Youtube "Bumper Ads" Now Plays 5 Ads Before Your Video Begins

in #youtube2 years ago (edited)

Over the years Youtube ads have gotten more and more annoying and intrusive. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised as that's the entire reason the platform exists ie Google did not create Youtube so creators could express themselves or so you could enjoy free content, they created a tool to capture your attention and time so they could serve you ads and in turn monetize that attention. That said over the years we got pre-rolls, then more pre-rolls, then longer pre-rolls, which brings us to today with Youtube beta testing rolling out up to 5 ads prior to you being able to watch a video. In today's video we discuss this change.

YouTube Free is Silently Testing 5 Ads, instead of 2, Before Your Video Starts

#Youtube #YoutubeBumperAds #Creator