Week eleven Colonye post: Undeads

in #rpg6 years ago (edited)

to the https://steemit.com/rpg/@darklands/how-to-do-darkland-and-tutorial-quest-rules-items-wepons) how to jone comment below or go on Discord

we are sitting at 1179 steem power. all players get there post up voted and comments "up vote 0.04" now even more comments, if u are not doing a quest or few comments. a will visit and up vote random comments true the week. the more you delegation u more a do so. last week a got 1.237 SP form curation this is only from up votes to the 12 players.


all photos from pixabay
you need to expect miss spelling in the post. I am a dyslexic and en English is not my main language. so its a work in progress can we say.

The trading outpost.

the after math of the pumpkins man. the outpost is running low on food and all the workers has return so the outpost is buying food 2-1 ratio for wood and stone.

creativetruth has fund a book whit some disturbing information. the outpost wants the colonists to go in the the mountains, where the goblins where and investigate and fallen stone tower up there. we believe its undead creatures up there.

blacksmith: if you have and gem he can fix it for free.

  • buying wood, stone and 1-1

  • buying hide 1 for 2 stone, wood or food

  • buying wood and stone for 2-1 food (special offer two weeks)

  • selling iron 1-3 food

  • selling ale 1-2 food

  • selling health potion 1-2 food

  • we are buying +3 weapons and hide armor for 4 wood or stone

  • we are buying +4 weapons for 6 wood or stone

Rules, updates and Quests

the playable quest. remember to inform on your comment how much damage you are doing, in the last comment of your attack round. so the rest of the colonist now which target to attack on the goblin quest the colonist killed the goblin 3 times over.

the playable quest day is Wednesdays so make your turn before Wednesdays.

updated quest rules

Overview over all collonyes getting update every week.

Opal and small chance to find it in the (Stone quarry)(iron mine)(silver mine)
or on quest or trade.
the opal can be used to make a amulet or ring +1 to hit. or on a weapon +1 on Damage or on armor +1. you need and blacksmith to do it.



and the refugee worker is going to the outpost to find out whats going on. to his hooror he can see the field of pumpkings he and the worker jumping in the action and start picking pumkings. to the cant carry anymore..the pupking man is dead. and the save the day the refugee worker got over his fear off pumpkins. the outpost is giving him soms silver to as a thanks
his silver miner is doing good work but his lumberjack had a bad week.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 40SP (three workers)
Silver workers: (three) next one 20 silver
Wood 4 (+5 worker)(-1 fire)
Stone 22
Food/wheat 31 (+5 worker)(+24 quest)(-5 consumption five workers)(-2 silver mine worker one)
Silver 22 (+5 worker)(+5 quest)
gem 1

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 Stone -1 wood
+1 stone gunnars pickaxe

(+4 iron axe)(+5 iron long sword)(+3 cross bow "4 dam")
(2x +2 hide chest)(2x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)

Research bench (need a worker)
silver mine +5 silver (need a worker -2 food)
Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
you can move u six around if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
3 Lumberjack; 1 farmer; 0 Miner; 0 Builder; 1 Scientist; 1 Silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumber,Stone Quarry, Wood wall,herb cabin,Research bench two and ballista

research (need a Scientist)
cabin, Barracks,iron mine,Brewery,Blacksmith,armorer,stone wall,

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
Enter the spider cave (medium)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)

@cyber.explorer "fyres forest"

whent to the outpost. he was curious over the the story's from the refugee worker. when he got there. and meet up whit all the colonists. he understand its all true. the colonist are running after small pumpkins and stomp stomp.
cyber.explorer made eye contact whit the Scarecrow. it had no chance.
his workers did a good job. and his builder has now made the armorer this is and great asset in the world.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 160SP (five workers)
Silver workers: (three) next one 20 silver
Wood 72 (+24 worker)(-20 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 21 (+10 worker)(-30 construction)(+4 trade)
Food 46 (+13 workers)(-6 trade)(-9 consumption six workers/dog)
Silver 10 (+5 quest)
hide 21 (+4 hunters)
ale 3 (+2 trade)(-1 consumption)
health potion 2 (+1 trade)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
+2 wood -2 stone +1 stone (gunnars pickaxe)

(+4 stone spear)(+5 iron sword)(+1 hide boots)( +2 armor hide chest)(+2 iron horn helmet)
( +1 hide leggings)(special item wolf pelt +1 hit)

Buildings: (+- bonus) on production)
Hunter cabin (+3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)

Armorer (need a worker)-2 food (more info see colony file)
you can make hide and studded hide armor. one turn per part armor. per worker.
cost etc in the file.

