Zen Colouring Contest #42 - || SteemPunk Mandala Contraption || - A Chance to WIN STEEM/SBD by Colouring a Weekly Stencil!
Below is a screen capture of the random picker's selection:
(with example shades of the colour)
Wednesday 6th, 15:00 GMT - 'Winners Showcase' post
Tuesday 12th, 15:00 GMT - 'Week Ending' post
Tuesday 12th, 18:00 GMT - 'New Week Starts' post
(GMT - Greenwich Mean Time)

- Download the Stencil provided below.
- Colour the Stencil in any way you wish.
- Any medium is accepted, digital, traditional or otherwise.
- Must UPVOTE and RESTEEM this post.
- (Optional) Create your own post titled: i.e. ...Entry for Zen Colouring Contest #42...
- Add your final coloured piece to your entry post.
- In your entry, state which colour you would pick for next week's featured colour.
- The FEATURED COLOUR this week is Brown
- Make sure your first tag is #zencolouringcontest.
- Only 1 entry per Steemer.
- You don't have to be an artist. Anyone can enter! People of all ages!
- (IMPORTANT) Leave a comment on this post with a link and/or image of your entry/post.
- Encourage each other by upvoting and commenting on other entries in the #zencolouringcontest tag!
- You can add lines and shapes, so long as the main pattern remains visible.

click the image for full size, then right click the full size image and save the image.


1st place -
45% of post payout + donations +
One 100% Upvote & Resteem for a post of their choosing

2nd place -
30% of post payout + donations +
One 100% Upvote & Resteem for a post of their choosing

3rd place -
15% of post payout + donations +
One 100% Upvote & Resteem for a post of their choosing

Honourable Mention -
One 100% Upvote & Resteem for a post of their choosing

Community Favourite -
One 100% Upvote & Resteem for a post of their choosing
I myself will be donating 0.25 SBD to the prize pool each week.
Join the Zen Colouring Discord Server:
Talk with me & other colouring enthusiasts,
Listen to music & colour the stencil together,
and get exclusive #zencolouringcontest news & updates.

Artstorm, Colourstorm, Foodstorm, Butterfly Colouring Contest & Animal Colouring Contest!
Every Monday you are given a theme to draw the adventures of 2 lovable characters!
Each week you are given a theme to draw a funny comic strip!
Each time you are provided with a picture of a container with items inside and you have to guess how many are in the container!
Draw and create a mermaid scene based around the theme of the week!
A daily doodle contest with different themes each day!
A weekly themed contest in which you write a post about your favourite thing based on the theme!

For ease, just copy the following string of text into your post:
Good luck everyone!
Esta es mi entrada a este para concurso. Espero que les guste y sea de su agrado.
My entry: https://steemit.com/zencolouringcontest/@rachelcreative/zen-colouring-contest-42-or-or-steempunk-mandala-contraption-or-or
Entry: https://steemit.com/zencolouringcontest/@anastasiav/concurso-de-colorear-zen-42-or-or-steempunk-mandala-contraption
Hi @magiccleatus! Your contest is very good.
Here is my entry! Thank you and successes to all!
Sorry this is so late - it took me a bit to find this fun-filled image hiding in the stencil...
Mi entrada
Hi @magiccleatus! Here is my entry:
Thank you for the opportunity! :)