hughie8 resteemedsteem-plus (73)in #steemplus • 6 years agoDaily SteemPlus Stats - 6/20/2019Welcome to this daily edition of the SteemPlus Stats. This post aims to give you all the information you need about…hughie8 resteemedsteem-plus (73)in #steemplus • 6 years agoDaily SteemPlus Stats - 6/18/2019Welcome to this daily edition of the SteemPlus Stats. This post aims to give you all the information you need about…hughie8 (43)in #cn • 6 years ago初次使用SteemPlus, 这款插件挺好用的介绍 Steemit相比于基于Steem的一些App来说, 界面交互以及功能少了许多 想要看VP、RC等信息要再去打开Steemd页面,很麻烦 在不安装其他app的情况下, 可以下载steemPlus,…hughie8 resteemedsteem-plus (73)in #steemplus • 6 years agoDaily SteemPlus Stats - 6/17/2019Welcome to this daily edition of the SteemPlus Stats. This post aims to give you all the information you need about…hughie8 resteemedsteem-plus (73)in #steemplus • 6 years agoDaily SteemPlus Stats - 6/16/2019Welcome to this daily edition of the SteemPlus Stats. This post aims to give you all the information you need about…hughie8 (43)in #wherein • 6 years ago杭州某互联网公司给程序员发的年中福利,,植发治疗服务,,杭州某互联网公司给程序员发的年中福利,,植发治疗服务,, 好笑又心疼,,还不如放几天假休息 来自于 WhereIn Androidhughie8 (43)in #esteem • 6 years agoLeetCode 27 | Remove Element 删除数组元素题目描述 Given an array nums and a value val, remove all instances of that value in-place and return the new…hughie8 resteemedsteem-plus (73)in #steemplus • 6 years agoDaily SteemPlus Stats - 6/15/2019Welcome to this daily edition of the SteemPlus Stats. This post aims to give you all the information you need about…hughie8 (43)in #esteem • 6 years agoLeetCode 5 | Longest Palindromic Substring 最长回文子串题目描述 Given a string s, find the longest palindromic substring in s. You may assume that the maximum length of s is…hughie8 (43)in #esteem • 6 years agoLeetCode 4 | Median of Two Sorted Arrays 寻找两个有序数组的中位数题目描述 There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted…hughie8 (43)in #wherein • 6 years agomini 5降价了 购一台京东618 mini 5降价了 看了下 mini 5只有64G和256G的,竟然没有128G的,,真黑 64G的2588,256G的居然要3668元 其实128G正合适,64G空间有点小了 没钱 只能购台乞丐版了 来自于 WhereIn Androidhughie8 (43)in #cn • 6 years agoLeetCode 3 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 无重复字符的最长子串题目描述 Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters. Example 1:…hughie8 (43)in #wherein • 6 years ago大份吃不起,小份不够吃,,大份吃不起,小份不够吃,, 解解馋好了,明天还得上班,苦逼 来自于 WhereIn Androidhughie8 (43)in #busy • 6 years agoLeetCode 2 | Add Two Numbers 两数相加LeetCode 2 | Add Two Sum 两数相加 题目描述 [ Source : ( )] You are given two non-empty linked lists…hughie8 (43)in #cn • 6 years agoLeetCode 1 | Two Sum 两数之和题目描述 给定一个整数数组 和一个目标值 ,在该数组中找出和为目标值的那两个整数,并返回他们的数组下标。 例如: nums = [2, 7, 11, 15] target = 9 因为 nums[0] +…hughie8 (43)in #wherein • 6 years ago重拾可爱的Mandora许久没玩过雷亚的游戏了,今天看到雷亚新作Cytus 2发布在了Google Play上,想起了上大学时和女盆友无聊时候,玩的一款雷亚的炒鸡治愈的手游Mandora,突然就来了兴趣,重新安装下来消遣…hughie8 (43)in #wherein • 6 years ago学习之余,切个芒果补充下维生素学习之余,切一个成色好的芒果补充下维生素,缓解下头晕。…hughie8 (43)in #wherein • 6 years ago千万别为忙着营生而忘了享受人生Don't busy making a living that you forget to make a life. —— Dolly.Parton 千万别为忙着营生而忘了享受人生。 来自于 WhereIn Androidhughie8 (43)in #cn • 6 years ago从港珠澳大桥到香港的交通体验分享刚回到家,,这两日,和女票去了香港,一是抵抗不住放假前内心的躁动,二是确实好久好久没和女票一起逛过街了,,女票化妆品不够涂了 有工作,如何办?…hughie8 (43)in #wherein • 6 years ago夜游维多利亚港夜游维多利亚港 刚在海港城消费了一千多RMB,理性消费,,感触最深的就是商场的服务人员,只要在商场转,就会有诚恳的销售人员,在你需要的时候出现在你身边,详细的介绍商品,即使不买,态度也不会有变化。 来自于 WhereIn Android