Buti Yoga Certification

in #yoga6 years ago


The last weekend in April I went to the Buti Yoga certification. It kicked my butt and it was awesome! There were about 30 women there, with about 7-9 of them auditing the class. The cool part about these certifications is once you pay for the first one, you can attend other ones as long as there is room. They usually have a long wait list for people wanting to audit.


The days started at 8 am and ended at 8 pm. They were jam-packed with movements of all kinds. On Saturday, we started reading from the manual, had a master class (think Buti Yoga class but more intense), and then we broke for lunch. When we came back from lunch we went through the manual, with all the poses and movements found in Buti Yoga. By the end of the day, my body was giving out.

On Sunday we started by teaching each other in small groups with a round robin style. Then we had another master class, which thankfully was a little less intense. After that we moved onto the demos. The demos had to be between 12 and 15 minutes, had to include specific poses and movements, and we had to show our teaching presence. The people who were not demoing had to follow along. Eventually the teacher said we could sit every other one out.

My demo was pretty good, but I missed the Chaturanga. I am still working on that so I can send in my demo video.

For most of the week afterward, I was sore all over. I taught my usual classes on Wednesday and Friday night to help loosen things up. Then I attended the Buti Yoga class at my studio on Saturday. I was amazed at how much energy I had and how strong I am now. I was pretty darn proud of myself.

If you get the chance to check out a class, you should.



Chaturanga - the nemisis!!!

It really is!!