20 Minute Blog <strike>a Day</strike> when I can - finding my way

in #blogaday6 years ago

source is this amazing Pixabay artist
Today I wanted to write about alignment and finding my way. I have been reflecting a lot on my life and how I got to where I am now and where I want to go in the future. This kind of introspection has lead me to a place of gratitude in which I have never been before. I am able to stop every morning and each night and thank the universe for all I have - not in the half-true way I used to but in a fully accepting and utter knowing kind of way.

The way you think in the present will become how you are in the future.

I have heard this line of thought recycled in many ways by many people along my path of self discovery and evolution but now I'm witnessing it in action and it is a whole new world.

In previous years and cycles of my life I have been a rather negative person. I had these constant reminders I would repeat internally to myself which cemented my view on the world.
Things like:

I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Life is hard or life sucks.
I guess I'm just not meant to be happy.
The good guy always finishes last.
I don't have the time/energy/money for that.

and my all time favorite example - my thoughts on my health:

I get migraines all the time.
My (insert body part) is killing me today.
I just have anxiety/depression.

All these tag lines used to circle through my mind on replay all day long. There were a quite a few more but I won't bore you with them. My point here is that one day I began to just try out changing those negative thoughts into positive ones.

I got to a point where I thought, what the hell? there's no harm in trying some positive self talk - if it doesn't work I'm no worse off than I am now.

And so it began...

Self evolution is ever expanding process. There is no end I've come to see. The joke was on me. I thought at first a time would come and I'd be "cured". I thought there'd be a point where all the sudden I'd feel different and I would know "this is working".

Nope. It crept in silently, slowly.

I now think that process of refereeing my thoughts constantly was a sort of starting point - like a new door. This new door to my mind, (my world really because the what is the world but your own personal perspective?) was guarded - Not in an oppressing way with huge walls and scary guards like before but a simple detector. This new door would not allow those negative, doubting, jealous thoughts to come in. Immediately my alarms sound and those feelings get dissected, accepted and dismissed for what they are. I replace them with empathetic and understanding versions and in they glide through my new door to my new world.

Yes this was exhausting and at first I thought the traffic would never end. But now my thousand or so alarms that used to buzz are down to maybe 10 a day. The quiet is a prize all in it's own. At first I thought who am I without all the noise? And that's when I started telling myself who I wanted to be.

I am a being of light and love
It feels so good to be alive
I am blessed
I am wealthy beyond material measures
I am intelligent and compassionate
The world is full of good people
I am grateful

  • oh the list goes on and is always being added to.

Now those auto-reminders of positivism have become natural thought. Now I live in a world where good things happen to good people and the nice guy always finishes first. Now Karma is my friend not a silent enemy I work to evade.

When almost two years into this process my family and I became homeless and bad luck was knocking down our door I thought for sure this was a bunch of bullshit. I almost gave up entirely. Some days I would let myself give up but then like a ray of sunlight those positive auto-reminders would seep in - not in a mocking way but in a gentle and comforting way. I sank deeper into them and allowed the universe to take control.

Relax. The Universe has it under control

After a year of bouncing around, living in a van, with only our most essentials items and a few bags of clothing I really started to let go of the materialistic side. I look back now and realize how tied into those things I really was.

When we had the money to put down first, last and a security deposit on an apartment it was very hard to not let the past taint my expectations for the future. We had been turned down more times that I can count - why should this time be any different? No. This time will be different. We have grown and learned so much through the struggles of homelessness that this time around we will be rewarded. And we were. We got the call and we were so excited and relieved. Then my husband got a new job offer with more pay and I knew things were aligning perfectly for us.

Through perseverance and trust in the process we have gotten this far.

I'm actually grateful for the hard times because you learn the most about yourself when you think you hit rock bottom. I am stronger than ever and also more generous and understanding. I can honestly bow to the universe in all it's wonder and claim gratitude in my heart. No more half-assing for me.

