The Law of Attraction - Part 2

in #blog7 years ago (edited)



I have always wondered about the power of thought for a very long time.
So when I first discovered "The Secret" that thoughts create reality.

It absolutely blew my mind wide open.

Today I will share with you a way to Manifest things by applying a holographic technique build into nature.

First, I wanna clear something up many people say the following:

Seeing is Believing: This keeps you stuck in whatever reality, you live in, literally stuck.
Believing is Seeing: This allows for Expanding to new conclusions and thus expanding your perception reality.

I have formulated a simple step by step understanding on how beliefs create your perception of reality.


Every Belief you have, Every Feeling you have, Every Thought you have actually changes, literally changes the neurological wiring of the brain!

So when the pathway is changed which represents a new frequency node if you will that is being created and is pulsing out into the universe itself, the desire you hold is being pulsed out into the cosmos, and into the multiverse.

when you start cementing the particular idea in your brain, when the flexible thought becomes more and more visible in your imagination that is when the hard wiring in your brain will take place and you will literally be in a reality that contains your desire.

And the only way, and I cannot stress this enough! THE ONLY WAY to have what you desire is to not hold any expectation about it at all, that means not creating the scenario in which it will come, but rather following your excitement which is the driving engine for all things you want to come to you.

If you don't follow your excitement in life you will be running after your desires all your life!

So whatever you think about reinforces itself.
Be that Bad or Positive.

So as you understand Thoughts are Powers and they can have a great effect upon others if they allow taking your suggestion into consideration.

This is why I highly suggest not to believe what any one else is saying, not even me! But if it is something that you like, then, of course, use it as your own.

This is a illustration of how every single one of us is literally living in different realities but remains within a consensus agreement. This means that we all live on this world and that we have all agreed to certain rules, but within our own sphere of reality we create our own world that we individually bring about.

So let's say This Sphere is the Earth itself and it contains all the things we know as gravity, natural law, social communities, laws...

Within this Sphere are other spheres that symbolise yours, mine and everyone on the planet living in their own bubbles of thoughts, emotion, reality.


And within our own bubbles are all things contained that we desire, manifested, diferent beliefs, perception, even reality believe it or not, to someone the color red may look like orange.

So this gives you the basic idea on the structure of reality, and that also means that I'm living in an entirely different world than you most likely, and that when someone says it is fact or it is truth, that it is always true because beliefs reinforce them self upon reality and thus there is no such thing as lies!

So what may seem to someone else as a lie isn't actually a lie, its just a different point of view that is not being accepted by someone else's bubble.

Now when I spoke about giving you a Holographic gonna put it as simple as I can, When you see something in your mind that you desire the fastest way and I mean the fastest way for your brain to split into a neurological pathway that contains that particular reality.

Is to Visualize, Imagine, creating a scenario around your desire and play with it in your mind for 15 Minutes!

15 Minutes is the equivalent in our physical reality to make the flexible neurological pathways into a fixed strand within the brain itself. And this then Represents the FULL REALITY of that image you held in your brain.

Once that is done
you are now within that Reality Completely!
Whether or not the thing you desired came or not is not the point, because you now have focused yourself vibrationally into that reality you now must follow your Excitement to the best of your ability without any insistence on how it will come about.

As shown above, you can see that "Action" is the Excitement force that pulls you towards the thing you want!

So next time you are in a arguement with someone please understand the only reason why you can be in a arguement is because both think they are right! And they are!

Also the more you begin using your imagination which is the direct bridge the link to any reality, it is basically a catalog that your consciousness reads through and out of it, you get to decide what you want to include in your Reality Bubble.

This is how Reality works and how it will always work.

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This was in my feed and I read part 1 also.

When my middle son was born, I came across a well work copy of Shakti Gawains Creative Visualization. I excitedly read it cover to cover, and immediately began using her formula.

Having just had a baby, I really needed cash. Mini Me's are terribly expensive! So the formulas I worked all revolved around $.

2 days later I returned some bad food I had just purchased. They replaced the food and gave me a check for @27 over what I had paid for it! I pointed this out but that was correct- it was an apology offering.

Two days after that I received a check from a publishing company I had interned for several years prior for about $200! They didn't even know where I was- I had no forwarding address because I had no use to tell them! But they found me because some of our checks had been wrong and they were paying the back owed from their mistake. There was no way they could have found me, I had just moved across the country from another move!

And this sort of $ falling from almost literally nowhere just kept happening!

This WORKS :) I urge everyone to try it. But you have to let go of limiting beliefs and actually be open for it.

Dollars/Money is usually the most common way people wanna use manifestation yes

The actual fact of the matter is what you know and have been taught since you were a child is false.

The actual perspective should be that when you want the money and you visualize it and act upon it, suddenly a random stranger could write you a check of over a million dollars and put it in your mailbox, this is how reality works.

Now the degree to which this happens depends on your clarity, and how strongly you are able to shift to that reality where that specific person alrdy is "waiting" for lack of better words.

This is how i shifted myself to a already parallel earth to receiving the $10,000 from a random chinese woman.
And this is how others can do it as well.

Thanks for Sharing @arbitrarykitten :)
I will most likely make a smaller part on specifically winning the loterry with this technique :)
Because that is what most people are after.

Unfortunately money is something that is desperately needed for most people. I'm not going to go into a rant on this tho! Lol, I'm all about the happy positives :) It's where my life is <3