The Problem with YouTube

in #youtube3 months ago


So I'm listening to a song I've just started playing on YouTube for the umpteenth time. The late, great Gary Moore wails on his guitar, belting out "Parisienne Walkways," when suddenly the music stops and the image of Gary Moore is replaced on the screen by that of Kamala Harris! She's asking for money to save the sinking Biden ship -- or maybe she's hoping to use the money for her own presidential bid once Biden bows out from his re-election campaign.

What has Kamala Harris got to do with great music? Nothing at all! I assume this is just a way for YouTube to make more money, by selling political ads and then, instead of placing them before or after the song that people want to hear, the artistically-and-culturally-deaf money-grubbers at YouTube simply interrupt the song in the middle to play the ad. How gauche!


Interessantes Teil! Dachte zwar erst, das brauch ich nicht, aber damit kann man wohl auch Kanäle abonnieren, ohne bei YT angemeldet zu sein. Auf der Homepage gibt es für Linux auch ein Appimage zum Download, werd ich nächste Woche mal testen.

Mercy für den Link.

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