoric very similar to some of the statements I made about it not being too late for the west but in such an eerie way. It's pretty preposterous to think I had a hand in it though seeing that the troops were already amassing and that (hopefully)the roles of global conflicts are not delegated by Tiktok comments.

That whole incident has given me this self-guilt trip though, and I just want to say that I stand against war in all of its forms. The only time force is ever legitimate is in the direct defense of one's self or loved ones that are in immediate danger. War isn't going to disappear any time soon, but humanity just might if we do not stray from this course.

Putin has said that sanctions are an act of war. Biden keeps bluffing and saying he's sending more to Ukraine but doesn't want WWIII. Now they are saying that they will get involved if there is a "chemical attack." So basically they are putting the lives of every man, woman, and child on the planet in immediate danger because neither kid wants to lose, and they are both inching increasingly closer to violently whipping the board game across the room. The board game is the planet earth and all of its denizens.

I just want to say that maybe I was developing a bit of a soft spot for Russia for a while and I had put on blinders that blocked my view. I was thinking of Russia in terms of being a completely different entity than the NWO, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Russian people live in oppression under a totalitarian state and are not even allowed to freely and openly assemble. All forms of war are immoral, and even though the Russian government's position is a strategic one this does not make it a moral one. I do not nor will I ever support the armed invasion and indiscriminate slaughtering of the people of any nation. There is part of me that knows the duality of humanity. That we do have a facet of our consciousness that yearns for peace and freedom. For the betterment of others and the world. Then there are the more vile facets of human psychology that involve the battle to fulfill unlimited wants through the un-rightful acquisition of limited resources. I could spell it out to a 3-year-old really so I'm not going to prove it to you. Either you see it or you don't Every single conflict directly involves the imperialist desire to control the markets for the world's limited natural resources that are essential to the operation of western and most other societies. The wars are over oil. The wars are over gas. The wars are fought over opium. The wars are fought over the status of the world's reserve currency.

Biden is an old man with dementia. It doesn't appear he is going to throw the game. But if Putin is losing he just might. The game board and all of the pieces slam into the wall and are quickly scooped into the trash can by the angry parent never to be played again.
So that year when I was scared of jets chasing me during the Gulf War era . . . That is when the Doomsday Clock was the furthest from midnight it had been since its inception. 17 minutes to midnight. Now we are stuck much much closer. In January 2020 the clock moved to 100 seconds to midnight. It has stayed the same since it is judged every January, but I have to wonder if we have not moved closer than that now. All of the anxieties and fears are coming back. Logically I realize it makes no sense whatsoever to live like that because the destructive potential of modern thermonuclear weapons means that we would be immediately vaporized without a warning. They have hypersonic ICBM's that evade detection now, and even if they did not go that route do you really think they are going to warn you in the final 15 minutes before the planet earth meets utter annihilation? I think not.

I initially intended to have a point. A thesis. An argument, but in reality, I'm just working all of this out in my head right now. Maybe someone can relate?

Regardless. I must ask politely. I would like Putin and Biden to both be the adults in the room. Something I know they are not incapable of even if it is not in the script. Putin has to end his relentless campaign in Ukraine. Not because he is weak or meeting defeat. But because his claim to another nation was illegitimate in the first place Conversely Biden needs to realize that he's had his grubby little hands in the cookie jar. The NATO countries really started this in 2014 and they have done nothing but exacerbate the situation ever since. They have been poking a raging bull with a hot metal rod and have gotten upset every time the bull charges the matador.
Putin needs to grant simple rights to his people. The west needs to realize that these sanctions and weapons donations are only exacerbating the situation. It is inching us towards the very thing they claim they don't want. Total annihilation. Which makes me wonder in essence if that is what they really do want, for the people pushing the buttons are well equipped to live for years underground, while the rest of humanity is utterly destroyed beyond recognition.

As always I pray that cooler heads prevail, but it does in fact appear that there is some truth to the idea that the hour is very late. I always pray for peace, but these escalations do not seem to be moving in the direction of a peaceful solution. However, I do not believe anyone should live in fear ever as my irrational anxiety may at times lead you to believe. Now is the time to embrace the moment, embrace reality, and embrace what it means to be human. Now is the time to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
'Tis not a time to fear. 'Tis the time for action. No matter how small your efforts may seem they can have a huge impact. Let it be known in the Akashic record and the history books that you stood for peace. That you stood in opposition to any forces involved in the creation of illegitimate wars of aggression that threaten the very existence of our species. Let them know that for now and for all of eternity that you stood in opposition to this madness? Or did you? The choice is yours, and though you may not write the entire book of the history of mankind, you are afforded your own paragraph within the text so please utilize it to the utmost of your capabilities. Stand in opposition to any war regardless of the illegitimate criminal syndicate that is in charge of mapping out these wars of aggression and how much blood money it can make them. Nothing will ever save their souls, but you . . . you still have a fighting chance to resist the dominant paradigm of the false construct, and shower the planet with peace and love instead.