I was inspired to write this tidbit today not only because these accomplishments are on my mind but also because of the @IFC challenge going on now: Motivation and Inspiration. This is not an actual entry as I am only partaking in the Championship for the fun of info sharing but if you have a great story to share be sure to enter into the Championship!

In closing I'm ending this slightly over 20min blog with a music video that keeps me inspired and motivated:

As far as I can see, I've made it to the threshold
Lord knows I've waited for this a life time
And I'm an icon when I let my light shine
Shine bright as an example of a champion
Taking the advantage, never copping out or canceling
Burn like a chariot, learn how to carry it
Maverick, always above and beyond average
Fuel to the flame that I train with and travel with
Something in my eyes says I'm so close to having the prize
I realize I'm supposed to reach for the skies
Never let somebody try to tell you otherwise

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That was very inspiring, it's a shame you didn't enter it in the contest in my opinion I might have voted for it, why don't you want to compete in the championship for a chance to earn the grand prize if you don't mind me asking? I respect your choice, but I don't understand why you don't want a chance at the grand prize especially after reading this and seeing that you've been struggling.

Also I think it's amazing you made so much progress and are so much kinder to yourself. Some of that I really vibe with, but some of it.. I'm not sure I could replicate cause I'm still in a very self attacky mode often, or angry at the greater world for what's happening to others in terms of injustice and such.

I am trying to be more positive and I've been working on it, though I'm not sure I could reach the level you have cause I feel like I'm reflecting the world, and the world is messed up.. For me to not see that bad stuff, would only be part of the picture I think. BUT.. I do acknowledge that I'm way too harsh on myself and I do need to be a lot kinder to myself so I thank you very much for this post as it has inspired me to think about ways in which I can work on being kinder to myself as well. Thank you for sharing!

thank you for reading @apolymask :) I agree - it can only do you good to be kinder to yourself. I am still my harshest critic - it's an on going evolution for me.. like right now I'm trying to tackle why I am so hard on myself and why I have this "I must be perfect or do this task perfectly" mind frame - but I started with small things first and got here you know in 3 years or something. I used to have anxiety attacks all the time, be totally enraged by every injustice in the world and totally wrapped up in emotion but slowly I have loosened the grip and slipped out a bit.

I still totally get wrapped up in rabbit holes of things going on in the outside world but I do it in segments now and I can more easily separate my own life from it. I think it has helped me to weed through the BS a bit more too because you can't see the forest through the trees. However, if we are on the subject of world issues.. it's a very frightening place where at right now and I hope people will wake up and start taking back their power so we can make the changes that need to happen because this world is a mess on so many levels.

I don't see my positive thinking as a way to dilute the REAL issues or to turn a blind eye or sugar coat things. That is not my intentions at all - in fact is a bit the opposite - because in a place of love for myself and then love for everyone I find I'm able to compose my truths in a way where more people will listen than if I try to jam pizzagate, population control and debt slavery down their throats with all the rage I feel over those types of atrocities because believe me it's there.

I feel like I'm reflecting the world, and the world is messed up..

this is such a powerfully true statement my friend! double sided though - is it you who reflects the world or the world that reflects you ? of course I have no better answer than anyone else but it is an interesting question to ponder to yourself

thank you as always for your amazing comments <3 I pulled out of IFC honestly because I saw the latest post (I think?) and you added a segment about inactive players in the top and I felt guilty because I know I have been MIA for the last SEVERAL rounds lol and my conscience was telling me others who have been trying hard and participating more may deserve the chance more than me


all of that awesomeness in 20 minutes? :-O

I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist.
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Life is hard or life sucks.
I guess I'm just not meant to be happy.
The good guy always finishes last.
I don't have the time/energy/money for that.

Stuff like that is like in the super market when reaching for something all te way on the top shelf, juuuuuuust out of reach.

and then ZAP! a static SPARK with a bright blue flash.

ahh Bif you are so right ;-) what great imagery - those bright flashes have saved me many a time! finally I think I've stopped reaching.. for now at least lol I am content and happy for, I think, the first time in my life and it feels wonderful <3 thanks so much for reading as usual my friend !

