Twit Tweet

in #anarchy7 years ago

It may seem strange to devote an entire article to one little “Tweet” from “God Emperor Trump” (a.k.a. the Orange Fuhrer), but one in particular is definitely worthy of a little psychoanalysis—a fitting term here, since we will be analyzing a psycho.

In short, after the Psycho in Chief of North Korea was purported to have said that the nuclear button is “on his desk at all times,” the Psycho in Chief of the U.S. ruling class blustered and boasted about how he too had a nuclear button, but his is (and I’m not making this up) “much bigger & more powerful.” Here is the twit’s entire tweet:

There are several separate issues, factual and philosophical, worth addressing here.

1 - This was not a message to Kim Jong Un.

To state the obvious, high level political parasites around the world have easier and more effective ways to communicate than Twitter. The purpose of this “tweet” was to boast and bluster to the American people. That means that Trump thought the American people would be impressed by this. “Oh, he’s so bold and daring! Our hero!” And, sadly, a number of Americans do seem just dense enough to support such lunacy. But did Trump really imagine that Americans in general would be impressed by he and his North Korean counterpart acting like bratty eight-year-old boys on a playground?

2 - Mass murder isn’t funny.

Again, this shouldn’t really need explaining, but given how thoroughly many Americans have been trained by war-mongers to cheer for death and destruction, it’s worth a few words. What is obviously implied in Trump’s snarky (and insane) little “Tweet” is this: “I have the ability to effortlessly exterminate tens of millions of people in your country.”

Of course, I can hear the Trumpites now: “He was just responding to a threat with a threat of his own!” In fact, I’ve seen several people say exactly that. And again, statist indoctrination has probably warped enough minds that a lot of Americans would see it that way.

Once again, putting authoritarian mythology in a different context is an easy way to show anyone how utterly insane and evil it is. For example, if one mentally imbalanced guy said, “I’m going to blow up your whole neighborhood!” how juvenile, insane, and utterly evil would it be for the response to be, “Well then I’m going to blow up your whole neighborhood too!”? Again, I’m sorry to have to say what any five-year-old should already understand, but threatening to mass murder innocent civilians is not a rational or moral response to someone else threatening to mass murder innocent civilians. And calling it “deterrent” doesn’t make it okay.

The rational and moral response to violence, or threats of violence, is the use of defensive force against the actual aggressor(s), not against anyone and everyone who happens to share the same religion, nationality, or general geographic location as the aggressor(s).

3 - Trump is the mirror image of Kim Jong Un.

Like many political “leaders” (a ridiculous euphemism for power-happy sociopaths), these two jokers need to feel needed, which requires an enemy for them to pretend to valiantly fight against. They both need either a war, or at least the fear of a war, to keep their respective subjects terrified and obedient, and demanding that their own megalomaniacal tyrant protect them. And if you want to compare, between Trump and Kim Jong Un, the real-world acts of international aggression and violent invasion of foreign nations, be my guest.

Last time I checked, North Korea doesn’t have many hundreds of military bases in over seventy countries around the world. For example, does the North Korean military have twenty-some military bases in Canada and Mexico? Nope. But the U.S. military does have twenty-some military bases in Japan alone, a few hundred miles from North Korea. So between Americans and North Koreans, which people have more of a reason to feel threatened by the military of the other?

Trump is the head of the largest terrorist organization in the world—the U.S. military—which sticks its nose (and its bombs and bullets) in places all over the world. It has murdered millions of foreign civilians, in many different countries. This is not debatable. Yet Trump still has the gall to pretend that the head of a rag-tag band of impoverished goose-steppers over in Asia is being a mean bully to him. It’s the same as some bratty little sadistic narcissist kid on a playground trying to instigate a fight while playing the victim, so he has an excuse to beat up on someone else.

That’s not to say that Kim Jong Un isn’t himself a delusional, power-happy tyrant. Of course he is. And if he had the means to (he doesn’t), I’m sure he would play the imperialist war-monger game too. But basically all he has to prop up his two-bit dictatorship is the ability to publicly huff and puff, posturing and blustering to put on a show to try to impress the poor saps who his regime currently has subjugated. In other words, he is Trump, but with far less potential for actual death and destruction.

(As an aside, if the violent actions of a nation’s rulers, or its military, justify the mass murder of the people of that nation, then all Americans deserve to die. Keep that in mind before you start babbling about how anyone in North Korea is somehow an accomplice and deserves whatever they get for going along with such an irresponsible “leader.”)

4 - Trump wants a war.

