Lets talk about remote viewing, and influencing ..

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Remote viewing, and influencing.. What is it? Is it real? Does it work? Can you do it? Can anyone do it? Well... okay, so lets take this one step at a time here.. or one question at a time. What is remote viewing? Remote viewing is the name of a program started by Russian spies or maybe the U.S. Military a few decades ago, or so the story is told. You might have heard of a guy named Courtney Brown, or Dick Allgire, or Lyn Buchanan. These are the guys who say they were involved in the military part of this subject matter, and talk openly in YouTube videos about their experiences. They talk somewhat about the 'how to' process came to be and how to do it yourself. I personally have been researching this subject matter for several years now, and my honest opinion is, I think it is real. The website that Courtney Brown directs and publishes to is very explicit on copyright, so I will not quote him or his work. What I will do is give you my experiences learning some of the techniques, and tell you about my results. First, getting back to the questions in the beginning of this article, yes it is real, yes it works, yes you can do it, and yes most anyone can do it. That was the simple answer. Digging a little deeper, to start, the learning curve is ..well, a big curve. Courtney has a technique he teaches in a 'how to' video series on his website, and it does take several hours to work through. It also takes some time to kind of.. sink in. And.. it is only effective up to a certain percentage, and it takes a long time to perfect the techniques to enable them to work in a way that has measurable results. Essentially like anything you can learn of value it takes conditioning, practice, hard work, and persistence. I will link a few interesting videos from YouTube (I don't have anything to gain by you watching them). I do not own or know the people or channels, I just find it fascinating, and want to show anyone who has an interest what I am talking about. In my opinion remote viewing is an art, and an art that takes a long time to master. It can be dangerous, it can be psychologically stressful, and it could be terrifying. It can also be fun, exciting, and mind-blowing. I would say with seriousness, DO NOT attempt it drunk, high, in a negative mind state, or with the intention of hurting, harming, or causing anything bad to happen in any way, shape, or form. This is a mental process that can have immediate negative psychological results, and can seriously mess you up. I, the author of this article, assume ZERO liability and am NOT responsible for any bad or negative results. Oh ya.. you can use it to see future bitcoin prices.. seriously... That being said... have fun.


I love the concept of remote viewing and astral projection. I tried on and off for a few years and was only able to astral project once sober. Psychedelics helped quite a bit ;)

I have had some crazy unbelievable experiences. The book 'Astral Voyages' by Dr Bruce Goldberg "Mastering the art of soul travel" gives many techniques for conscious out of body astral travel. I may write an article on Lucid dreaming soon.

Looking forward to it

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