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RE: The Homeless Man Who Made Chimeras

in #biology7 years ago (edited)

This is what happens when you rely too much on wikipedia lol! And by you I mean I! The 'in vitro' part for instance is a direct quote. Since the animals are whole and living I guess it means you're right! Fixed.

About the PEPCK mouse, I wrote in the first paragraph ""knock out" mice genes, or put in new ones". But the second time I mention the mouse I leave room for confusion. I added a note.

I fixed the pronuclear injection thing, that was a mistake that I can't blame on anyone else unfortunately. :P

Thanks so much for taking the time to read attentively and comment!


My pleasure and I edited the Wikipedia entry.

I am partly and indirectly responsible for a two-letter change on Wikipedia.

I can now die happy.