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RE: @berniesanders just flagged my post! Is there anything I can do?

in #abuse8 years ago

I'd find his reasoning a lot more objectionable if there were already not such a deluge of pizzagate stuff.

To me "pizzagate is stupid" is a bad reason. "Pizzagate is stupid and weve already heard about it" is an OK reason. Especially when the post in question had significant payout even after the flag.

Also, more than a few of these pizzagate types generally act like shitheads.

I literally got called a child molester by one of them in this thread and lifeworship below is talking about finding out where people live.

I don't think having a post at the top of trending (potentially) to whip these guys into a frenzy is necesarily a good thing.


if you read closely, i threatened no one. i only stated facts, except for the one ad hominem. i've been called worse here, and no one ran to my defense.

"he'd better hide" is an unambiguous threat. A statement of fact can also be a threat. "i know where you live and i own a firearm" is a threat. If you say that to someone, they can definitely get a TPO against you at least, maybe stalking or harassment charges.

You 100% intended to convey a very specific meaning. That you could find out where users live and take action against them.

did you just threaten me with a firearm? that is way worse than anything i ever said. no threats here, only seeking justice. i didn't know there would be so many people trying to stop justice, because they are tired of hearing about a subject. pretty petty reason to protect pedophiles, if you ask me.

my statement was only to say that if someone is working to hide pedophiles guilt, i will do everything in my power to see them prosecuted when the arrests begin.

i 100% want to see people who are obstructing justice prosecuted.

if you don't like ongoing, open source investigations, you have a mute button, use it.

I wrote what I wrote because I believe it. I had barely checked out the articles I had seen on steemit. because I wasn't really buying it until today. The stuff I saw today convinced me so I wanted to show some stuff that I hadn't seen on steemit. It's probably already been posted before, but I hadn't seen it on here myself and I thought it was valuable info. I was really surprised how well it had done, but then i was just as surprised to see what @berniesanders did.