How do I Unhide My YouTube Channel?

in #youtube3 years ago

You might have had a Youtube Account! created for you by someone else, or you may not remember your password. Whatever the reason is, it can be frustrating to not be able to access your YouTube channel.

Don't worry! Several ways will allow you to get back into your account and start posting videos again. In this post, we'll share some of those methods with
Unhide My YouTube Channel.jpg
you can get back in control of your youtube channel once more!

YouTube is one of the most popular video-sharing sites on the internet and is a convenient way to share your videos with the world.

If you have uploaded any content to YouTube, make sure that you've either set up or saved an email address associated with your account before it was hidden from view. If not, then Googlemay send out emails prompting people who try to log in without having a verified email on file for their account.

This could result in someone else getting access to your password through these automatic emails if they were able to answer the security question correctly. To prevent this from happening, simply add an email address of yours as your second level of verification when signing into YouTube again!

This step will allow Google's system to know that only YOU are entering information about accessing YOUR account and no one else can get into it without your consent.

Google may send out emails prompting people who try to log in without having a verified email on file for their account. This could result in someone else getting access to your password through these automatic emails if they were able to answer the security question correctly. To prevent this from happening, simply add an email address of yours as your second level of verification when signing into YouTube again!

You can't access your account if you have forgotten your password or it was created for you by someone else, but that doesn't mean you can't get back in!

If this is the case for you then head to YouTube's "Forgot Password?" section where Google will ask several security questions about your account.

Once they have answered these correctly, they'll send a password reset link directly to your email address associated with it so that you're able to log back into your account and start posting again!

Once they answer the security question correctly, Google sends a password reset link straight to their email address associated with the account which allows them access once more.

If all of those fail or if someone else has created an entirely new channel under their name using yours as well (known as hijacking), then there are still options left to regain control of the account.

The first suggestion is to try and create a new YouTube channel from scratch, something that will completely remove any other traces of your old one in Google's system. This isn't always possible though if you don't have access to your email address or can't remember some important information about it - for example like their recovery phone number which allows them to change passwords without needing an email associated with the account! If this is the case then head over to Change My Password where they'll ask for certain things about your identity as well as a current password.
Once there, updating your password should allow you the full range on all aspects of managing both channels again!

As long as you keep track of everything related to your account, you'll be able to get back in control of it as soon as possible.

It's important that when managing an account under these circumstances that the user know what information is right and wrong before updating anything. For example, if they think their email address may have been hijacked but are unable to access any emails linked with their Google Account then they should make sure to contact customer service by phone or chat for assistance!

Google will ask them certain questions about their identity which allows them a chance at changing passwords without needing an email registered on file first.

If all else fails though and there isn't another way around this problem then disabling YouTube from being accessible through Google search (or anywhere online) might be helpful too. This way, while the account will still be intact and available for use, no one else will be able to access it or create a new channel with your name again.

If all of these fail then disabling YouTube from being accessible through Google search might help prevent any future hijacking in the system. You can't access your account if you have forgotten your password or had someone set up an account on their own without consent. However there are many ways around this problem!

One would be contacting customer service by phone or chat so they can change passwords manually and restore control back to them. It's important that when managing an account under these circumstances that you know what information is right and wrong before updating anything.

If nothing works though (or if someone has created a new account under their name using yours) then disabling YouTube from being accessible through Google search might be helpful too.

If the user is unable to access any emails linked with their Gmail Account, contact customer service by phone or chat for assistance, Whether you've forgotten your password and need help remembering it or had an account set up without consent by someone else, there are many ways around this problem!

One way would be contacting customer service in order to change passwords manually and restore control back to you.
It's important that when managing accounts where these circumstances exist that users know what information is right and wrong before updating anything. If nothing works though (or if they have created a new channel which hijacks theirs), disabling YouTube from being accessible through Google search might be helpful as well.