in #youth4 years ago

  1.  Make Friend with Positive People Alone

In your twenties, one of the most interesting things you do is hanging around with peers and associating with others, if you don’t do this right you can associate with people who will destroy you.

Jim Rohn once said, you are the average of the five people you spend most time with. People we spend most time with add up to who we become. If you want to fly high, you need to join the eagles not chickens, they are people who are less accomplished in their personal and professional life, and they are people who are more accomplished than us. If you spend time with those who are behind you, your average will go down and it may take your success, but if you spend time with those who are accomplished than you, no matter how challenging that might be, you will become more successful. Be conscious of people you spend time with, because your association determine your acceleration.

  1.  You can’t Please Everyone

Now that you are an adult, you must know what you want for your life, and go for it. Your siblings, friends and even parents may not like this, but it doesn’t matter. Most adult leave their lives trying to please everyone and that’s why they fail in life, now at your twenties, you must start practicing decision making, and how to hurt people, yes! how to hurt people, you need to learn how to hurt people sometimes in your life journey. Bill Cosby said, I don’t know the secret to success but the secret to failure is trying to please everyone. You don’t need everyone to agree with you or even like you, its human nature to want to be loved, to be liked, respected and valued, but not at the expense of your integrity and happiness, other people can not give you the validation you seek, that has to come from inside. At your twenties, you must know what you want out of life and be willing to go for it, even if some of your friends and siblings don’t like your decisions.

  1.  You Need a Library

Why do you need a library? Its very simple, to be successful in life, you have to know hundreds of things most people don’t know, and the best place to get such knowledge is from inside books. I know most young people hates reading, but you must be different because you are what you read, if your body is a reflection of what you eat, then your mind is a reflection of what you read. Fill your body with good stuff not candy like social media. Reading has seven benefits like boosting your imaginations, improving your communication skills, keeping your brain sharp and it will also help you learn about new things and you will become a more knowledgeable person.

  1.  Bad Habit Won’t Help

At your twenties, you are under a great temptation to try new things, you may want to try smoking, drinking, sex and party, but that’s like setting your self up for a poor future, whether it’s a poor sleep cycle that you have acquired over the years, or its your excessive smoking tendency, lying and petty stealing, you need to get rid of bad habits now, or it will destroy you in the nearest future.

  1.  Learn To Get Organized

Mess is something we always want to deal with, it can be mess at work or at home, most often than not, this mess start with just small thing, plotted all over until it get to the point when the mess becomes unorganized chaos, and becomes too hard for you to handle, some people take this to a completely different level and get obsess about it, am just asking you to free yourself from the mess that you are, and start organizing yourself.

  1.  Don’t Take Anything For Granted

We often don’t appreciate what we have until we loss it, that includes your health, your family, opportunity, friends, your job, the money you have or think you will have tomorrow, when you are young it seems like your parents will always be there, but they won’t. You think you will have time to get in touch with you old friends or spend time with the new one, not really, you won’t, you have the money to spend or you think you will have it next month, but you may not, nothing in your life is guaranteed to be there tomorrow, even those you love, the opportunity you have and the help you are getting. This is a hard life lesson to learn, but it may be the most important of all, life can change in an instant, so try and appreciate what you have, while you still have it and use it wisely so that your thirties will be free from regrets.

  1.  Make a Budget

Its no news that most adults are poor, one of the reasons for this is because they spend their money to acquire liability, the first thing you must try to control as adult is your finance, it probably wont be fun, but you need to know how to budget in your twenties, budgeting don’t have to be complex or difficult, you can make it extremely simple by making how you spend.

  1.  Form Saving And Investment Habit

Two third of Nigerians don’t have savings, not because they don’t have income, but because they don’t have the habit of saving, more than the 95% of the people in the world will go broke next month if they lose their job today, because they have no investment. You think your life should be different? Now that you are in your twenties, form the habit of saving and learn about various investment portfolios.

  1.  Give Up Your Need to Be Liked

Think of yourself as a market niche, there will be a lot of people who like that niche and they will be individuals who don’t, it’s that simple. If you are a lady, don’t follow all fashion trends to be liked, if you do, you are destroying your self-esteem, if you are a man, don’t join that gang or buy latest everything to be liked and respected by everyone.

  1. Ask Questions, There Is No Shame In Not Knowing.

No one has it all figured out, nobody has all the answer, there is no shame in saying “I don’t know”, pretending to be perfect does not make you perfect. Stop pretending as if you know it all or you have it all, it just makes you erotic in pretense of manufactured profession. Ask questions, even stupid once, you may look stupid for some minutes, but you will increase your knowledge and become a better adult.

  1. Be Determine To Solve A Problem.

You don’t have to be the next Nelson Mandela to nurture you imagination, there are hundreds of problems in the society around us that need to be readdressed, but people usually stay away from getting involved in anything that needs a bit of hard work. Find out that thing which boarders you the most and focus your energy at creating the solution, you should make the world a better place, and you can only do that by solving a problem.

You can do it if you believe

  1. Don’t Rush Into Things

Often when we are young just beginning our adult journey, we feel as though we have to do everything at once, we need to decide everything, plan out our lives, experience everything, get to the top, find true love, figure out our life purpose and do it all at the same time. Slow down, don’t rush into things, while you need to be serious and focused, you don’t have to get everything done at the same time.

  1. Life Isn’t Always Fair

Great thanks to all my dear readers, you will be more appreciated if you can kindly send a recommendation to some friends and to all media across the globe. Thanks! for given your time.

AUTHOR: Dprince2281