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RE: Twit Tweet

in #anarchy7 years ago

There is no better way of fixing the U.S. It was either Hillary or Trump. At least with Trump, you are sure that he is the one running the country and he speaks whatever is in his mind. With Hillary, everything is done for her! Some one else would be calling the shots from behind the scenes while she pretended to be president. You just don't know where those greedy faceless power brokers can lead the country . They only have their stomachs to look after but no face to protect. They were looking for someone who would accept to be paid so that their name and image are used in a ruinous manner like Obama but Trump upstaged them or maybe they could not afford him. Me thinks!


Are you really still going to pretend that Trump isn't doing exactly what the SAME puppet-masters would have been telling Hillary to do? After all those appointments, and increasing the war-mongering? Don't fall for the puppet show. Trump is 100% just another puppet.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think the psycho in chief is just a symptom. Whatever got him to the presidency may be the real issue.

You obviously don't believe that most americans support his ways but the fact remains: he was elected president.
Just the same, if the same public that got him there respond well when poked with stories of foreign threats then you can conclude that you may not have a Trump problem. You have a people problem.

At some point those of us living in "democratic" nations must take responsibility for whatever our elected leaders say and do. And if you don't support democracy because you are an extreme individualist (which is fine) at least not kid yourself about what most americans want. Don't forget that Trump was elected at a relatively peaceful time. If you get in a good old fashioned war, support for Trump-like characters would go through the roof.

Loved your post, by the way.

I too loved this original post and commentary following. As to the fact that Trump was elected by the American people, we must remember it was not by popular vote. And he only won electoral college votes due to gerrymandering. As stated by Karl Rove- "He who controls redistricting can control Congress"

Well thanks for that.
I didn't know the particulars of the election but I get that popular support may not have been as high as one could assume.

Still disturbingly high, though.

Trump is not a puppet. His ego cannot allow him to be one. He is a man on a mission. A man who is carrying out his mission with a lot of entertaining drama is not a psycho. Trump the president is not any different from Trump the businessman he was. At what point did he become mad? The rot in Washington needs bad ass character like Trump to clean otherwise those greedy fat shadows in Washington will gorge themselves on the the world. Sorry, I cant say the same of Hillary.

For a very thorough illustration of how Trump is just another establishment puppet:

Ha ha haa!.. I like this one. Mnuchin a swamp dweller! Of course. Trump needs him as a swamp guide. He knows where gators lurk and where there is quick sand. Trumps out sized ego cannot allow him to be anyone's puppet. I don't buy that one. It is not in his character to do other peoples bidding. It can only work when he is boss not the other way round. That is why you cannot see anyone else behind his numerous blunders. He bites his bullets. I think it is a very honest approach to doing things.

Trump is a smart man. He is 10 steps ahead of everybody. and he doesn't take any crap from anybody. Even the little people. He isn't doing it for the money . This guy is going kick ass and take them down.