When you are taking 30k a week outta Steemit Rewards and selling "Minnows" $10 dollar upvotes...(Op/Ed. entertainment only right?)

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)

Original Article from @farazahmad ....the payout was days past and this important info was ignored, A group of us felt differently when we saw it....



upvoted for self -aggrandizement
red button time count down bout to begin


<3 you CRACK me up , ;)
@harleymechanix, yeahhh, I love ya' flow yo

I do what I can...

😂 Man that's gonna go down in history on steem, the best meme of steem will be the aggrandisement meme 😂

<3 @beanz

3.31 is that amount
it went to an animal rescue group.
have a nice day

Half Of THE SBD's From the payout on this Post will go to New User Causes and Initiatives for things like feeding people and education programs.

Absolutely disgusting. Do these people have no shame! Friggen assbags!

nope. but how nice would it be if she was to donate half of ONE posts SBD's to a good cause, huh
yeah, unfortunately some people have handlers and writers to pay I guess,

BA gave me the honor, and I dub this


Now you can take that to the bank! Never heard you ever say a mean word about one. They must be bad if it gets you that mad. I am on the right side of this one for once. Good to see you around @iamnotageek. It has been awhile!

Hello my friend,
Yes, it gets me extremely upset when people take advantage. Where are you these days huh? I miss that crazy accent of yours!

WOW that is shocking

Well thinking about it not really that shocking it is somehting that the system allows and could it some ways be seen as ethical if all the accounts are funneling back to one person as it seems that a huge chunk of the pool to one person.

But it all starts from the hinge amount of delegation to one person, good luck to them, but I just think how much of a difference even one tenth of that delegation distributed to 1000 would make

whats up jay, where ya been man?

HI Mate
Here and there keeping a low ish profile,
How are you doing mate

Real real nice, not keeping a low profile at all here.

I am surprised we havent bumped into each other more in Chat. Well I guess we do often for topkpop show

Ahhhh I'm just about ready to power up and upvote myself much higher.. on second thought.. maybe not.

Wow Battleaxe. Thanks for bringing this greater attention. And it's sweet to donate half the SBDs for a good cause.

What a disgusting con-job. I hope more people see these people for what they are.

Kudos to @farazahmad for the investigation. Brilliant job uncovering this crook.

Anji x

things, let's just say have a way of being brought to my attention usually via random dm's ......and it's really shaping up due to OTHERS work that it's way more than 30k? I am the messenger and apparently it's resonating, now the dm's are about someone running for witness with a shit ton of delegated SP but it's with some grown woman dressed as an 8 year old, I don't know what I am supposed to do about it except say it's on trending and I commented and will absolutely NOT be voting for that person as witness. It's creepy to dress grown women as a child smiling with a sign and tagging groups that the person as far as I know has jack shit to do with except to wrangle in votes from new and vulnerable groups , also to sort of say, "If you vote this person you will get 5 cents" .....

Hiya Battleaxe

ah the random DM ;)

I saw that post trending too. It's a real eye-opener being here.

With you on the women dressed as kids. No idea what that's about. Proper creepy though eww. Maybe they're tryna attract paedos in to upvote them.

Yep, they're projecting a charitable image to reap big. Shameful stuff.

Anji x

She's among the worst here... her exploiting with all of her alt accounts was revealed a short while ago.

having this guy insult a few women on here and people in general is bordering quasi -stalky
oh but then I see he took it next level with cut n paste of this for a zappl

yep..... sees you have some consensus on here on this
and I'm a woman and I notice the LACK OF "WHITE KNIGHTING" ...says a lot

She had a good chunk of d-SP yanked because of that a few months ago. I got her on mute because me and @michaeldavid saw through her bullshit back in September. One of the fakest fukn accounts on here. All Jess is is a model. Doesn't take her own pictures, doesn't write her own shit, worthless in my opinion. It's a business account is all to do exactly what you say, rape the fukn pool.

those that delegate SP have some responsibility in who they give say A MILLION FUCKING DOLLARS OF USD SP to for starters, they all talk on here like robots cause they only give a shit when the minions start to light the torches and get out pitchforks

Still depleting my SP to flag haejin to very little effect ;(


That's not a rhetorical question. Literally, I mean why?

If you are not putting your SP into voting up stuff that you want and you're spending all of your time and effort burning your SP on pushing down content you don't want, all you're really doing is making sure that other content that you don't want – other spammers, other low-quality content, other anything – is getting rewarded. You are literally, directly, turning to them and giving them a share of your SP for a vote every cycle. In your making sure that people who produce content that you want aren't getting the value of your votes.

Congratulations, you just screwed yourself.

Do you want to do something useful? Do you want to do something useful that will actually impact H-guy's bottom line, however marginal?

Take all of your VP, every day, and spend it on voting out content that you like. You will have exactly as much impact on things that you don't like as you would have by voting them down with the strange and unusual side effect of actually rewarding people who do things you do like, possibly and potentially getting more of it.

If you want to not feel useless, don't do useless things. Do useful things.

