
"he'd better hide" is an unambiguous threat. A statement of fact can also be a threat. "i know where you live and i own a firearm" is a threat. If you say that to someone, they can definitely get a TPO against you at least, maybe stalking or harassment charges.

You 100% intended to convey a very specific meaning. That you could find out where users live and take action against them.

did you just threaten me with a firearm? that is way worse than anything i ever said. no threats here, only seeking justice. i didn't know there would be so many people trying to stop justice, because they are tired of hearing about a subject. pretty petty reason to protect pedophiles, if you ask me.

my statement was only to say that if someone is working to hide pedophiles guilt, i will do everything in my power to see them prosecuted when the arrests begin.

i 100% want to see people who are obstructing justice prosecuted.

if you don't like ongoing, open source investigations, you have a mute button, use it.