Yahoo News continues to be predictable as can be with their brainwashing news aggregate

in #yahoo4 months ago

I do not consider Yahoo a powerful force as far as news is concerned and they definitely have an agenda. A rather far left-leaning agenda and this is painfully obvious to anyone that bothers to look at their collection of articles on any given day.

They try to be sneaky about it so that their brainwashed audience doesn't realize that they are being programmed but all you have to do is look at the comments section (which are normally much more entertaining than the actual articles) to realize that they are preaching to the choir over there at Yahoo and the people that tune in for what they have to say are just looking for more ammunition for their staunchly held beliefs. They are not there for information, they are there to be told that their belief systems are correct.


There are two reasons why I bother to look at something like Yahoo News, which I know is going to be filled with partisan bullcrap anyway: The first one is because I like to see where leftists are getting all of their poorly contrived opinions from and all you have to do is take a look at what is on this aggregate every single day and you will see contained inside the overall opinions of basically every over-the-top liberal that you have ever met. It is just so convenient that the opinions of what Yahoo puts on their screen is nearly exactly the belief systems that all these brainwashed liberals have.

The other reason is that I enjoy seeing a company that basically dominated the internet in the 90's and early 2000's make absurdly bad decisions over and over as they seem to be sprinting towards insolvency. Honestly, do you ever even think about Yahoo anymore? Well there was a time when they were everything and one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Now before anyone gets their panties in a bunch know that I am aware that conservatives are guilty of exactly the same thing and will subscribe to something similar to form all of their world views as well. The reason that it is more laughable and shameful with liberals is because they control a vast majority of the media.

In the news feed we have the usual topics of Trump bad! MTG (or whoever they are focusing on that week that isn't Trump) also bad! Climate change is the most important thing! Palestine good! Putin Bad! Jim Jordan Bad! Elon Musk is the enemy of the people!

Almost all of their articles are op-ed's meaning that they are completely someone's opinion and they try to present it as facts when they use quotation marks but all they are doing is forming their opinion around the opinion of someone else. They regularly include snippets of quotes made by someone who they don't like to make it appear as though they are saying something they are not, and they will omit sections of speeches made by someone that they do like.

One thing that is interesting about the news feed is that they almost completely refuse to report anything, ANYTHING at all, about Joe Biden and I think I know the reason why this is.


There are virtually no clips or soundbites of Biden doing anything really where he doesn't seem like he is completely out of it. Between the stuttering, forgetting where he is, getting names wrong, confusing countries and for some reason mentioning Mexico when he is talking about Israel, and a litany of other gaffes there is nothing they can spin to bake their readers believe that this is someone worth getting behind and I think they know this. Any mention of Biden is very difficult to defend even when it is heavily edited and all the "uhhh" "ahhh" buh buh buh buh, and "anyways" are edited out. I can only imagine how immensely difficult if not impossible it must be to make a comprehensible clip of Biden using actual video that exists. So their answer is to not talk about the man at all.

Instead almost everything on the page is dedicated to attacking prominent conservative players in the game. Trump is obviously always a target, but the other conservatives they are deciding to attack changes week-by-week. MJT is a common one for them to attack this week but that rather attractive lady from Colorado will likely be back in their cycle in a week or so.

The comments section tells you all you need to know about their userbase, which is estimated to still be in the tens of thousands despite the fact that nobody really even looks at this garbage anymore.


This is the comment section about Trump not going to D-Day celebrations however many years ago that was. Even though it has been proven time and time again that it was the Air Force's call to not transport Trump to the site because of weather, the liberal lies that have been spread by forces like Yahoo have them believing that Trump didn't want to go because he hates soldiers or doesn't want to get wet. Look at the latter comments though in this tiny part of the thread. Despite the fact that there was no record of Trump having anything to do with the choice to not go nor is there any record of him stating that the people there were "losers" several big news outlets published exactly that. In the comments where people are merely trying to point out that this didn't actually happen, the voices get downvoted by anyone. The people who are in the majority in a place like this do not even want to hear anything that is outside of their wheelhouse of thought.

Now let me make this clear. I do not care why Trump didn't go to the D-Day stuff nor do I care if he ever called the troops suckers and losers. You will never find out if he did or not because depending on where you get your news, Former White House chief of staff John Kelly has gone on the record to say that Trump did NOT say that, and also went on the record to say that he DID say that. Which one is true? Well, just like anything in the political game of "he said, she said" there is no way to prove anything.

What I do care about is the fact that it appears as though a lot of people are still using Yahoo to get their world-view on all things and especially politics. Since that part of Yahoo news is nearly completely one-sided and devoid of any verifiable facts I think this is a dangerous level of willful ignorance.

Yahoo does feature conservative articles every now and then, but they are from sites that even conservatives like me simply see the name and realize that this is going to be a bunch of propaganda such as Conservative Brief and Red State.

I do not know a good place to get news but I'm at the point now where I think the comments section of meme sites is probably more informative than any major news outlet. You certainly don't want to enter an echo chamber like Yahoo expecting to get any sort of real information but if you are liberal and are looking for like-minded people, that would be one of the many places to start.
