Buddha – A Mirror of Self-Study

in #buddha5 years ago

Buddha named Gautama was born in 6th – 4th century BC at Kapilavastu (Nepal today). He was a prince and left the palace to find out the way to reach to enlightenment.
After leaving the palace. He became a monk and He learned from 2 famous master at that time. Just in short time Gautama reached to very high level of meditation but after end of meditation and back to present. He found out that his mind still had greedy, anger and ignorance … and did not be rescue from born, aged, sickness and death.
Gautama left from his masters and keep going on the way to find out right enlightenment. At that time Asceticism was very popular in India. It supposed to be a way to reach to enlightenment. Gautama practiced 6 years of Asceticism in the old Forest. He recalled:
“Aggivessana, and I thought to myself, "Let's minimize the amount of food I eat, eat less droplet, like green bean soup, black bean soup or bean soup or pea soup." And Aggivessana, while I minimize the intake of food, to eat every drop, such as green bean soup, black bean soup or bean soup or small bean soup, my body becomes very weak. Because I eat too little, My limbs become like grass or burned withered plants; because I eat too little, my butt becomes like a camel's toenail; Because I eat too little, my backbone is like a chain; for I have eaten too little; my broken ribs are like a broken pile of broken houses; Because I ate so little, my eyes were deep in the eye hole, like the glistening water that lay deep inside a deep well; Because I eat too little, my scalp becomes crumpy and dry as the pumpkin is bitter and bitter before it ripens, the heat of the wind makes the wrinkles dry. Aggivessana, if I thought, "Let's touch the belly skin," then the spine itself was taken by me. If I think, "Let's touch the spine," then the belly skin was taken by me. Because I ate too little, this Aggivessana, my belly skin came to grip my spine. Aggivessana, if I think, "I am stingy, or urinating," I collapse, face down, because I eat too little. Aggivessana, if I want to soothe my body, with my hands and feet, Aggivessana, while I massage my limbs, my hairs fall off my body, because I eat too little. Again, Aggivessana, some see this saying: "Satna Gotama black." Some people say the following: "Satika Gotama, skin is not black, Gotama skin has gray skin." Some people say the following: "Satna Gotama skin is not black, skin is not gray." Some people say the following: "Gotama skin is not black, skin is gray, Gotama skin has dark yellow skin." To such an extent, this Aggivessana, my skin is pure, purified because I eat too little. "
Gautama had an insight and wisdom about Asceticism. It was useless and far away from right enlightenment. Again Gautama left from Asceticism and chose the Middle – Way. It is Eightfold Path. Gautama was self-studying, self-experience in 49 days and nights under pipal tree. And reached to right enlightenment. End of reborn and own born, aged, sickness and death.
After succeed with process of self-studying. The Buddha traveled over 45 years from East to West of India to teaching the right lessons: Four Noble Truth, Eightfold Path, 12 causes …for people. Today these lessons still are priceless lessons, truth lessons for mankind.
And Buddha's mirror of self-studying is forever a priceless lesson for us to do follow.
(Edited by SS8)