12 Questions to Get to Know @VibrantYogini | Vibrant Yogini
12 Questions to Get to Know @VibrantYogini #twelvequestions #challenge
Thank you to my lovely friend @Daltono for nominating me to complete this :)
1. What meal would you have before heading to outer space?
I would have a huge delicious vegan feast. I am not 100% vegan, mainly because of my current lifestyle. However I am very pro-vegan and I am in my element when I am eating delicious and healthy food that is feeding the soul! Although I am a flexible eater, I do tend to eat food based on how it will nurture my body. I look at a plate as vitamins, protein, carbs, etc... This just comes naturally to me from years of generally being a health conscious eater. So if I was about to go to outer space, my body needs to be in tip top condition as you will lose muscle mass and I would want to feed it with lots of healthy nutrients and minerals :)
2. Which section of the newspaper would you be in?

I would be on the front page with a huge smile and dancing! Just to share positive vibes and make other people smile too. No words needed :D
3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?
22 - very fresh faced :)
Obviously this question is purely based on physical? As being immortal means your soul/mind lasts forever in which ever body you decided right?
4. Which sport would you play professionally?

I would be a cheerleader flyer. I love yoga and flying, so it makes sense. It's the only 'team' kind of sport I could think would incorporate my interests.
5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?
I would go to Komodo and live out my days diving, walking on the tropical island I stayed, and make trips to Ubud, Bali regularly. Diving feels like being in another dimension or in outer space. I love the fresh lush jungle of Ubud with all its hipster vibes and yoga. Plus I can never get enough of an Indonesian sunset.
6. If time and money were no barrier, what would you create?
I would create a beautiful healthy eco yoga centre in the forests where I would also build my home. I would then settle down and create lots of yogi babies :) Sorry I am not on a mission to save the world but the door would always be open to help those in need who need to retreat to somewhere. I would promote creativity and love and live happily ever after :)
7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?
Loads! It is important to live out your dreams :)
Some include swimming with Manta Rays, travelling to the Pacific, sailing on a yacht in the Mediterranean, going to India, learning to dive, seeing the Northern lights, the list goes on... and I always have new bucket list ideas... my next is to go on a safari in Africa, stay in an igloo to see the northern lights again, travel around in a blue VW camper van, go to central America, learn the piano well again...
8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?
That humans could fly, we just needed to tap into a certain part of the brain which connected our hidden wings and we just lifted off.
9. What is you’re favorite animal?
hmmm well I love fluffy cute animals to cuddle -they are so therapeutic! But you can't beat the compassion of an elephant! Therefore elephants win over the cute fluffiness :)
10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
Positive thinking, gratitude and love in everyday life and especially when experiencing/ dealing with negativity, whether that is other people or life events.
11. Which musical talent (alive or dead) would play at your funeral?
A soul reggae band and a soulful pianist - its my favourite music after all.
12. What movie have you seen recently that you would recommend, and why?

Peter Rabbit - it was my favourite childhood story by Beatrix Potter and the film was absolutely amazing!!! I definitely recommend it!!!
Wishing you a beautiful day full of happiness and good vibes,
P.S. “The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." ~ Audrey Hepburn

Happy to see you got a chance to write this up. I really do love your layout, of course. It makes my eyes happy.
I’m also a flexible eater, never too strict. You are certainly front page worthy. I LOVE your home in the forest idea, all of it. Fly... yea my back better not rip when my wings decide to come out. Hmm piano, I learned something else new about you.