The most reasonable Ripple prediction - @lennartbedrage

in #xrp7 years ago

As with everyone asking price prediction questions, there is nothing but speculation.

I would love XRP to hit three digits, I could be free to live the life I want to live - who wouldn't want to shamelessly entertain such an incredible outcome? No more to 9 to 5, no slaving away in a place that makes you question the direction of your life every cold morning you reluctantly wake up, hiding in the warm covers of your bed.

No bills or debt to worry about, the freedom to just pack your bags and start again with the comfort of a crypto cushion supporting you.

Just you and your XRP and the freedom to do what you want.

But we all have that omnipresent inkling of doubt tarnishing the hope of such an easy solution to our problems. What if XRP doesnt make it and tanks? F****! It'll recover. Or will it? When? New competitors! Arghhhh!!!

Yes. This is real life.

Im not going to say xrp will rocket up to $100 by 2018 or that it will rise to $1023 by 2020. No one knows. but for a realistic real life analysis, please, and I beg you, PLEASE read this thoughtful analysis by @lennartbedrage here:

You will come back a better person, I promise.

ripple forecast 2020.jpg

Thanks for reading, and if you're all the way down here, then good things will find you today!