IMG_0396 (1).jpg

I know whereof you speak: this was my home for a year... my friends garage. I graduated to my very own storage unit with a front "office". No restroom however. That was down the row. But, ahh, this sort of thing will either break you or make you. It all depends on what you believe and what you think. Thanks for the reminder. Blessings.

@mistermercury I feel your pain definitely (especially the no restroom thing. that was my biggest daily problem and I have never been more grateful to be able to get up in the night and use it now because before I'd have to hold it all night) - my home was a conversion van for many months until it broke down and then we were stuck sleeping on people's floors when they could have us or walking to the broke down van and spending the night.. was not ideal.. but you're so right these are the things that make or break us - and for me (thank the stars) it made me a lot stronger but many days I thought I was cracking.. but that's how the light gets in I guess LOL

sending blessings your way too, my dear friend! thank you so much for reading and sharing your story with me :)

what u put out in the universe is what u get. Im so happy you are on a positive outlook now 😍 .. remember life is short and try to always live it to the fullest nothing is ever set in stone till your gone. So try to be happy and live in the moments for each one is special in its unique way. Sometimes hard things happen in waves but it teaches us something and we learn how to overcome each challenge, thus making us stronger the next time around.😚

Thank you for all your support and you're great reminders @aloha-creations <3 Living in the moment has really revamped and restructured the way I look at life each and every day. I think you're right in that imagery of waves of hard things happening to teach us what we need to know - hoping my tidal waves are over for at least a little while! I hope you've got calm seas right now too, my love!

I am so happy for you, @amariespeaks and very inspired by your courageous spirit and heart.

At first I thought who am I without all the noise? And that's when I started telling myself who I wanted to be.

It's interesting how that plays out in our lives...how we accept a certain identity based on an experience or outside influence. Then comes that moment when that authentic person inside says, 'No' this is not who I am and I deserve happiness - and then everything aligns to meet that intention ;)

I don't know if you've read, "The Four Agreements" but I found it to be very freeing - only because that truth is already inside. It's an easy read, meant to read slowly and move through at your own pace. It's meant for contemplation.

Not that you don't already have all these pieces, but perhaps you would enjoy reading it.

It's not easy sloughing off the old or getting rid of negative dialogue.

I always appreciate and respect honest posts like this and I especially love 'happy endings' ;)

Thank you for sharing your journey so openly.

Thank you @youhavewings! I have not read The Four Agreements but it sounds like something I would like :) I've added it to my books to read list. Thanks so much for the recommendation. It definitely is not an easy task - to get rid of the negative thinking but it's been working so far for me so I'm going to stick with it.

Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a heartwarming comment :) I truly appreciated reading it and so glad you got something from it :) sending blessing ad good vibes your way my dear! <3

I've been saying this in several posts all along. WE ALL can better ourselves by taking control of our inner dialogue. Our mind is a wonderful and powerful machine, and once we realise it is a tool and not the commanding driver of our lives, we can reset our path with subconscious affirmations by conscious practice. 😇

@simon62 !! where have you been my friend?? I haven't seen you in a while but so glad you've returned! You've hit the nail on the head, yet again :) I'm still working to utilize the tool that is my mind but I am making small progressions and it's feeling amazing. Just keeping an open mind & heart and being the change I want to see in the world. Thank you for the resteem! <3 <3 - May the blessing be ;-)

Try a reread - #0193/94/97

thank you - I will! my laptop is on it's last leg and my internet connection is so spotty here at my new place that I haven't been able to hardly get on here! Sporadically, when both "feel" like working ! so sorry I'm taking forever to get back to you but this is the first time it has worked in days.. I have to wait about 4-5 minutes for each page to load but it's working.. some what lol ;-)

I am not a computer person myself, but my very first internet phone was a galaxy 19000 Samsung. One thing I learned was that very like an as loge back when I worked in an office, it is a very good idea to back-up files daily. If you back-up to two exteriors, and always leave the CPU basically empty, she/it has a better chance of running it's start-up. 😉

ohh what a good idea - I am going to try that. Thank you my friend!