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RE: The Four Things I Made

in #art7 years ago

They say when you paint in color, you are painting four thing's clothes, which totals up to five things, but when you paint in black and white, you are painting four things for things like your standard 'Four Things' post.


For things to make sense, you should probably know, when I finally got to things, I only had Two Things out of Four Things to go. So yeah. There are Things Too.

One time I decided to dress up as the Cat in the Hat for Halloween, and I had the great idea that my girlfriend could be Thing One or Thing Two, the little creatures that destroyed everything in the story. She wasn't into it, dressed up as a biker instead as I recall. She didn't want to be my Thing I guess.

I guess it just wasn't her Thing.

It was just as well; the halloween party was at my house, she would have been obligated to destroy a few rooms to stay in character. Biker chick was the better costume for all involved.

That's a good Thing then.