
Go, git, what are you doing here if this place is populated by idiots, morons and imbecilic self serving leeches, not in so many words? You can host your own content and be all over the SEO and put whatever ads you want, and guess what, you can even put a dollar sign with a whatever whack ass figures you need to tell yourself "I'm worth it", Ta da. No more idiots debating how to cheat you out of your author rewards under the guise of improving the economic model, no more thieves taking advantage of your impeccably worded content and it's ranking on search results, no more morons making money from ads that should belong to you, and no more getting your precious author rewards cut under the pretense of funding development.

But don't listen to me, I'm the entitled one because I showed you the door.

Posted using Partiko Android

What entitlement, convenient that you didn't explain anything or had anything to contest to what I pointed out, but do feel entitled to leave it at that, who am I to mince words with someone who literally thinks they deserve ad revenue from someon else's hosting among other things.

Posted using Partiko Android

It’s nice to see some on this platform still have some fire in them!