Mars in Leo in Vedic Astrology, August — September 2019…A Tip from Shining Bull

in #astrology5 years ago

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Mars has now entered Simha or Leo, through Magha Nakshatra’s door. While in Leo, Mars will pass through the vedic constellations or Nakshatras Magha, Purva Phalguni and the beginning of Uttara Phalguni which continues into the sign of Virgo. Magha is ruled by the shadow planet Ketu, Purva Phalguni by Venus and Uttara Phalguni by the Sun, ruler of the sign Leo.

Mars is hereby ready, able and more than willing to proclaim YOU to the world, exactly how you are spelled. This is particularly going to be regarding something that may have tipped your scales between July 31st and August 2nd, or something which has generally been backlogged to get expressed since Mars entered Cancer, that emotional river that sinks Mars’ fire, the last week of June. From July 31st through August 2nd is when Mercury was retrograding and then stationing in Gemini, which is where Rahu is doctoring up the airwaves in signature style. Too, those three days Venus was already combust the Sun in Cancer while communicating into the mess therein on a higher cosmic level out of Libra, which is where Venus was in the D9 chart along with Saturn and Ketu.

Regarding Mars, who we call Mangal in Indian astrology: Mars has a great similarity with pure ego, that survival interest which is necessary for the soul to exist on this plane. Now that Mars is feeling much more themselves, your ego is like a pen the height of you, and Mars is filling up this pen with themselves in order to write you all over reality in a way that requires no fine motor skills.

However,10th from Mars is the sign Taurus ruled by Venus and all about money and the luxuries that make us feel comfortable, and 4th from Mars is Jupiter in Scorpio, Mars’ sign, making Mars even bigger. The 10th House is what is in the conscious awareness of Mars as what must be accomplished, while the 4th House is Mars’ unconscious awareness. Venus is currently 12th from Mars but is right about to enter Leo, too, where it will be 100% physically manifest from Mars’ viewpoint. So I would like to suggest that during this transit, which will go until September 26th, there be one purpose behind every self assertion that you make. That one purpose should be this one: to be able to increase and enjoy your own comforts and luxuries, or those comforts and luxuries which can potentially become yours.

If you read my August Moon Prediction then you know that Venus is having a hard time. But when I look at the D9 chart cast at Mars’ entry in Leo, I see both Jupiter and Venus together along with the Sun in the sign of Mars’ exaltation, Capricorn. Additionally, zooming in on the constellations, both Jupiter and Venus are together in the Nakshatra called Uttara Ashada. Uttara Ashada is about achieving a stable form of success and is ruled by the Sun. This is why if you give Mars the intention that Venus wants, your success during this transit will be greater. If you do not give Mars an intention, Mars will not form words out of you; Mars will simply make marks all over the place that don’t amount to anything. And specifically during this transit, Venus’ interests looked out for by Mars’ actions have the potential to give plush, long-lasting results.

Very importantly, please notice if when rooted in your Muladhara Chakra, you are able to enjoy your experience of comfort and luxury much more. Whenever you’re at home or in your most comfortable or luxurious environment and while going about your normal tasks, place your attention simultaneously on the soles of your feet and on the mula bandha. The mula bandha is an energetic point located between the anus and the genitals. Practicants of Iyengar or Ashtanga Yoga will already be familiar with this energetic point. If you don’t know it yet, you can activate it by doing the same exercise as when you really need to urinate but you’re on the highway and need to make it to the next rest stop! However, it’s important to note that I am referring to a simple placement of attention; this is not about doing even minutely harsh pelvic floor contractions.

Keeping your attention on both the soles of your feet and on the mula bandha, do you experience more fully the beauty of your most comfortable and luxurious surroundings? Experiment with this throughout Mars in Leo, because the greatest challenge and the one which will bring the greatest reward during this period is to be able to enjoy luxury while cultivating it in a manner that channels Mars.

A show of strengths has been brewing, but if the show has a material prize to be won, and you are able to be in a non-engaged state while it happens, then you will not suffer and in fact you will gain. When you realize firsthand that you are an Avatar on this plane is when you can actually enjoy all of Venus’ aesthetic comforts and the beauty of the Earth. Coming simultaneously from the soles of the feet and the muladhara chakra is one of the best ways to arrive at this understanding. During this time, the placement of Saturn and Ketu is supporting that you engage in such an energetic investigation, so try it out and enjoy Mangal in Simha!

Do check out my full Vedic Horoscope for all signs for this Mars transit, right here on Steemit, as well as my suggestions for the waning Moon half of the month. Too, please feel invited to visit my webpage for Vedic Astrology consultations in English or Spanish and payable in crypto at and my Youtube channel at

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