5 Facts About Yoga!

in #yoga7 years ago

Hello Everyone! I wanted to share some fun facts about yoga and encourage everyone to give it a try!

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1 - Yoga is for Everyone

We often think of yoga as being for the young, thin, and already flexible. But yoga is very adaptable; people of any size, age, and flexibility level can take yoga! The Guinness Book of World Records lists a 95-year-old yoga teacher. If you have particular health issues that might affect your practice, all you have to do is talk to your teacher. He or she will be able to help you find a way to benefit from yoga starting where you are now.

2 - Yoga Focuses on Breath - and it makes a huge difference

All the stretches and poses (asanas) of yoga are designed around breathing; if your breathing is wrong, they don't work. The way that you breathe affects your emotional state and health. Try an experiment; slouch and breathe for half a minute. How do you feel? Now sit up straight, but not tense, and take a slow, deep breath, all the way from your diaphragm, at least fifteen seconds for the whole breath. Breathe about four times. How do you feel? Yoga is a way to maximize that benefit through your whole body and life.

3 - Yoga Helps You Have More Energy (Something we ALL need:)

Instead of draining you, it energizes and helps you be alert and focused. A few minutes of yoga in the middle of an exhausting day can help you re-center, calm your mind and emotions, and energize you to finish it well.

4 - Yoga Has Many Health Benefits

Yoga helps to maintain joint health, improves the immune system, and can help you sleep better. It improves muscle tone and reduces the risk of sports injuries. The mindfulness of yoga can help reduce overeating. It can support cardiac health; if you already have a heart problem talk to you doctor before starting exercise and let your instructor know so that they can factor that into how they teach you.

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5 - There Are Over a Hundred Schools of Yoga in the World

If one type, teacher, or class doesn't suit you, try a different one. Yoga has such positive effects on your well-being it is worth finding the right fit!

Thank you for reading Steemit. Cheers:)