RE: Original Art Photography Series by @velimir #252 'Blue Moon'
Footnotes on the book of words that mentions that the term "blue moon" is a colloquial language.
The term blue moon reached its popularity in the 19th century. At that time, the phrase, "Once in A Blue Moon" appears. At that time, in Almanak Petani Maine, the blue moon was defined as the moon into a quarter which has four full moons. Ordinary, a quarter only has three full moon. Why is the third month called blue? The first atmosphere, the term adopted from a language called the dark blue moon.
Another theory, the blue title derives from French, "La Deux Lune", which if pronounced would be similar to "Blue Moon". The third theory states, the third month is called the blue moon because it signifies scarcity and misfortune. In 1946, the article "Once in a Blue Moon" in Sky and Telescope magazine written by James Hugh Pruett was mistaken from the blue moon as the second month of the same month.
According to astronomer John P Millis, a very accurate resolution is very popular and more. Farmers Almanac Maine. The phenomenon of the blue moon gets a lot of attention from people all over the world. The lives of townspeople who are already far from the astronomical problems may make the blue moon phenomenon admired Just plain.