Your Government is a Terrorist

in #activism7 years ago

This weeks episode of Surviving the Matrix. Please watch, listen and share.


Enjoyed listening, btw i must say you are briliant narrator.

many thanks for saying so.

The subtle use of terrorism and the fear of punishment section made so much sense to me. I never looked at it with that type of depth wow. Thanks for pointing out new connections to me.

much love amarie. many thanks for listening.

you're very welcome - thanks for sharing the message! So glad to see so many listening and supporting you here on Steemit - maybe there's hope after all lol

Thank you Max for your kindness and your wise words
adding my blessings to all that you do

Stay Strong brother

Voting is a game we are allowed to play every few years, you could vote for Micky Mouse and still get more of the same. if voting changed anything it would be illegal. Don't play the game.

Great stuff Max! It is all fear based and it has created a broken traumatised society. So what could you do everyday to change it? You could ask yourself when you do any action (especially those that feel off), Am I doing this out of fear or out of love. See if you can defy any of those actions that you do based on fear. If you can point out, change or challenge that fear based action do it. Look for solutions, create your own, bring awareness to them to people. Try and do it in an almost just matter of fact way that is not to confrontational so they will actually here you. Your mind is prison as well, you don't need additional guards and oppression from your government in there. Ask yourself why you think a certain way when your fear comes up.
Here's an example.
If we let this person in my country all chaos would break out. Then ask yourself. Why do I think like this? Where did I come up with this assumption about reality? Am I just repeating something that I heard from ____ source? Have I ever met someone from ___ country? Have I ever been to ___ country? Where do I come up with these conclusions from?
If you honestly do this you will be able to spot the bull shit every time. Also you should get in touch with your feelings and emotions and trust them.

Definitely a most appreciated show, this helps the one I live with and everyone who owes their time to watch it. An awakening is a wonderful thing to behold in real life. I've also put out a warrant on Jigglypuff, that creature has been singing his/her last verse. Thank you again Max :)

Max Igan! I like his work!

Thanks for the share man. I haven't watch this video yet but will surly spend the time to listen.

All of the problems out there can be described and the solution provided in the famous speech of JFK. I wrote a post on this based on the fraudulent banking system.

Thanks for the share man.

Brilliant video man!!


I will definitely watch the brief history of false flags as well!

Found this just now

And it is exactly what you explain in your video. There is now way to appeal.

Great talk Max, take care my friend

many thanks

Not only do we have to pay for electricity the government put VAT on top of it.

The next 09/11 will have to be a spectacular event, some real"shock and awe". Maybe take out a city or similar. It has to be more shocking than the last world changing event.