The Fall of the State.

in #anarchy6 years ago

It's happening. Not many can see it, but lets take a look.

Hopefully, this will be the boring part, but lets start off by defining what the State is. For my purposes, the State is the belief that people need to be ruled. Those rulers do so through the threat of force. They have the monopoly of force in a given land mass.

Even with the popularity of the use of force that seems to be at a high and rising, there are a number of very important things going on right now that are seriously eroding at the future of this paradigm.

So many things are happening at once that are really bad for the State.

Many believe that crypto currency is the blade that will bleed the State dry, but I think there are a lot of other very capable blades that have also already slashed at the State.

  • Education: The value of primary and secondary education is being questioned at an unprecedented rate. In primary schools bullies, standardized tests, loss of teacher's sovereignty over their class room, attendance mandates and a host of other reasons have caused a landslide of people to turn to things like homeschooling and other non traditional forms of actual learning and education. In secondary schooling, students are realizing the perceived value of a piece of paper has been all but lost in the work force. Once again, real learning and education are being found in just about every other place than in colleges.

  • Prohibition: This one may be a bit less black and white on the trend towards ending prohibition, as people seem very quick to want to ban everything, but my personal belief is that we are seeing a much more tolerant society. Most of what we are seeing of these prohibitionist are the fringe loudmouths and the deep pockets looking for regulatory capture. Those are two very powerful forces, but I think the majority of society would be happy enough if we could let "gay guys defend their pot plants with firearms". I don't think we are far off from a real conversations about the ravages of prohibitions.

  • Media: Mainstream media have all but lost their grasp on our collective thought. They sure did have it in spades for a while, but now that everyone has a nice camera on their internet connected phone, we are really seeing the light cast on some dark areas of society. Look at what we have been seeing concerning police. People have access to troves of information in their pockets and they can actually look into things themselves. This has shattered the grasp that the leaders once had going all the way back to the beginning of newspapers and even back to when there was little else in print beyond the bible.

  • Open Source concepts: Open source started out as just software and that was ground breaking. That proof of concept has now quietly gone into just about everything such as tools and hardware, education, health care, food, etc. and hopefully the "holy grail" - roads.

  • Cryptography: Cryptocurrency has it's teeth as a State killer, but the broader use and advancements in cryptography in general is the real power against the ever increasing intrusions of the State. Being able to keep private matter secured and to also transmit and store value outside the control of the State is the great catalyst for all these other things.

I think this is just barely scratching the surface of the things that are killing the State. These are certainly interesting times. It is clear that if we watch the news or scroll Facebook that the message is that the State is growing and the people are begging for it. I think the reality is that there are a lot of people begging for more State, but more importantly there are a lot of people actually doing things to actively defeat the State.


I agree. I see the tide turning in the information war as many people are coming to terms that everything we've been taught have been lies and deceit. All the old hat institutions have lost all credibility in my eyes, the church, the state, and the bank have been the two pillars and the arch that have held up this temple matrix for thousands of years. Now begins the crumbling of their empire...the next several years will reveal much more

I think you are right. We need to be working on building something better and new to fill its place. I think we are doing that.

In order to have a new world, the old one must first be made obsolete. The question is how to transition from the old to the new without worldwide bloodshed and unleashing WW III. Those who own governments just aren't going to relinquish the death grip that they have on the people, the resources, and the means of production either. With these old models, the different models are all just different ways of the state having ownership. In the U.S., the facade is that we are a "capitalist" nation but what everyone doesn't get is that once you regis-ter a business with government, it becomes the property of them and you are subject to taxation, regulations, etc. By operating in the property of another, you are bound to their terms and conditions. This is what a "name" is, artificial personhood, where government has pledged it's citizens as collateral. This is covert slave ownership.

The human spirit cannot be held down indefinitely. Freedom is our nature, and our nature will express. It can never be utterly squelched short of extinction. Even then, we're just one of the many intelligent, free will species, I'm sure. The truth of consciousness itself is what we represent, and truth will out.

Now, where we are in this process is another story. We may be on an uptick, but I'm not convinced yet that this current trend is a one-way trip to freedom.

To look at what was happening in the late 60's, one could have made a viable case for the world moving toward peace and freedom - and they would have been dead wrong.

The devils allow one area of control to slip through their grasp in order to better situate another 10 that are more subtle and devious. So the hippies won the revolution - we've got men with long hair and earrings wearing jeans to their office jobs. African-Americans and women are running for president. Homosexuals can kiss on TV. And what's it all mean?

Absolutely nothing, because evil has a durable competitive advantage as long the masses are largely unwilling to go all the way to root principles and causal factors. As any level-headed investor knows, you can survive short-term swings if the long-term fundamentals are in place - and boy, are they ever. Malicious mind control grips the population, even amongst many who think themselves freedom-minded.

So let's celebrate these small steps forward, but let them be motivation for pressing ahead even stronger by getting this message on the table at every relevant conversation with someone who has yet to embrace this understanding. And considering how pervasive the evil is, it's pretty much relevant during every conversation.

Good points. I like the way you put it. We will never be completely free. I'm sure of it. Hopefully, we can continue to work on learning what freedom even is, and therefore know where we should go.

Couldn't agree more. People against the state are acting on it, while those in favor are begging others to act on it.

What a time to be alive. :)

Truly spoken. I have felt these same sentiments but couldn't put it into words as eloquently as you have. You have received a random upvote from @botreporter & @bycoleman because this post did not use any bidbots.