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RE: The Drawbacks (And Solutions) To Living The Agorist Lifestyle

in #agorism7 years ago

why would i distribute adam's books when I have my own which explain the message that I am promoting?

I am open to Liberty Co and when the time is right and if everything aligns I will be in touch.


ah. Excellent question. And the answer is: Adam could be on the national debate stage in 2020 with the anarcho message pitted against Trump and Okra; at best, you will be in the audience. Now, this doesn't stop us from following up to said real estate broker or agent with YOUR book... so they get a more in depth view of Agorism ....and what they are helping us achieve.

Now... THE TIME IS RIGHT. now. Things are lining up for the Anarchos like never before. Berwick broke through the smoke and mirrors. When that time for all to witness what Agorism brings to humanity comes to pass... WE BETTER HAVE OUR EXAMPLE(S) UP AND WORKING WELL. We are going to get ONE shot at this, my good man. We best make it count. Now I ain't sittin' around waiting for you to be in touch. I would appreciate if you get with Johnny Vibe and let's begin some behind the scenes organizing and real estate shopping. I want you to be a major part in the administration of this first set of Agora3s. You deserve the positioning; you deserve all the accolades and "press". You have earned it. ...and for sure, once you become the AnarchoPosterBoy for AgriCapitalism in Anarchoville, USA... with a few pounds of gold in your sock, you will be a major chickie magnet, helping us overcome this:
who invited the libertarian.JPG

Again. the time is NOW. The debates are only 2 years and a few months away. Time flies when we are having fun and gettin' rich while producing REAL FOOD.

ps. Is your book on line with audio file production? I want to hear what I will be helping to distribute. Please post the link.

If you think Adam is going to get anywhere near the stage in 2020 you are mistaken, friend. And this is one of the big problems I have with his campaign. It's distracting people and redirecting their energies back into that system for another failed campaign.

I believe liberty will grow by word of mouth, education, and agorism. Adam has a reach but he is no Ron Paul.

I agree that Adam Kokesh (assuming he wins the Libertarian Party's nomination for President, which I think he has a good chance of doing) is going to be shut out of debating the Republican and Democrat candidates for President. No matter who the LP nominates for President, I doubt that the Republican and Democrat candidates will debate them.

I disagree with you that there is no value in Adam Kokesh running for President. I got involved in the Libertarian Party and movement back in the 1990's after being exposed to Harry Browne's campaign for President as a Libertarian Party candidate. I have spoken to Libertarians and small "l" libertarians all over the country, both in person, and online, and one common question that I typically ask fellow libertarians is how they became a libertarian. The number one answer that I get is because of a political campaign, and it is usually a political campaign for a high level office. The number one answer (by far) I have gotten from libertarians whom I have asked this question is because of Ron Paul's campaigns for President. The number two answer I have received from libertarians is because of Harry Browne's campaigns for President in 1996 and 2000.

The fact of the matter is that most of the public does not read books on philosophy, or economics. Most people will pay at least somewhat attention to who is running for President. If Adam Kokesh can reach a lot of people who'd never hear what he has to say otherwise by running for President, and who don't read books on philosophy or economics, and who don't visit alternative news websites, then I say that this is a good thing.

I would agree that it is a complete waste of time for the Libertarian Party to run the kind of candidates that it has run on its last three presidential tickets, like Gary Johnson, Bill Weld, Bob Barr, etc... These people were not even really in the ballpark of what I'd call a libertarian, and running candidates like this is actually counterproductive. However, as long as a candidate runs on at least a fairly strong libertarian platform, I see them running for office as a good thing.

as to the land question, I am uncertain if I am going to remain in the U.S. I do have a plan for the community I am wanting to launch in 2020 and will be doing an update soon.

Are you planning on "escaping" the US never to return? I guess I could respect that (to a point). But if you want to be an "international capitalist", we just need you to schedule one of your whirlwind tours each year as you are doing now. You can help govern the company wherever you have wiFi...

I do see the anarchos making Acapulco as "world HQ". It does make sense. King Midas Berwick seems to be a good man to shadow/coat-tail, huh? And if Larkin would stop fussin' with Adam over bullshit, and concentrate on growing AnarchoForko as orinally noted, Roger Ver may rethink his plans to invest in land elsewhere. At that point, y'all will have something impressive to show the world.... assuming you can figure out how to prevent a military "invasion" like the Mexican socialist army was doing at Lily De'Vine's house the other day. Did you read about that bs?

Chuck, speaking of producing food, are you familiar with Dan Carlson's work called Sonic Bloom? Aquaponics using Dr. Nate Storey's vertical trellis patent is another viable option.

Right now, I am so open to any and all options we have to produce HEALTHY non-GMO food. No matter what we attempt, attaining fertile land is the priority we should be focusing on. Then, we need to concentrate on protecting it from human parasites and controlFreaks. I assume you are familiar with the truth of what happened in CA with those "fires" a few months back... Right? No ostrich in Libertavia, please.

Yes...ahem the "fires", that incinerated entire towns from out of nowhere.
The native tribes were already doing that here when the Vatican Jesuits and Monarchies decided to send the Dove family over here.