Colony Phase:
u can move your eight if u want.
here are your workers from last week.
3 Lumberjack; 3 hunter; 2 Miner; 0 Builder; 1 Scientist;Armorer 0

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Research bench two,
Blacksmith, herb cabin and Brewery

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine, Barracks, iron mine,stone wall,wizard tower,iron armor (melee armor high + armor .
Ranger armor (low armor but high hit chance), improved hide studded armor.

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)

@creativetruth "Silvery Marsh"

and big Jake went to the outpost to investigate "the food problem"
a few days later they returned they have a lot of pumpkins whit them and some silver big Jake is tying to tell the story but..can rely explain it. the
Scientist has been reading the book. it turns out its a saga of the great war. and how the goblins, dwarfs and humans came together and defeated Mordred. Amrik was a scholar of magic. but he was seduce by the power of dark magic. he start working on summoning and ancient
lich called Mordred. Amrik sacrificed his wizard brothers and was successful on summoning Mordred but Amrik underestimate Mordred power and got possessed by him, Mordred was whispering in the shadows. the land fall in to Civil War, Mordred was building and army but he underestimate the free will of his follower, when he showed off his true self they turn on him. this was the beginning on the end the great war had be begun. first time in many years goblins, dwarfs and humans, was one again united against and common enemy. the war was long and bloody. but in the end the coalition was victorious. Mordred body was cut up in the five parts, head,arms,chest and legs. and buried in tombs around the world. and protect spells where put in place in the tombs. Stone towers where construction to canal magic energy in the the site. guardians where place in permanent guards.

the Scientist believe this story is very old and who knows how the state of the toms are now. he believe if the body parts of Mordred are in the wrong hands he can be awaken. the refugee worker is going to inform the outpost of this. this is answering a lot of questions but also opening more of them.

one of the workes from the stone mine is running in the the camp he sees all the workers listening to the story from the Scientist. SEE A FUND AND OPAL IN THE Stone Quarry.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 30 (+12 worker)(-1 fire)
Stone 20 (+10 worker)
Food/wheat 32 (+6 worker)(+21 quest)(-6 consumption six workers)
Silver 8 (+5 quest)
ale 1 (+2 trade)(-1 consume)
gem 1 (+1 stone miner)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
+1 stone (gunnars pick axe) -1 stone

(+4 "Fang")(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(+2 armor horn helmet)(2x +1 armor hide leggings)(+3 stone club)(+1 hide boots)(+2 hide chest)(dark staff)(book unknown)

Research bench (need a worker)
Farm +5 wheat (need a worker)
lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Stone Quarry +5 stone (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
you can move your six if u want
here are your workers from last week.
2 Lumberjack; 1 farmer; 2 Miner; 0 Builder; 1 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,
Blacksmith, iron mine, herb cabin and Cottage

research (need a Scientist)
Silver mine, Brewery, Barracks, armorer,stone wall.