The following is true of most people in positions of political power, but it is all too painfully obvious in the case of Trump: those who seek dominion need dangers, threats and conflicts (real or invented) to serve as excuses to use power. If they don’t—if they sit around doing nothing, saying everything is pretty much fine—then they feel like the worthless, unnecessary little leeches that they are. Who would give a crap about Donald Trump at all if he didn’t have some battle or crusade (however imaginary and bogus they may be) to wage? The Orange Fuhrer wants power, glory and adoration, and that requires some major conflict for him to handle. So if there isn’t a real one, he will create one. And no, this is not at all unique to Trump, nor is it at all a new phenomenon. In fact, here is how it was expressed over two thousand years ago (translated, obviously):

When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty, and there is nothing more to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.” - Plato

So yes, when you see such a twit tweet, there is some reason to be alarmed. No, not by the paper tiger in North Korea. Only by the unstable sociopath in the White House. Ironically, a number of people were very vocal about supporting Trump for President precisely because they were scared that Hillary Clinton would be a blood-thirsty tyrant, ready to start World War III at the drop of a hat. Which, of course, she would have been. Just like Trump is. (In the show that is U.S. “politics,” the only puppets who ever get anywhere near the throne are those who will be good little war pigs for their masters, regardless of what they might pretend to be in order to get elected.)

So are we doomed? Well, things ain’t looking great right now. However, the American people are not quite as stupid as the media might make you think, and politicians can’t make war all by themselves. If the people don’t fall for the rhetoric, don’t give in to the fear-mongering bullshit, and don’t become emotional, blood-thirsty imbeciles, then the war-mongering plans of the parasites just fizzle and evaporate. So don’t fall for the scare tactics of jackasses like Trump, and try to stop the people you know from falling for it. In other words, don’t be one of the useful idiots that this quote, from the founder of the Nazi Gestapo, describes:

Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.” - Hermann Goering

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(Larken Rose is a speaker, author and activist, having advocated the principles of non-aggression, self-ownership and a stateless, voluntary society for over twenty years. Donations to help support his articles, videos and other projects can be made by PayPal to "[email protected]" or by Bitcoin to 13xVLRidonzTHeJCUPZDaFH6dar3UTx5js.)


USA is the only country that ever used nuclear weapons against humanity. It is indeed the biggest criminal organization ever and the petrodollar the biggest scam ever. I am a little bit afraid for the moment they will lose their financial power, probably they will go all in with their military power.........

They better use all those weapons to change climate on Mars

Thanks for usa

Donald Trump is leading USA straight to hell, and he's not making stops.

The Presidents of the USA have never been anything more than puppets of the global-financial elite. If you want a target for your angst, you need to go farther up the food chain.

the trump train stops for no one.

Did you notice how there is blood coming from the door from Venezuela in the graphic above?

Are these comrades mentally ill?

What is happening in both communist nations Venezuela and North Korea?

Is the entire population of both nations starving to death?

Did you just get censored with a false flag?

@biblenerd, basically @ozmaga's posts are auto targeted by a whale's bot army to be flagged any time he posts something. That's why there are multiple downvotes. It's the collateral damage of a whale skirmish that has been going on between @berniesanders and @haejin though, to my understanding, there was some kind of truce declared, but it looks like Sanders bot army still has @ozmaga on it's list to auto-flag.

while I'm tickled by biblenerd's comment, this repeated theme I see on comments and threads about the whale wars and bot campaigns makes it very difficult for newcomers to get a fair view of the platform.

It's like the 'mean streets of New York' except you can't see the robot gangs controlling the streets, only the greyed out comment corpses of their silent campaigns...

The new politics of decentralised online platforms. Interesting to see how the community manages all these shuffles for elbow room and voice

I appreciate you clarifying the politics of the flagging

Much like Safari, must remember to stay inside the vehicle at all times while snapping photos of the wildlife. I have often failed to heed my own advice.

Wow, I hope the Steem community fixes this soon, I mainly signed up because of lack of freedom of speech in my country (like prison time).

The revolution will not be peaceful for our slavemasters..
The revolution is here, action will be taken very soon.

This is our year, people.

We will no longer be slaves, my brothers and sisters, hold fast.. this tyranny is going to come to a swift end.

Claim your freedom coins and HODL the fuck out of them, times are about to get dark before they come to the light.. we will no longer be held captive by an oppressive regime.

There is no better way of fixing the U.S. It was either Hillary or Trump. At least with Trump, you are sure that he is the one running the country and he speaks whatever is in his mind. With Hillary, everything is done for her! Some one else would be calling the shots from behind the scenes while she pretended to be president. You just don't know where those greedy faceless power brokers can lead the country . They only have their stomachs to look after but no face to protect. They were looking for someone who would accept to be paid so that their name and image are used in a ruinous manner like Obama but Trump upstaged them or maybe they could not afford him. Me thinks!

