
Zappl is 240 characters, Not everything is rewarded, also the web is 90% short form content when you take out porn. So the obvious impact short form application will have for the steem blockchain in regards to user signupns and content is going to be very significant.

Also zappl rewards comments on its application and we have the data to prove that user activity is way up. User communication has sky rocketed because of it, which aren't all bot comments. Zappl also don't spam every post they upvote with witness information.

Steemit after v.20 won't be the only main site to sign up. V.20 makes it more affordable for apps to signup users. Also we would like to state not all of zappl is short form, we also allow video uploads to several minutes long as well. Including video and gif uploads as well.

As people are on this oh post are to small, the most successful application and websites in the world are almost all short form. Zappl all depends on how you use it, because some sites filter our video embeds its hard to show what zappl is truly bringing to the blockchain.

(Yes, I saw the 240 characters after having prepared the above commentary*. 😊)

Great job you guys have done putting this together and keeping it running. Your service is appreciated. 🙏

I'm struggling with my steem motivation at this very moment and somehow it feels good others being in doubt about certain aspects as well. The system is far from perfect. It has a lot of merits, but also a lot of flaws.

What we often fail to see is that there are more sides to rewards and we have no way of differentiating. IMHO the two can accumulate the same reward amount but for different reasons. Let's consider only decent content for a moment, compare a decent blog articles with decent zappl post. A blog reward can be 'high' because people want to reward the effort of writing/research/insights/... A zappl post could be reward equally if a lot more people gave small votes, because the zappl post has a greater audience.

The problem is that there are too many different categories and the system works the same for all. Steem has a system of 'content' and rewards. It's the community that decides how to reward what content.

That sounds good in theory but as this steem experiment shows a lot more is involved. Where there's money and people, there's greed and so we have minimal input for maximal output, circle jerks, bots, ...

One of the issues is that there's a utopian idea of content self governance. The fact is that SP (money) governs the content, for better or worse. It remains a fact that one person with enough money can buy in and influence what gets rewarded and what not. At the same time a thousand minnows can write the greatest content and only getting pennies if the money doesn't like them. It's so freaking complex and it will stay like this for a while.

At the moment it all makes me feel too negative to stay around. It's too much about the money and the money does not reflect the value as I see it. (Not speaking for myself, I've done decently, I mean generally)

it is great from for braek the unreal issue which i catched

Brilliant! But do you really not vote for a witness?? Even a single one??? Well it is better than voting for the top 50 but you must vote for someone unless your are not an ignorant...

And i am a witness who pays for a server every month so you can come over here and type those words to get that 1.59 upvote including from my ownself... I wish Steemians can open their eyes and START VOTING for the people who deserves it.
I earn 0.96 SP every 2 months over my witnessing service. Since you have not cast any vote to anyone, i am going to ask you to vote for me at least. And i want to scream to every other steemians; STOP VOTING FOR TOP 50 and STOP BUILDING THE SAME PYRAMIDE in here aswell please^^

@rok-sivante you said it right sometimes with some words and a single picture you can convey a thousand ideas, that's the beauty of words. And i loved this one "Density does not always equate to value. Quantity does not equate to quality"

You know, I dont use Dmania or Zappl for these same reasons bro...

Im closer to cave in on Zappl rather than Dmania though, but it feels like Low Effort, and I absolutely abhor low effort.

Sometimes I see interesting news that affect the blockchain and think - a "tweet" about it to my audience would be cool. Then I think at people who have roughly $13 on auto-votes to me and go - nah, can't do it, it wouldn't be right, they are used to a certain standard.

This is definitely on my mind, I don't think I'll cave in as of now, maybe once I'm bigger and my audience already knows I work hard every day, so far I consider myself to be on the proving grounds still.

I think there is a difference if we want to develop our mindset. This is the difference, better one post but very high quality and many benefits from the many posts we send but not the least useful.

Regards from Indonesia

it's interesting to see how Steemit is developing into a platform like ETH. I think Steemit is more promising with the various Dapps.

Apparently, The said goal is 100,000 dapps on the Steem blockchain in the next few years.

Will be very interesting to see how all evolves, and what else may even leave Steemit in the dust...

It is said that in whenever direction you try to train your mind it goes on that direction only and slowly and steadily you start to get success no one gets overnight success..... Really appreciate your work of was creativity in you that has made such interesting article

@rok-sivante i feel zappl has potential to grow big because it is a new platform wherein you can directly take the efforts that you put to get steem followers in zappl no need to work from zero that's the biggest advantage!!

Just to be Mr Pedantic, it offers 240, which is shy of Twitter’s 280!

As someone whose content can vary from hours to weeks in creation (covering James Zabiela and Ripperton recently absorbed most of a month, and three hours were poured into a Sasha write up last night that is still not finished) having an alt account to quickly realise thoughts and whims is excellent. It is no less in terms of emotion - I’m not slapping out word farts for $.

The alt account I feel is the important part. It doesn’t create a jarring split personality. It’s much like owning a Wordpress and Twitter account. Obviously everything gets dumped into the one place, which is going towards making Steemit looking very noisy. Hopefully the prospect of communities will help segment things a little. Zappl obviosuly manages itself by filtering out Steemit content, even simply editing a post over here will remove it from the app.

I feel it has its place, its value. More so than the throwaway brain fart of meme-ing, which half of the time feels a touch desperate. But if you’re up for this place, I’ll seek you out with my alt and see you in the feed! It’s very much early days on the app, but the discord is hoping to stimulate some community posting. (I’m keeping an eye out for the electronic music stuff.) Looking forward to UX refinements and discovery tools over the coming months.

I feel you, rewards should be earned but like you said Quantity does not equate to quality. I see it like this if a artist posts a painting then that is a nice long article in its self, if a blogger writes a few paragraphs that's perfect for Steemit. But I guess that each platform has there niche formats like having videos and the new Zappl being like twitter. I like all your posts and think you will rock on Zappl so Zap on baby hahah