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
investigate the fallen down tower near the goblin fort (hard)


is sending all his workers to the lumbermill he is joning them to . he start singing on a song he this make zero sens
I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four workers)
Silver workers: (three) next one 20 silver
Wood 83 (+36 workers)(-1 wood fireplace)
Stone 23
Food/wheat 13 (-7 consumption seven workers)
Silver 10
gem 1

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty farming)
-1 stone and wood

(+4 bow)(+4 stone spear)(+5 long sword)(+2 hide armor)(+1 wood shield)(+2 iron shield)(+1 hit gem necklace)(wizard staff "cant use it")(two +3 stone club)

Lumber yard +5 wood (need a worker)
Farm +5 (wheat/food) (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move your seven workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
7 Lumberjack; 0 farmer; 0 Miner; 0 Builder; 0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Stone Quarry,Wood wall, Research bench two, Brewery,Blacksmith
Silver mine and wizard tower,herb cabin,stone wall

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine, armorer Barracks ,

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)


is going to the outpost after and worker from the there had some horrible stor from there. he meet up whit most of the colonists and went over there.
the sight that he met was form nightmares. but no time to rest and stomping all the pumpkins he could come over. in the end the menace pumpkin man was dead he was covered whit pumpkin like the rest of the colonists. his workers had a good week. the stone stock pile is getting large. its promises good for the future.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 10SP (One worker)
Silver workers: (three) next one 20 silver
Wood 16 (+5 worker)(-1 fireplace)
Stone 63 (+25 workers)
Food 15 (+12 quest)(-4 consumption four workers)
Silver 23 (+5 quest)
hide 5
Ale 2
gem 1

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
+2 stone (+1 stone gunnars pick axe)

(+3 bow)(+4 bow)(+4 spike wood club)(+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam)(+4 stone spear)
(+3 stone club)(2x +2 hide chest)(+1 hide helmet)(2x +1 hide leggings)(+1 hide boots)

hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)
Research bench (need a worker)
Silver mine +5 silver (need a worker) -2 food
Colony Phase:
u can move your four workers if u want
here are your workers from last week.
1 Lumberjack; 0 hunter; 4 Miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist, 0 silver miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Barracks, Research bench two,Blacksmith,stone wall and Armorer

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,iron mine, Barracks, Brewery,herb cabin, (staff/book)

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)


she and the workers had a ale before she went to the outpost and the refugee worker and one of here worker went out to hunt. one to mine some stone. in the forest not far from the outpost she meet up whit the most of the colonists. the are sneaking through the forest. then they can hear screams, what happen next cant be explained. but she is not planting pumpkins in there near future. but atlest we have food for a long time and some silver to.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 15 (-1 fireplace)
Stone 18 (+6 worker)
Food 23 (+8 worker)(+12 quest)(-2 consumption two worker)
Silver 18 (+5 quest)
hide 4 (+2 worker)
ale 2
health potion 1

'Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty hunting)
Resources: +1 stone +1 stone gunnars pickaxe -2 wood

(+4 bow)(+5 long sword)(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spiked club)(+4 iron battle ax 4 dam)(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 armor hide helmet)(+2 armor studded hide leggings)(+2 hit bear cape "special item")

Research bench (need a worker)
Hunter cabin +3 +1 hide (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you two workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack;2 hunter; 1 Miner; 0 Builder;0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall,silver mine, Research bench two and Cabin

research (need a Scientist)
iron mine, Blacksmith, armorer, Barracks,
stone wall,Brewery,herb cabin

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)


is traveling back to the old country. he will be back in two weeks.
his workers are just doing the job while he is gone.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 6 (-1 fireplace)
Stone 6
Food 5 (+4 worker)(-3 consumption one worker)
Silver 9
iron 6 (+3 worker)
gem 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (specialty fish)
+1 wood -1 stone +1 stone gunnar pick axe

(+3 wood spear)(+3 bow)(+4 spike club 3 dam "gem")(+2 armor hide chest)(+1 hide helmet) (+1 gem necklace "special items")

Buildings: Research bench (need a worker)
iron mine +3 iron (need a worker) -2 food

Colony Phase:
u can move you two workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 1 Forager; 0 Miner; 0 Builder; 0 Scientist, 1 iron miner

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

fisher hut, lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Research bench two
Blacksmith and armorer