Are you really still going to pretend that Trump isn't doing exactly what the SAME puppet-masters would have been telling Hillary to do? After all those appointments, and increasing the war-mongering? Don't fall for the puppet show. Trump is 100% just another puppet.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the psycho in chief is just a symptom. Whatever got him to the presidency may be the real issue.

You obviously don't believe that most americans support his ways but the fact remains: he was elected president.
Just the same, if the same public that got him there respond well when poked with stories of foreign threats then you can conclude that you may not have a Trump problem. You have a people problem.

At some point those of us living in "democratic" nations must take responsibility for whatever our elected leaders say and do. And if you don't support democracy because you are an extreme individualist (which is fine) at least not kid yourself about what most americans want. Don't forget that Trump was elected at a relatively peaceful time. If you get in a good old fashioned war, support for Trump-like characters would go through the roof.

Loved your post, by the way.

I too loved this original post and commentary following. As to the fact that Trump was elected by the American people, we must remember it was not by popular vote. And he only won electoral college votes due to gerrymandering. As stated by Karl Rove- "He who controls redistricting can control Congress"

Well thanks for that.
I didn't know the particulars of the election but I get that popular support may not have been as high as one could assume.

Still disturbingly high, though.

Trump is not a puppet. His ego cannot allow him to be one. He is a man on a mission. A man who is carrying out his mission with a lot of entertaining drama is not a psycho. Trump the president is not any different from Trump the businessman he was. At what point did he become mad? The rot in Washington needs bad ass character like Trump to clean otherwise those greedy fat shadows in Washington will gorge themselves on the the world. Sorry, I cant say the same of Hillary.

For a very thorough illustration of how Trump is just another establishment puppet:

Ha ha haa!.. I like this one. Mnuchin a swamp dweller! Of course. Trump needs him as a swamp guide. He knows where gators lurk and where there is quick sand. Trumps out sized ego cannot allow him to be anyone's puppet. I don't buy that one. It is not in his character to do other peoples bidding. It can only work when he is boss not the other way round. That is why you cannot see anyone else behind his numerous blunders. He bites his bullets. I think it is a very honest approach to doing things.

Trump is a smart man. He is 10 steps ahead of everybody. and he doesn't take any crap from anybody. Even the little people. He isn't doing it for the money . This guy is going kick ass and take them down.

Interesting read, you layed it out perfectly. Especially liked when you said

As an aside, if the violent actions of a nation’s rulers, or its military, justify the mass murder of the people of that nation, then all Americans deserve to die. Keep that in mind before you start babbling about how anyone in North Korea is somehow an accomplice and deserves whatever they get for going along with such an irresponsible “leader.”

Trump may have nukes but at least he's not a terrorist.... oh wait!

This must be one of the best texts I had read in a long time. This puts to "paper" what my mind looks like. Too sad that I can vote on it only once!

Great post, as always. I shared on Facebook with this commentary:

Whenever something is highly offensive to some people (but not actually incorrect), it reveals very strongly held biases (and possibly some social programming through years of propaganda).

This post by Larken Rose will offend a lot of people (especially Trump supporters), but I don't think it's wrong. It takes a long time to view the actions of the country we grow up in objectively.

Some say focusing on "just the bad things" distorts the narrative and the military industrial complex which drives so much of how this country functions actually does a lot of good things in the world. Well, I'm stuck on narratives put forth by major general Smedley Butler in War is a Racket. I think we, as a species, can move beyond the initiation of violence for profit being a valid, justifiable action.

Yep. By analogy, when someone takes their car to a mechanic, should the dude list all the things that are working fine with the car? Or should he "focus just on what's wrong"? And fix it.

Ples follow up
Thanks ....☺☺

I fucking hope not. I have a post on my blog about how a nuclear bomb wont ever be dropped again because outside intelligence makes sure that it doesn't happen any more. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.

Merkel's President Trump has not started his plans in Tweet at 4:00 pm on his own freak. On the trumpet of the United Nations to make Jerusalem a capital, he should also focus on the statement on raising Hazrat .Jesus He said that the opponents of the United States would have to suffer the consequences. This tweet is also the result of the same stress of the trumpet. As he said that Islam understands our leaders foolishly. The victim provides safe shelters to the kidneys. Pakistan is cheated and cautious! It has given us little help in exchange for Afghanistan. Although our claim is that the US $ 15 billion is spent on the help of Coalition Support Fund for Pakistan's logistical support other services in the fight against terrorism. The amount given was given. Which can not be considered as a global standard of aid. Pakistani people are not deceiving and helpless, Pakistani people say on such a nunsense statement, Mr.Trumph shut your mouth, mind your tongue cheating and deceiving is no more than you in the world. We do not want a friend. You have united our whole nation with your own views. Today, all the Pakistani people have become united against