The Zappl Question: Should Zappl Users Have Separate Accounts?

in #zappl7 years ago

The other day I see a post from @anarcho-andrei (who you should totally vote for as witness, by the way) that mentions that he's posting from some new Steem app called Zappl.

It's a Twitter-like that makes posts of 240 characters or less to the Steem blockchain. I checked it out and was pretty floored at how cool it was. How long had this been brewing behind the scenes? Had I seen it already, but sort of dismissed and forgotten about it? It did familiar, so I'm pretty sure I've at least heard about it before. But here it is, in all it's resplendent glory.

This is a real contender against Twitter, folks - and this is only the first iteration of the platform. The real test will come with the iOS (and hopefully quickly after the Android) app. So far though, I've gotta say, it's lookin' real good. The Steem blockchain is barely on its second year, and we've already come this far. This is absolutely insane.

Good fucking God. There's such an electricity in the air when a new project launches on the Steem blockchain, or when something like SMT's get announced (hoping on another SMT update around mid to late November and from then on monthly until they launch - I would think they'd want to keep the hype up).

But there's a question. And this question is being introduced by Zappl to the Steem blockchain community for the first time: should users start new accounts for Zappl use, exclusively?

It's a good question, and I already see the community rolling it around in their mouths like a good wine, mulling it over as they pour another glass. On the one hand, why in the world would you split your risk splitting your user base if your blog isn't one of the better known ones on the site? It seems to me that the way Steem and it's related platforms work reward a laser-like approach to social media. Focus on building your SP in one account in order to really reap the benefit and be able to more easily share it with others.

On the other hand, there is the idea of clutter. If you're going to be posting ten times a day, maybe everyone in your feed doesn't want to see that, especially if your account is super focused on a certain topic or is basically already famous..... But on the other other hand (I have many hands) each post you make will be short and if you don't include a photo it shouldn't take up an annoying amount of space (for this reason Zappl users probably shouldn't bother using stock photos to make their posts more attractive, it's likely to have the opposite effect - just as in Twitter).

It's a good question. I think, for my own part, I'll be making posts from this account until I feel fairly certain I'll be posting to that platform often (there's not been an Android app announced yet, and the site doesn't seem to work particularly well on my phone - or at all [and it's a new phone]).


Follow: @jenkinrocket

Tuesday, October 31st, 2017

Source: 1


No they should no be fact, they cant be since they both read the same blockchain.

That said, I wrote a couple posts about this. Zappl is probably the number 1 way to grow the steem blockchain. There is no learning curve and people will be attracted to making money for a few sentences.

The problem is that the steemit platform puts all new posts in the blog section...whether it is from Zappl, Dtube, or the others. I wouldnt mind it going in my comments section or in a new area called activities. Either way, the steemit team needs to redirect where they are going (or shut it off).

It's definitely clear that the devs are going to have to find some sort of solution. The easiest would be auto-filters for Steemit such that that incoming content could be easily blocked with the press of a button.

I agree.

My view is Zappl has the potential to put the steem blockchain on the map since it is a much easier conversion in terms of the learning curve from Twitter. People will embrace it very easily.

I shy away from it since it makes my blog page look messy and I am sure it upsets my followers to see so many Zaps in there. They have SP to protect also and upvoting Zaps is a major drain.

I've decided not to use my main account for posting Zaps. I am excited about the project, I wish they would just give us the option to filter out Zaps on the SteemIt Interface. (If wishes were....) lol

Hear, hear. Yeah, a Steemit filter option is going to be important if Zappl is really going to get on it's feet properly.

Is that the reason you decided not to use your main account for Zappl posts?

1st... Anyone who uses a bot to vote for me, may not want to vote for a Zap...
2nd, it is likely a different audience that would want to see my short form snarky humor
3rd: It was messy.


Ah.... forgotten about bots. Yeah, that could be an issue. If you're someone who has a fleet of bots supporting you (or even just a few, really) then you wouldn't want to jeopardize that or be seen as taking advantage of that.

I think the picture I'm getting for most of us is that unless you're someone who plans on using the platform fairly regularly and already have a decent amount of votes per post (and some confirmed bots) it doesn't really matter and isn't worth it to start a new account.

I suppose for someone like yourself it makes sense if you plan on using it fairly regularly.

Hmm... I'm tabling the discussion for myself until I see what the Steemit devs do and what happens as far as an Android Zappl app. Without that the point is moot for me, anyway, as that's where I feel the real value of that platform will be - mobile.

I just started zapping today and it may be annoying to my followers since it automatically publishes on steemit as well.

Yeah. Since they tap into the same blockchain, there might not be any way around this. Of course, could just implement a Zappl filter option for users who'd rather have them separate... That might end up being the best and most practical solution.

Yes! And I think there should be a way for auto-voters to filter zappl posts. I'm concerned about those who are auto-voting me, I don't want to drain their VP over some silly one-liners :D

Great analysis @jenkinrocket! Take note of this please @zappl :P
I started zapping few days ago, and it still annoys me that my zaps are appearing on my Steemit blog (especially when I don't zap the same topics as my blogs). But Im still doing it because I believe its the responsibility of Steemit's devs to 'fix' this issue rather than having users to work around the devs.

You know what I'm saying? The devs should be adjusting the platform to serve our needs, rather than we adjusting our needs to serve the platform.. If the users have to do the latter, then the platform ain't gonna last long

Hmm. Fair point. Actually this point is quite subtle. You're correct: this is a dev issue. While it's tempting to opt for some work around like a second account, it's wiser to see what the devs do, first. In this light a second account might only be advantageous for high volume users of Zappl who already have substantial SP and a large following.

Great question! There was another project that was going to have topics and the "zaps" would show up as a comment on the topic. I suppose the zappl devs could implement that. I would'nt want to get active with my main account and alienate my followers.