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RE: Dear Yoga Teachers

in #yoga7 years ago

Looking good, try to lengtende you spine... It's more important then reach your head to your knee... The alignment is always the same any asana you ending up in.. Lengtende your spine, take your shoulder away from your ears.. Brooding your chest a bit... Means shoulder from your ears and the shoulder blades a little bit into your upper spin.. To support and open your chest... Getting your head to your knees nor important at all... Just look cool right? And always use your bhandas.. Mola and uddiyana... Mola is like stop peeing easily way to explain.. Uddiyana is tuck you belly into the lower spine and up to your heart... Looking good by the way.. It will keep you light and strong 💪 namaste sister 🙏bless you


Thanks for the tips and the resteem 🙏🏽

Happy weekend 🙏