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall and Barracks,

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)



went to the outpost he was so ready to kick some..bandits trolls...what..pumpkins..oo well..stomp stomp. covered in pumpkins. the big pumpkins is down. he got a few silver from the outpost alsow food for days. when he return home his workers had just finished the fireplace and the hunter cabin. the colony locking good now. the refugee worker has decided to stay at the colony and one more worker form the outpost is joining.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 20SP (two workers)
Silver workers: (two) next one 15 silver
Wood 8 (+10 trade)(-25 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 9 (+5 worker)(-5 construction)(-10 trade)
Food 19 (+16 quest)(-2 consumption two worker)
Silver 12 (+5 quest)(-4 trade)
gem 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers:
+1 stone +1 hunter +1 stone gunnars pick axe)

(+5 long sword)(+3 stone hammer)(+4 iron spear)(+1 armor hide helmet)(3x +2 hide chest plate)
(gunnars pick axe)(+1 hit gem Ring)

Buildings: bed
hunter cabin +3 food +1 hide (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you four workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
0 Lumberjack; 0 hunter; 1 Miner; 2 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

Research bench 10 wood

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
follow foot steps (medium)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)


went to the outpost meet up whit the colonists. they are sinking true the forest. the he can see a field packet full whit pumpkins?. the colonist are attacking he get jumped by a pack of pumpkins try the get them off him but he getting wounded but manage to escape to the forest. he is spending a few days trying to get home he hes cuts all over. home at his colony his works had a good week. he fund a stone club in the forest. the refugee worker went home.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers: (one) next one 10 silver
Wood 3 (+4 worker)(-1 fire)
Stone 2
Food 7 (+4 worker)(-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 0

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: (simplegame wound status one week -50 production)

weapons/items/armor:(+3 stone club)

fireplace -1 wood turn
Research bench (need a worker)

Colony Phase:
u can move you one workers if u want to
here are your workers from last week.
1 Lumberjack;1 Forager;0 Miner;0 Builder;0 Scientist

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.

lumber yard, Stone Quarry, Wood wall, Research bench two
Blacksmith and armorer

research (need a Scientist)
cabin,silver mine,iron mine, Blacksmith and armorer,Brewery,herb cabin,stone wall and Barracks,

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)



is running home he caring a lot of pumpkins this is a excellent start on his new life here. a bit strange like getting slapped by pumpkins..he get chills. bruuu...but all this food. his workers has a good week. the new fire place its hot. he is thinking to make some let see. pumpkins...whit ahem pumpkins.
as Thanks for his help the outpost gave him some silver and a hide helmet and he got to keep the stone club. the refugee worker went home.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workers one (next one 10 silver)
Wood 3 (+4 worker)(-5 construction)(-1 fire)
Stone 5
Food 15 (+13 quest)(-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 5 (+5 quest)(-5 hire one worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: missing bed (-10% production)

weapons/items/armor: (+3 stone club)(+1 armor hide helmet)


Colony Phase:
u can move you one worker if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;1 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
Research bench 10 wood

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)


went also to the outpost to find out what the crazy refugee worker saying.
in the forest next to the outpost he meet up whit most of the colonists.
and then the can see the...pumpkin man..enjar is telling the story to his workers. when he saying pumpkin man. the start laughing. you are crazy to here in these camp we are working hard and you a telling this story.
enjar drops his 21 pumkings. on the ground. silence.
the lumberjack did not have a good week, but the Forager had and extreme good week. the

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 80SP (four)
Silver workers One (next one 10 silver)
Wood 11 (+6 workers)
Stone 5
Food 31 (+21 quest)(+11 workers)(-4 consumption four worker)
Silver 5 (+5 quest)(-5 hire one worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: missing bed/cold (-20% production)

weapons/items/armor: (+3 stone club)(+1 armor hide helmet)


Colony Phase:
u can move your five if u want.
here is the jobs your can do

2 Lumberjack;3 Forager;0 Miner;0 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
fireplace 5 wood
Research bench 10 wood

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)



went to the outpost he meet up whit most of the colonists there. he is thinking how he can explain what happen there. he is silent thinking.
yes...no...ho will like some pumpkins. and putting down the 17 pumpkins he is carry. the refugee worker and his lumberjack..how did you manage to carry this home?. he also got and stone axe and a hide helmet and some silver in the end it was a good day. his workers did a good job and got a lot of wood. the refugee worker is going home.

