The largest, tallest and oldest tree in the world, and where is it located?

in #zzan3 years ago


The largest tree in the world -
The largest tree in the world is the Sequoia, which is a giant tree found in the state park in California Sequoia Park, called General Sherman, and its volume is estimated at about 1487 cubic meters, which is equivalent to half the size of an Olympic swimming pool, and the age of General Sherman is estimated at about 2000 years This makes it a giant, middle-aged sequoia tree, as some trees are believed to have reached 3,220 years old, using the method of counting the trunk rings. As for the length of General Sherman, it reaches 83.8 m. However, this height does not put it anywhere close to the tallest tree in the world.

In 2006, Sherman lost a huge branch of its branches, which destroyed a passage and a newly prepared fence around the tree, but the crash of that large branch did not affect Sherman's arrangement as the largest tree in the world, because this arrangement depends on the size of the trunk and not the branch.

The tallest tree in the world -
The tallest tree in the world is the evergreen redwood sequoia, these trees can easily reach a height of 91 m. In the forest of redwood trees there is a tree called Hyperion that made the rest of the trees a dwarf, as it was discovered in 2006 AD, and its length reaches 115.7 meters. Soon after Hyperion was measured as the tallest tree in the world, a New Yorker writer climbed close to the top of the tree and described how it felt to stand at that point: "The wind was blowing, and Hyperion's summit was bobbing back and forth."

Other trees: Helios:
which is considered the shadow of Hyperion, with a height of up to 114.1 m.
Icarus: a length of up to 113.1 m.
Daedalus: Length up to 110.8 m.
The exact locations of these giant trees are kept a secret to protect them from vandalism, and the National Park Service says that the reason for the redwood trees' length is due to California's climatic conditions, moderate temperatures, and heavy annual rainfall.

The oldest tree in the world -
Until 2013 AD, the oldest tree in the world was Methuselah, which is 4845 years old, a perennial pine in the White Mountains region in California, but then a tree that is 5062 m old was discovered in the White Mountains based on the research of the Rocky Group The Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research group This tree has not yet been named.

The second oldest tree in the world is found in the national mountains of Iran. It is called Zoroastrian Sarv-e-Abarkooh. It is estimated to be up to 4000 years old. It is a type of Mediterranean cypress, Mediterranean cypress, located specifically in Abarkoh, Yazd, Iran. It can be considered the oldest living thing living in Asia.