For decades, scientists have been warning that man-made carbon emissions are causing the Earth's climate to warm, which is an existential threat to life on Earth. Some of their predictions have been early, but NOT WRONG! After all, the Earth's climate is very complex and difficult to model. And real scientists are continuing to warn of the threat
Electrical power plants, cars, trucks, ships, trains, and aircraft are releasing millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere daily. About half of it is absorbed by the oceans, plants and trees. The other half stays in the atmosphere indefinitely and just keeps accumulating.
CO2 is a 'greenhouse' gas, which means it absorbs and retains heat from the sun, unlike oxygen. Methane, and water vapor (humidity) in the air and clouds are also greenhouse gases. Without enough of these greenhouse gases, the ambient air temperature would turn freezing cold at night when the sun goes down. This may lead to an ice age.
But, we have just the opposite problem, in fact. There's too much greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and it's increasing rapidly as our populations increase. The worldwide climate is warming, causing farm crop yields to decline and glaciers to melt. The oceans are also warming and acidifying, destroying sea life and melting the polar ice caps. The ice melt is causing sea levels to rise, threatening numerous island nations.
Politicians like Presidents Bush and Trump (at least Obama tried) won't deal with the threat of climate warming until it's politically advantageous for them to do so, inspite of the fact the US Military identified climate change as a major threat to national security
For these reasons, I fear that President Trump won't address the threat of climate warming until worldwide farm crop yields are catastrophic; sea level rise has destroyed cities; millions have perished; and he accepts that geoengineering is not going to work. By then, it will likely be too late.
Bollocks - the world is cooling as we move into the next ice age and puppet boy chimp has nothing to do with any of this...