Resources Phase:
SP Delegated: 0SP
Silver workersOne (next one 10 silver)
Wood 5 (+8 workers)
Stone 5
Food 19 (+17 Quest)(-1 consumption one worker)
Silver 5 (+5 quest)(-5 hire a worker)

Colony conditions:
Current Modifiers: missing bed/cold (-20% production)

weapons/items/armor:(+3 stone axe)(+1 armor hide helmet)


Colony Phase:
u can move your one worker if u want
here is the jobs your can do

1 Lumberjack;0 Forager;0 Miner;0 Builder;

Available Buildings see colony file on more info
u can build building if u have the materials and a workers/player to do it.
Bivouac/Bed 5 wood 3 stone
fireplace 5 wood
Research bench 10 wood

gunnars cousin Astrid need a word (easy)
Discovered the immediate area (easy)
Contact Gunnar the dwarf (easy)
investigate the fallen stone tower (hard)


• 2 Lumberjacks will cut wood/ Lumberyard
• 2 Hunters (with Blaze) will hunt for food/ Hunter's cabin
• 2 Miners will mine for stone with Gunnar's pickaxe/ Quarry
• 1 scientist will study iron armor/ Research bench
• 1 Armorer will make a studded hide chest piece/ Armorer
OOC: how much iron do I need for this? I will trade the outpost -food for +iron.

Gunnar's cousin Astrid need a word? I will see what this is about.

I have wood available to trade for stone, 1:1, with any of the colonists.
I will trade -10 food to the outpost for +20 stone.

8 hide 4 iron
its a lot of numbers so it all in your colony file behind your weapon.

the outpost dont have a lot iron so you need to find a other source in The future. but now you have a monopoly on making armor.

Ok, so In addition to the trade above I will also trade -12 food for +4 iron.
And then the armorer will create a studded hide chest piece for -8 hide and - 4 iron.

I will hire a worker for 15 silver and have him hunt out of the cabin.
I will trade 20 food for 40 wood.
My other two workers will also hunt out of the cabin.
I will do the easy quest.
(I should only have 2 ale, not 3)

thank you.

noted on the rest

OOC: Wow! No kidding, bad week. 3 lumberjack and only 4 wood? Geez, their equipment must have broke.

Okay, I'll sell 10 pumpkins to the outpost for 20 wood.

Workers -

1 lumberjack
1 silver mine
1 farm
1 builder building a lumber yard
1 stone miner
1 research bench researching next project (herb cabin) - although next building project is stone quarry

Quest: Investigate fallen stone tower

OOC: yes u got 3,1 and a 4 on the dice whit your -1 in the colony and the fireplace. 4 wood. almost as bad as u can. can a give you a tip. the research bench its only unlocking the bulding so you can build it. it dont give you anything before you physically building the building. you can researching which of the project you want. its no next one there. its just how its written to save some space in the post the are all on one line. a want to recommend you to build the Stone Quarry (you has good bonus) and insted of gettting almost no wood just get stone a trade with the outpost the get the wood from there.

in the colony file you are the first sheet you can see the cost on the buildings there.
and find out want buldings you want the stone quarry you dont need to research

Okay. Good suggestion. Go with that.

do you want remove the lumber yard and put in the Stone Quarry. then.?

Do you think it matters? I was planning to put in one of each before moving on to the next level of buildings. It seems like everything needs wood more than anything else.

yes it do. one worker in the stone quarry get 7 stone. on a turn and the lumber yard worker get 4. so by trade u get 7 wood in stead of of the 4.

Okay, then let's do it. That makes sense. I'll build the quarry and then trade for wood.


