Your Vision: Baháʼí Faith, Hinduism, Atheism, and Alcoholics Anonymous

in #yourvision17 days ago

Reflection for the Day:

The Baháʼí Faith emphasizes that God's will can be understood through multiple epiphanies and divine manifestations through various cultures and traditions. Hinduism emphasizes both a dualism and non-dualism perspective on God's will, meaning that human will and God's will are separate from each other (dualism) or that they are inseparable (non-dualism) and that everything is part of the cosmic unity.

Hinduism Scriptural authority also emphasizes the need for self-realization, moral duty, and spiritual liberation.

Similarly, the literature in Alcoholics Anonymous says, "Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will into all of our activities."

Atheists often believe or focus on human-centered values, looking at well-being, dignity, and flourishing as part of a meaningful life.

We're going to have bad days. We're going to make mistakes. We're going to have good days. We'll never be perfect in anything we do. We'll never be perfect in our relationships with others, regardless of the type of relationship it is (i.e., family, siblings, colleagues, professional relationships with others, etc.). We're going to have days and times when we try to assist and mess up. We're going to have days where we do great when asked for assistance. We're going to have moments where we cry, we get angry, we get upset, we breakdown, when we need rest, when we need to sit in silence. We will have days where we need to be around others, when we need to be alone. We're going to have health problems, personal problems, financial problems, ad infinitum.

Let us remember though, whatever our spiritual, religious, or even non-spiritual ideologies are, our vision is our vision. Nobody can take that away from us. We must carry our vision into all of our activities. As long as our motivations are right, proper, and pure, and our side of the street is clean, everything else is water under the bridge.

Life is going to be what it's going to be, people are going to be people ; therefore, we should each learn how to "live and let live" as Alcoholics Anonymous says.

Good night family,

Peace and love to all

~ KO



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