mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (9)Here Wen Yujuan is still worried about how to stab this window paper to introduce the object to Lin Qiao. There, Chen…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (8)After Monday's work, Lin Qiao and Cheng Lei went to Starbucks, where they often went to love. They used to spend a…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (7)Cheng Lei has not been connected to Lin Qiao for a week. In the meantime, Lin Qiao seemed unable to think of his…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (6)Lemon is two years younger than he is. He has not graduated from school for a year, but he worked as a teacher in a…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (5)That day, after the family dinner, Cheng Lei sent Lin Qiao to his home and saw the soap opera that he had chased every…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoSerial novels: a cigarette half dessert (4)The Cheng Lei family is a semi old unit room with two rooms and one hall. The decoration is still in the style of the…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoA serial novel, "a cigarette half a heart" 003Came back to take a day off, tidy up things for a day, Lin Qiao gave Cheng Lei a call on the third day. The two of…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoA romance novel, "a cigarette half a heart" 002The second day was a sunny day. Lin Qiao wore a plain dress and changed his makeup. Yesterday, I forgot to ask the…mscat (27)in #love • 7 years agoThe return of a serial novel, "a cigarette half a point of heart" 001Qingcheng airport. A long haired girl was dragging a huge red suitcase through the crowded crowd. She dragged…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago感恩节前夕的香港游:美食篇之二米其林一星何洪记 走了一天的路,到了晚上八九点,又有点饥肠辘辘。 好友说还这次还没吃到正宗的港式夜茶, 于是我们又去了附近希慎广场里的高赞餐厅何洪记。 何洪记是米其林一星餐厅, 我们去的当儿客人非常之多。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago《红海行动》 :战争片里终于有不给人添堵的女性角色了我爱看电影。 看得多了,就能注意到一些导演和编剧喜欢使用的套路。 比如战争片里总喜欢丢出来一个上蹿下跳的女的,弄出点感情戏来,甚至连感情戏都没有,纯粹用皮相来插科打诨,自以为是张弛有度。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago香港的高速生活香港是个生活节奏非常快的城市.如果把香港拟人化的话,他应该是一个让人压力非常大的急性子。 车快、人快、讲话快、做事快。所有的设施、所有的习惯都在为效率服务。 香港的公共交通系统尤为发达,体现在两点:…mscat (27)in #photogragh • 7 years agoA trip to the Imperial Palace in 2008In the summer of 2008, I went to Beijing for a test, and I went to the Imperial Palace with my family. I took some…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago一只叫点点的小猫咪这个小家伙名叫点点,2017年5月5日出生。它的妈妈是流浪猫,很聪明。知道去好心的给她喂饭的家人生孩子,一窝六只,一半是纯白色,一半是黄花梨。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years agoThe new year's night scene in the ancient city of Xi'an古城西安的过年夜景The Lunar New Year is close to the end,Upload a few beautiful night pictures as a memento 农历新年已经快要接近尾声,上传几张漂亮的夜景照片作为纪念mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago《杀破狼:贪狼》:一部仍有诚意的佳作《杀破狼贪狼》的故事线十分清晰: 丧妻的中年男子李志忠,与女儿相依为命; 因为女儿的恋爱问题,李志忠采取了激烈的方式处理,导致父女失和。 女儿独自前往泰国散心,不幸被黑道劫持,她年轻健康的心脏成为市长秘书和黑道的交易对象。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years agoHongkong tour on the eve of Thanksgiving: good foodOn the eve of Thanksgiving, I came to Hongkong with my friends. This is the third time to visit Hong Kong, because we…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago《唐诗三百首》经常于临睡前,就着橘色的台灯细细翻其中一本中华书局出版的《唐诗三百首》。 诗词这个东西,就像品茶一样,有心情有闲趣时,随便揪上一小撮在茶杯里泡开,就是难得雅意。 做学生的时候老师让背唐诗,味同嚼蜡。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago娱乐圈摇钱树郑爽:我只管摇,你爱看不看我平时很少看郑爽这波流量明星的作品,这次是借了章子怡在微博上的热度,才完整地看完了郑爽表演的《我的父亲母亲》片段。 看完后,我感觉郑爽小姐很成功,她成功地扮演了《我的父亲母亲》中的傻姑一角。…mscat (27)in #cn • 7 years ago熊孩子现象:一群高龄儿童的自我补偿首先,我要说,在网上掀起关于熊孩子现象的口诛笔伐时,我从来都不站在熊孩子那边: 因为无数次被熊扯头发、毁东西,听着熊刺破耳膜般的尖声惊叫已经让我无数次升起炸平学校的冲动:…