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RE: What's In The Bag?

in #zapfic3 years ago

There is one more kind...the one who carries her super hero utility belt in her purse! Yes, I have one of those....

Ultra short stories require much more thought! I read a science fiction story that was written to be printed on a postage stamp, but I wasn't able to find it just now. It was pretty good!

The other thing hard to write is a haiku!



I love writing haiku. It can take me a full week to get one ready for a contest. The simple things are the most difficult to convey.

I knew you wrote haikus, LOL! They are difficult, which makes them fun. 😁

The last one I wrote was a reply to the haiku bot...just to see what it would do. It apparently won't respond to a deliberate haiku.

I have two books in outline form that I need to spend some time on....


I have done the same thing with haiku bot!!! It never picked up on my deliberate 17 syllable comments.

It is likely programmed to ignore deliberate haikus, LOL! I'm glad you're as sick as I am....


It amused me a bit. It was so very bad at haiku, showed that bots can't be artists. Artists go beyond reason, into feeling. Bots can't feel. At at least I hope not.

Not yet, but there is some work trying to impress organic memory into computers.

A fools errand I suspect; but some people think it might be immortality.


They forget that without the spark of life, there would be nothing at all.

Well, liberals have always believed they are god...or at least his advisor!

Sadly, they have a questionable spark right now, LOL!😂

But they will try...