Seriously. This is not that hard.

Pls dumb this down just as much.

"Stop flagging. Vote shit you like up. Make good people happy. Stop wasting money."

I think that encapsulates things more succinctly.

You have a talent for this !

Can you break down the essence of war and peace in three sentences?

And then Tolstoy said..
Shit, barely anybody can write in this day and age.
Quantity over quality ought to lock my place in space and time down!
Then he handed his beer to his friend and sat down at the stylus.

It's sort of like making a million tokens without worrying about finishing the last two years roadmaps. Same concept.

ha ha probably
actually, SuperFreshMeat! how's this,
War Or Peace?

Probably Tolstoy just took a hella pretentious take on "Why can´t we all just get along ;( "

Soooo, when do I get my dead horse?

It's Russian literature. This is easy.

"Life is hard and dirty. I have to do terrible things. Life remains the same."

That probably sums up an entire undergraduate degree and Russian literature in three sentences. With five sentences, I could probably get into serious distrust of any hierarchical governmental system and the boiling resentment of a self-selected peasant class, but that may require a few more words. Definitely a couple of more periods.

You´re onto something here.

Start breaking down books nobody ever touches anymore. Aint nobody got time to read 10000 pages anymore.

I wanna show off my immense intellectual superiority to my friends ! Let us leech of your talent!

I'm going to have to start a Utopian project that accepts donations for that level of service providing.

Because if I have to wade through the "classics" of worldwide literature to turn them into Tweet-able soundbites, I want to get paid.

are you going to spend all day on this post, go for it, wish I had that kind of freetime :)

you may want to know full stories before you start sticking up for the next phases of this , I sure as hell woud not be defending some of what some this stuff is connected to,but go ahead, you're a Mensa level so are a LOT on here.... :) if you continue to write essays all day you get a prize for participation here on......steemit

Wait a minute. Are you suggesting that spending time communicating with other people about an issue you care about is wasting time?

Physician, heal thyself.

I want to be clear, I'm not defending anyone. I'm simply pointing out that your reasoning is crap and you should probably be a little embarrassed by it. The goal you've set in the means by which you are implicitly pursuing it is ultimately going to be self-destructive, and you should know that.

I'm simply saying that you should be honest about what you want and what you mean. I really don't care how much other people are pulling out of the system because I recognize that it is inherently slanted, from day zero, the white paper, to reinforce self-reflective efforts to generate higher hit rates from the reward pool. That is to say, self voting and clade voting are designed into the system to be extremely rewarding, the more so as you gain more SP for leverage.

Acting outraged about that is ignorant.

If the defense of your position is "well, you probably shouldn't bother trying to communicate with me," you should at least be honest about that. If the worst and most scurrilous slander you can provide is, "you're too smart and using too many words," I'm probably just going to cop to that and wonder, publicly, why you bother being here at all.

You can't defend yourself based on the arguments you presupposed. Or won't. You can't defend yourself based on critique of your philosophy. Or won't. And you won't actually engage in discussion.

What is it you're doing, then? Is it just making a post so that rah-rah people can dump their up votes on it so that you can take some money out of the pool? Isn't that exactly what you're criticizing?

I don't mind hypocrisy just so long as we're honest and upfront about it.

is it really so, does the white paper stipulate that self voting is the focus of the system in any way?

the way I see it theres dividends and you can use votes to help attribute it, your voting power determines the vested interest that you can sway.

people tell me I'm wrong, shrug

Dood, it's a call to action for "those in the know" and apparently you are not. More to come, U should grab your cereal bowl, and sit on the sidelines.
@lextenebris AS these replies (lines) get a bit convoluted

Have you heard of @steemflagrewards? It's in its infancy rn but starting to take shape.

Eventually, @supermeatboy may be able to get something back for doing what he loves.

That is flag the shit out of hjin

As long as the community is behind it, we can make it happen

I'm glad to see this conversation happening. As a newcomer to Steemit, but not (at all) to questions of ethics, I'd like to offer a few observations:

  1. Yes, what is described in @farazahmad's post is (as far as I can tell) within the rules of Steemit. That doesn't make it right! The laws of the land (where-ever you live) don't capture everything about morals & ethics; lots of people act within the law, but are still mean or dishonest or manipulative. Similarly, the rules here don't cover every possibility of unethical behaviour.

  2. The discussion can (and should) be about what kind of system we all want here. As an Aussie journalist said recently: "Economy is destiny". Steemit and will rise or fall based on the form of its economy. I'll leave my views on what is the appropriate compromise between what will work and what's fair for another day, but I will say this: If the status quo turns out to be bad for attracting new users (and new money) to the platform, then eventually even whales may regret supporting it.

Run while you can...... I do love that last part of numero dos there
"Steemit and will rise or fall based on the form of its economy. I'll leave my views on what is the appropriate compromise between what will work and what's fair for another day, but I will say this: If the status quo turns out to be bad for attracting new users (and new money) to the platform, then eventually even whales may regret supporting it." ...@samueldouglas
well said sir, well said