Coming home after that crazy pumpkin stomping adventure, i am happy to see my worker was quite successful bringing in wood. Now I need to get this place warmed up.
My one worker will build a Fire Place (-5 wood)

I will exchange 5 food for 10 wood
I will exchange 5 food for 10 stone

Food: 19(-5 for +10 wood)(-5 for +10 stone) = 9
Wood: 13(+10 for trade)(-5 for Fireplace) = 18
Stone: 5(+10 for trade) = 15
Silver: 5

I will go take a look around the immediate area to see what I can find.
I will take my +3 axe and new Hide helmet along just in case there is trouble.

A big week! I will prepare for the hard quest with my usual awesome gear! Hide chest, iron shield, +4 bow and +5 long sword. Fallen stone tower here we come, I will join with allies along the way!

This week I will assign two builders, one to make the stone quarry and one to make the silver mine. The other 5 workers will farm this week, and bring in the wheat!

We will trade 13 food for 26 stone to the outpost.

Here's to a great week!

cool a will put you in the quest on to days post.


forgot to put u inn the quest but did in now.

a have update the rules how shield works so technically you cant use it whit a bow anymore but its ok this time. the shield has a spesial attack to Tim in the quest is going to use it.

OOC: What determines the current modifiers? I see everyone has something different.

Does the Colony Modifier affect EACH worker or just the total production? What if someone has a -1 to food and collects NO food that week, does their inventory drop by 1 or is this just modifying what is brought in? If someone has a +2 to food and they have 3 workers collecting food, does that add +2 to what EACH worker brings in or just 2 extra to the total collected by the 3 workers?



Worker 1 - Building a research bench.
Worker 2 - Hunting with the hunting cabin.
Worker 3 - Mining stone.
Worker 4 - Mining stone.


Trade with the outpost:
Buy 20 wood for 10 food.


iron spear (+4)
Long sword (+5)
hide helmet (+1)
hide chest plate (+2)
Gem ring (+1)
on the "Follow footsteps" mission (unless you recommend otherwise).

OOC: What determines the current modifiers? I see everyone has something different.
am rolling a few dice when am making the start location

Does the Colony Modifier affect EACH worker

yes. you can get 0 yes. but not -

Oh... so do those modifiers remain the same all through the rest of the game? In other words... they are permanent modifiers that come with the territory of your starting location?

most likely yes.


Sell +3 stone club = Buy 4 stone
Sell +10 Food = Buy 10 stone and 10 wood



Build: Cottage, cost: 40 wood and 30 stone


Gunnar's cousin Astrid needs a word

Equip @creativetruth: Bow, Long sword, Horn Helmet, Hide Chest, Hide leggings, Hide boots.


Trading Outpost
Trade 5 hides for 10 food
Trade 4 food for 8 Stone
Trade 11 food for 22 wood

If I've done my math right, this will give me enough stone and wood to build the stone wall.

I will have the blacksmith put my gem in my hide chest piece, for +1 armor.

Hire an additional worker for 20 silver

1 worker will research the staff and book, 1 worker will research herb cabin, 1 worker build a stone wall, 1 worker mine for silver, 1 worker will hunt

I will join the quest to examine the fallen tower, taking my (+4 bow) and (+4 heavy stone spear 3 dam) as weapons, and wearing the (+3 hide chest), (+1 hide helmet), (+1 hide boots), and (+1 hide leggings). I will also drink an ale.

eksellente :)

Trading Post
I exchange 5 food for 10 wood
I exchange 2 food for 4 stone
I exchange 3 food for 1 iron

Food 15 (-5 for 10 wood)(-2 for 4 stone)(-3 for 1 iron) 5
Wood 3 (+8 for 4 food) 13
Stone 5 (+4 for 2 food) 9
Silver 5

Sending my worker out as follows:
Builder making a bed (5 wood and 3 Stone)

I will set out to Discovered the immediate area (easy) this week I will bring my Stone Club and helmet and leave my worker behind.

OOC how does the delegations work again for for workers?

by Delegation to the @darklands you can get workers to and a bigger up vote and more of them.
10 sp 1 workers
20 sp 2 workers
40 sp 3 workers
80 sp 4 workers
160 sp 5 workers
340 sp 6 workers

the work same as normal workers