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RE: The Fall of the State.

in #anarchy6 years ago (edited)

The human spirit cannot be held down indefinitely. Freedom is our nature, and our nature will express. It can never be utterly squelched short of extinction. Even then, we're just one of the many intelligent, free will species, I'm sure. The truth of consciousness itself is what we represent, and truth will out.

Now, where we are in this process is another story. We may be on an uptick, but I'm not convinced yet that this current trend is a one-way trip to freedom.

To look at what was happening in the late 60's, one could have made a viable case for the world moving toward peace and freedom - and they would have been dead wrong.

The devils allow one area of control to slip through their grasp in order to better situate another 10 that are more subtle and devious. So the hippies won the revolution - we've got men with long hair and earrings wearing jeans to their office jobs. African-Americans and women are running for president. Homosexuals can kiss on TV. And what's it all mean?

Absolutely nothing, because evil has a durable competitive advantage as long the masses are largely unwilling to go all the way to root principles and causal factors. As any level-headed investor knows, you can survive short-term swings if the long-term fundamentals are in place - and boy, are they ever. Malicious mind control grips the population, even amongst many who think themselves freedom-minded.

So let's celebrate these small steps forward, but let them be motivation for pressing ahead even stronger by getting this message on the table at every relevant conversation with someone who has yet to embrace this understanding. And considering how pervasive the evil is, it's pretty much relevant during every conversation.


Good points. I like the way you put it. We will never be completely free. I'm sure of it. Hopefully, we can continue to work on learning what freedom even is, and therefore know where we should go.